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(01) This TA-report No 7 is one volume in a series of documents prepared for the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI). The purpose of these reports is to provide FRI with detailed plans for its organizational set-up and its research programmes. The reports are prepared in the framework of the IDA/WB financed Agricultural Research II Project, with technical assistance under UNDP/FAO project BGD 83-010. Earlier reports in this series are:

(02) Report No 07, Research Plans for Integrated Aquaculture, provides detailed plans for a 5-years research programme on Integrated Aquaculture, one of the research programmes (see Annex A) of the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station (FARS) at Mymensingh. Research into Integrated Farming Systems will recieve high priority in FRI, since such systems are expected to offer a large development perspective for rural Bangladesh. Integration means not only that scarce resources (land, water) are used more efficiently by a combination of crops (fish, poultry, vegetables), but it means also that the combined production is both higher and cheaper than a sum of the productions of the separate crops. Moreover, the farming system is expected to yield a more varied product, increasing its consumption and/or commercial value. Last but not least, integrated culture means that more rural jobs can be created per unit of area.

(03) With the help of the FAO experts dr. M.V. Gupta and dr. J.C.J. van Zon the large number of research possibilities in the field of integrated aquaculture have been brought back to those that are expected to have the most immediate positive practical implication for Bangladesh: a fish polyculture system with ducks or chickens above the water, and vegetable crops on the pond embankments. A programme on paddy-cum-fish/shrimp culture will simultaneously be started at the Riverine Fisheries Research Station (RFRS), Chandpur (see Annex A). This last programme will be detailed in a separate TA-report. The fish-fowl-crops farming system research, detailed in the present report No 7, has been sent by the Director FRI to the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) on 19 July 1986 for contract research funding. In expectance of a positive outcome, Danida decided to provide funds for the needed duck sheds in 10 selected experimental ponds of FARS. Construction of the sheds started in July 1986; stocking of the ponds for the first set of experiments was carried out in September 1986, and ducks were placed end of September.

(04) The researchers involved in project preparation and in the first start of the experiments are M.A. Latif (SSO) and Md. Jalangir Alam (SO); supervision will be provided by dr. Saifuddin Shah (CSO FARS) and dr. M.V. Gupta (FAO). For specialistic advise on duck/chicken raising, co-operation is established with dr. M.A. Wahid, Department of Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.


(05) Despite some gains in recent years, Bangladesh suffers from overall shortage of food. While the economy is overwhelmingly agricultural, accounting for 52 % of GDP, 75 % of all employment and over 80 % of the country's exports, the productivity is low. The present food shortage can not be solved through agriculture resources alone, because of the limited availability of arable land, thus making the necessity obvious for optimum exploitation of presently under-exploited water resources, in which the country is plentiful.

(06) Fisheries and aquaculture are an important economic activity in Bangladesh, both from an economic and a nutritional point of view. More than 5 million people live from fisheries and related activities and an even larger number of people is engaged in subsistence fisheries. Fish is the major source of animal protein for the people in the country, accounting for as much as 80 % of the total animal protein consumption. The rapidly increasing population, however, has led to a higher demand and a drop in per capita levels of consumption, resulting in malnutrition. National nutrition surveys in Bangladesh have revealed a high percentage of vitamin A deficiency (Zafri and Ahmed, 1981). Incidence of blindness and night-blindness is rather high among the people, especially the children, due to vitamin deficiency in their food, which could, to a certain extent, be rectified through a higher intake of fish.

(07) The total harvest of fish from marine and inland resources is estimated at 657,000 to 750,000 tons per year. Of that harvest about 16 % (110,000 tons) comes from small and large bodies of fresh water. For various reasons, which include resource limitations, fishing costs, etc., it may not be possible to substantially increase production from capture fisheries (both marine and inland). Realizing this constraint, many of the developing countries are giving increasing attention to aquaculture. In fact, in some countries, aquaculture is considered to be the only method of increasing aquatic production.

In Bangladesh, vast areas of fresh water present an ideal situation for large scale development of aquaculture. According to an aerial survey conducted in 1983-84 by the Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization of Bangladesh (SPARSO), there are about 13.7 lakh ponds, with a total area of 4.04 lakh acres. Of these, it is estimated that 2,74,420 acres are under aquaculture. Fish production from these cultured waters is estimated at about 140 kg/ha/year (Bailey, 1982), which is very low as compared to the potentials and to the productions obtained elsewhere. The reasons for the low yields are various:

These shortcomings are partly due to prevailing socio-economic conditions in the rural farming areas, and partly due to innocence of modern management techniques amongst the farmers. It is thought that the low productions could be increased manifold through proper management.

