FAO Statistical Yearbook 2012      

Rome 2012

Table of Contents


    How to use this book

PART 1 – The setting

    People and demography
    Women in agriculture
    Land and water resources
    Capital and investment
    Definitions and sources

PART 2 – Hunger dimensions

    Risks, hazards and shocks
    The spectrum of malnutrition
    Trade, food stability and food security
    Food prices and food price volatility
    Poverty and inequality
    Good governance
    Education, health and sanitation
    Food aid
    Definitions and sources

PART 3 – Feeding the world

    Aggregate agriculture
    Sources of growth in crop production
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    Trends in the crop sector
    Trends in the livestock sector
    Trends in the fisheries sector
    Trends in agricultural trade
    Urban and peri-urban agriculture
    Food losses
    Definitions and sources

PART 4 – Sustainability dimensions:

    Pollution from agriculture
    Climate change
    Biodiversity and conservation
    Organic farming
    Genetically modified crops
    Agriculture and the bio-based economy
    Definitions and sources

PART 5 – Metadata

    Concepts and methods


The 2012 edition of the FAO Statistical Yearbook represents a break away from FAO tradition. Through employing data from global statistical providers, including FAO, the publication presents a visual synthesis of the major trends and factors shaping the global food and agricultural landscape and their interplay with broader environmental, social and economic dimensions. In doing so, it strives to serve as a unique reference point on the state of world food and agriculture for policy-makers, donor agencies, researchers and analysts as well as the general public.The book is subdivided into four thematic parts, where an attempt is made to exhaustively present the spectrum of issues relevant to the subject matter:

Part 1 The setting measures the state of the agricultural resource base, by assessing the supply of land, labour, capital, inputs and the adequacy of infrastructure, and also examines the pressure on the world food system stemming from demographic and macroeconomic change

Part 2 Hunger dimensions gauges the state of food insecurity and malnutrition, measuring the multitude of dimensions that give rise to hunger and those that shape undernourishment

Part 3 Feeding the world evaluates the past and present productive capacity of world agriculture together with the role of trade in meeting changing food, feed and other demands

Part 4 Sustainability dimensions examines the sustainability of agriculture in the context of the pressure it exerts on the environment, including the interaction of agriculture with climate change, and how it can provide ecosystem services in relation to the bio-based economy

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© FAO 2012
ISBN 978-92-5-106913-4