(08) The first step for increasing the production of fish from ponds beyond the natural level of production, would be to increase the productivity of the pond water through basic fertilization, leading to production of fish food organisms. The second step would be to feed the fish with supplementary feeds. Due to shortage of supplementary feeds in Bangladesh (the agricultural by-products are already used as feed for livestock) and to the costs involved, the farmers do not practically feed the fish in their ponds, resulting in poor growth and production. An alternative for increase of production would be further fertilization of the water, either with organic or with inorganic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers are in short supply in the country and are expensive. But organic fertilizers, namely the excreta of the large livestock population of the country can play a role in increasing the production from ponds.

It is estimated that the livestock population of Bangladesh consists of 20 million heads of cattle, 8 million water buffaloes, 12 million sheep and goats and 90 million poultry. About 90 % of the rural population is engaged in livestock production. If only part of the excreta of all these animals could be used for fertilization of fish ponds, the fish production could be increased manifold. With cattle and buffalo dung conflicts will arise, however, as presently this dung is used for domestic and agricultural purposes. But poultry dung is not; hence raising of poultry (whose population in the country is estimated at 90 million) could be successfully integrated with fish culture, by recycling the excreta of the birds in fish ponds. It has been shown elsewhere, that recycling of poultry waste in fish ponds could give a fish production of as much as 4 to 6 tonnes per hectare per year, without any supplementary feed to the fish.

(09) In a country where land is expensive and scarce, efforts aimed at increasing rural production should take into consideration integration of various farmer's activities, such as agriculture, livestock and fish culture. Efficient utilization of available meagre resources and maximization of production of diversified products from a minimum area would result in upgrading the living standards and general welfare of farmers through better employment opportunities and self-sufficiency in food supply for the farming community.

Work caried out in different countries of Asia showed that integration of aquaculture with livestock and crop farming resulted not only in economic utilization of land, water and feed resources, but also in optimal production of fish, livestock and agricultural products at a very low cost. In duck-fish-crop farming, for example, the feed given to ducks produces not only duck meat (in case of broilers) or eggs (in case of layers), but the undigested portion of the feed in their faeces, recycled in fish ponds, produces additional protein in the form of fish. At the same time, the pond embankments could be profitably used for cultivation of vegetables, cereals, fruits etc., for human and/or livestock consumption, thus giving a diversified income base to the farmer. Waste products from crop production such as weeds, unedible plant parts, run-off fertilizer etc. proved also to increase fish production, if the right species of fish are stocked.

(10) The concept of an “allround development of fisheries, livestock and agriculture and other side-line occupations”, widely adopted in modern China, has resulted there in different patterns of integration. This impressive aspect of Chinese aquaculture could be of value to developing countries interested in integrated rural development.

Though vast potential exists for at least some of the patterns of integrated farming in rural areas of Bangladesh, its practice is almost nil, since advice is not available to farmers, and an efficient integrated fish-livestock-crop farming system suitable for the country has still to be sorted out and tested. This shortcoming could be met by an efficient research programme, working along co-ordinated lines and geared to definite targets.

Hence, research proposals in this report are aiming at:

The technology could be adopted by the small and marginal farmers as a homestead enterprise, or could be taken up by the enterpreneurs as a commercial venture. Large scale adoption of the technology would result in efficient utilization of meagre land, water and feed resources, increase in food production, increase in income of rural farmers and increased employment.

(11) The total duration of the project is for 5 years. Duck-fish-crop farming and chicken-fish-crop farming experiments will be conducted at FARS facilities during the first three years. On-farm testing and demonstration of techniques developed will be taken up from the third year onwards in farmer's ponds, for a period of three years - i.e. during 3rd, 4th and 5th years of the project. Though the proposed project is for a period of 5 years, the budget proposed herein is for a period of three years only. A request for extension of the project, as is necessary, would be submitted to BARC at the end of the third year.


(12) Realizing the importance of integration of aquaculture with livestock in order to optimize fish production at a low cost and in order to utilize the land area economically, work on integrated aquaculture was/is being undertaken in different countries of Asia and Europe, both on small and commercial scale. The general outcome is, as can be seen from the literature reviewed below, that higher productions are obtained and that the operations proved to be economically sound.

Good review papers on integrated aquaculture have been provided by Delmendo (1980) and by Jhingran & Sharma (1980) (for India); they are added to this report as Annexes B and C.

(13) In China, aquaculture is integrated with livestock (pigs, ducks and chicken) and agriculture, under their integrated rural development programme. In this system, pigs/ducks/chicken are raised on or near the ponds and the excreta are washed into the ponds. The pond dikes are planted with groundnuts, vegetables, colza, sugarcane and/or mulberry and the slopes of the ponds with maize and/or elephant grass. It was estimated that integration resulted in a 30 to 40 percent increase in profits (ADCP, 1979). Figure 1 gives a schematic picture of the system.

Figure 1

Figure 1 - Schematic picture of integration of aquaculture/agriculture /livestock farming in China

(14) In duck-cum-fish culture experiments conducted in India with 100 ducks per hectare, a fish yield of 4,523 kg/ha/year was obtained without the use of any supplementary fish feeds or fertilization of the pond with inorganic fertilizers. This production is higher than the yield of 4,290 kg/ha/year obtained in polyculture experiments with supplementary feeding and fertilization (Jhingran & Sharma, 1978). The authors opined that 100 ducks produce approximately 10,000 kg of (wet) manure over a 12 month period and concluded that 100 to 150 ducks can give adequate fertilization of one hectare of water.

Wohlfarth (1978) reported a daily yield of 32 kg/ha (7.6t/ ha/240 days) of fish in ponds receiving only duck droppings. Supplementary addition of chicken droppings (under conditions of intensive fish culture, including aeration and pest control) increased the fish yield by another 21 % and decreased the feed conversion rate by 0-4 units (Rappaport & Sarig, 1978).

Experiments conducted in the German Democratic Republic showed an average increase in carp production of 100 kg/ha when 300 ducks/ha were kept on the (cold water) ponds. In Hungary, 300 to 500 ducks/ha gave fish yields of 500 to 800 kg/ha in 150 days (Woynarovich, 1979).

The production of fish in ponds with ducks was in Hongkong a little lower than from those without ducks, but with supplementary feeding. 2,500 to 3,500 ducks/ha can yield 5 to 6 tons/ha of duck meat and 2,750 to 5,640 kg/ha of fish (Sin & Cheng, 1979).

In Vietnam, raising 1,000 to 2,000 ducks/ha on ponds increased the average fish yield to as much as 5 tons/ha/year, compared to 1 ton/ha/year without ducks (Delmendo, 1980).

Woynarovich (1979) reported that in Taiwan duck-fish operations produced an average of 3,500 kg/ha/year of fish. The fish yields from similar operations in Hongkong are higher, ranging from 2,750 to 5,640 kg/ha/year with about 2,000 to 2,400 ducks/ha. Based on an estimated manure output per duck of 6 kg/40 days (or 150 g/day), the level of duck manure application in Taiwan was 150 to 225 kg/ha/day, while in Hongkong it was 300 to 360 kg/ha/day.

Sin & Cheng (1979) reported that fish kills occurred during summer in those ponds/farms where more than 3,000 ducks/ha were kept. Wai-Ching-Sin (1980) reported that an optimum duck/water density appears to be 2,500 to 3,500 ducks per hectare. Beyond this, fish kills occur more frequently. He also mentioned that a shed of 20 m2 is capable of accomodating about 350 ducks (average) and upto 400 (maximum).

A duck can produce upto 7 kg manure over a 36 days period, and 500 ducks therefore can produce about 3.0 to 3.5 t in the same period (Woynarovich, 1979). The manure contains 57 % water and 26 % organic matter. 100 kg of manure contains about 10 kg carbon, 1.4 kg phosphorous, 1 kg nitrogen, 0.6 kg potash, 1.8 kg calcium and 2.8 kg of other materials. He mentioned that about 0.5 to 1.0 m2 of enclosed dry run and 2 – 4 m2 of ‘water run’ is needed per duck.

Cruz & Shehadeh (1980) reported a maximum fish yield of 1,690 kg/ha/90 days (18.8 kg/ha/day) in their duck-fish culture experiments in the Philippines, when the number of ducks was 750 per hectare and the fish stocking density 20,000/ha. Ponds with a duck stocking rate of 1,250/ha gave lower yields than those with 750 ducks/ha, at both 10,000 and 20,000/ha fish stocking densities.

Fish production of 4 to 5 tons/ha/year were obtained in duck-fish culture experiments in Thailand, when 625 to 800 ducks per hectare were raised over ponds (Gupta, 1985).

(15) Though quite some information is available on duck-fish culture, much less work has been reported with regard to chicken-fish culture. Most of the available information is on the fertilization effect of chicken droppings. Ray & David (1969) observed that application of chicken manure in nursery fish ponds resulted in a large population of rotifers, that built up much quicker than with cattle manure.

Miller (1976) reported that African ponds receiving dried poultry manure, spread at intervals at the rate of 3,000 kg/ha/month, yielded 2,300 kg/ha/year of tilapia, while ponds receiving fresh manure from 1,000 to 3,000 chicken/ha (grown in enclosures built over the fish ponds) yielded 3,500 to 5,000 kg/ha/year of tilapia. Though the quantity of manure in the former case was more, the resulting fish production was less due to the fact that dry manure contains less decomposable nutrients than fresh manure.

Banerjee et al (1979) opined that poultry droppings represent a complete fertilizer, with characteristics of both organic and inorganic fertilizers. A fish yield of 670 kg/ha/90 days was reported by them from India using poultry manure without supplementary feeds.

In Indonesia, the most common culture appears to be monoculture of common carp in an integrated chicken-fish farming system, followed by polyculture of common carp, tilapia and gourami (Djajadiredja et al, 1979).

Hopkins & Cruz (1982) conducted experiments on integrated chicken-fish farming in the Philippines, and found that a range of 1,000 to 5,000 chicken per hectare gave good fish production, but that the manure loading rates which yielded maximum operation profit fluctuated around 4,400 birds per hectare.

Wetcharagarun (1980) reported that 95.34 % of the total variable costs for raising layer chicken in Thailand was for feed. The profitability from sales of chicken eggs and fish production represented 36 and 188 percent respectively of the total variable costs. A number of economic results from case studies in SE-Asia are presented in Annex D.


(16) The main objective for the first 5 years of the research programme on integrated aquaculture will be the development of an economically viable package of technology for integration of aquaculture with livestock and agriculture. The objective of the integration itself is to recycle livestock (such as ducks and poultry) and agriculture wastes for production of fish food organisms in the pond medium, thus eliminating the need for expensive supplementary feeds and inorganic fertilizers. At the same time, the pond embankments would be utilized for vegetable crop production. Thus, the research projects will aim at maximizing production of different commodities (livestock/fish/crops) from an unit area, which would create:

The technology to be developed should be such, that it could be adopted by the small and marginal farmers as a homestead enterprise, or can be taken up by the entrepreneurs on a commercial scale. The package of technology will be developed (or rather modified from technologies developed elsewhere, to suit local conditions) through experiments in ponds at the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station (FARS), and subsequently it will be tested and demonstrated in farmer's ponds.

(17) The research should concentrate on two promising farming systems, viz. duck-fish-crop farming, and chicken-fish-crop farming. The various elements to be studied to meet the above mentioned objectives can be classified as:

(18) Based on the results obtained, extension pamphlets (in Bengali); and other extension materials will be prepared for wider dissemination of the technology to farmers all over the country.

(19) Intensive correspondence will be maintained (through NACA and directly) with other research institutions in the region, where integrated farming systems are studied; exchange of experiences and results will be pursued.


5.1 Project 1:
Development of an integrated duck-fish-crop farming system

5.1.1 Objectives and work plan summary

(20) The objective of this project is to develop an economically viable duck-fish-crop farming system, appropriate to the prevailing socio-economic conditions in Bangladesh, which could be adopted by small and marginal farmers as a homestead enterprise and by entrepreneurs as a commercial venture.

(21) Experiments will be conducted in 11 ponds of 0.1 ha each at the premises of the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station. Sheds will be constructed on (above) the ponds from locally available materials for housing layer ducks, the excreta of which will fall directly into the ponds. Since fish productions will depend on the quantity of manure (or, in other words, number of ducks), three densities of layer ducks, viz. 200, 400 and 600 ducks/ha will be studied during the first year. The ponds will be stocked with fingerlings of silvercarp, catla, rohu and mrigal at a total stocking density of 7,500/ha. No supplementary feed will be given to the fish. The ducks will be fed with feed formulated from locally available by-products. The pond embankments will be planted with cereals, vegetables, maize, papaya, or the like. Records of costs of inputs and outputs (eggs, fish, vegetables, etc.) and technical data on growth and survival of fish, plankton, water chemistry, etc. will be maintained. Fish will be harvested at the end of the first year and economics of the operation will be worked out. Modifications in number of ducks, species ratios and stocking densities of fish, and cropping patterns will be made as necessary during subsequent years to further enhance production.

A survey of ponds will be made to select 6 farmer's ponds in different villages for testing the technology under field conditions from the third year onwards. These ponds will also serve demonstration purposes. During the second and third years hands-on training courses of 5 days duration each will be held for interested local farmers. At the end of the project period, the technology developed will be passed on to agencies like the extension wing of the Department of Fisheries, the Bangladesh Rural Development Board and Grameen Bank, for wider implementation throughout the country. Extension pamphlets will be prepared for dissemination of the technology to farmers all over the country.

5.1.2 Phasing

(22) The project is planned to last for 3 years, after which it has to be decided what aspects need further detailed studies or development. The actual research work will start in September 1986. Table 1 shows the duration of each of the distinguished activities of the project in months, as well as the planned timing of start and completion of these activities.

Table 1 - Duration (in months) and phasing of activities of project 1

Major activityDurationMonth
1Per hectare stocking densities & species ratios of of fishes for optimum production36                  
2No of ducks/ha and their management for optimum production of eggs36                  
3Development of cropping pattern for utilization of pond embankments36                  
4Survey of farmer's ponds  3                  
5Training of farmers  1                  
6Study of pond chemistry36                  
7Study of plankton36                  
8Preparation of extension pamphlets 2                  

5.1.3 Methodologies and procedures

(23) Experiments on integrated fish-duck-crop farming systems will be conducted in 11 ponds of 0.1 ha each at the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station, Mymensingh. Duck sheds of 3 × 5 m each will be built on 9 ponds from locally available materials such as bamboos, to house the layer ducks. The floor of the houses will be built with bamboo splits in such a way that the excreta directly fall into the pond water. Two ponds without ducks will be used as controls. In the duck ponds an enclosure will be constructed to allow the ducks some roaming activities. The experiments will be conducted with 3 treatments and there will be three replications for each treatment. The treatments during the first year concentrate on different densities of layer ducks: 200, 400 and 600 per hectare. Four week old Khaki Campbell ducks, purchased from a local supplier, and fish fingerlings will be stocked at the same time. Fingerlings will be stocked at a density of 7,500/ha, in the ratio of silver carp 3.0 : catla 1.0 : rohu 1.5 : mrigal 2.5.

There will be no supplementary feeding of the fish and no other fertilization of the ponds than that by the droppings of the ducks.

(24) Ducks will be fed twice daily with feed formulated from locally available by-products, such as rice bran, wheat bran, broken rice, fish meal, oil cakes, oyster shell. Multivitamins will be added to the feed. The feed will be composed in the standard way as advised for duck farming in Bangladesh. The daily feeding rate will be 6 – 7 % of the body weight. Every morning the ducks will be released to roam in the enclosed area of the pond, while during night they will be kept locked in the duck sheds. Laid eggs will be collected every morning, counted and sold at market price.

In case of infections or other diseases, the ducks will be treated through assistance of the Poultry Department of the Bangladesh Agricultural University. This Department will also advise in other typical livestock production matters.

(25) The embankments of the ponds will be planted with cereals/vegetables/maize/papaya and the like. Assistance of the Horticulture Department of BAU and of BARI will be availed in developing (a) cropping pattern(s) for the embankments.

(26) Temperature, transparancy, pH and dissolved oxygen of pond water will be measured at weekly intervals. Daily measurements will be taken during cloudy days. Pond soil will be analyzed at the beginning and end of each experiment. Plankton samples will be collected at weekly intervals and qualitative and quantitative analysis carried out.

(27) Fish sampling will be done at fortnightly intervals to study growth (in length and weight) and well-being of the fish. Fish will be harvested at the end of the 12 months experiments. Average length, weight and survival of the different species will be recorded.

(28) Records will be kept of the quantity of fish, eggs and vegetables/crops produced and their value. The data will be analyzed at the end of each experiment and modifications as necessary will be made in subsequent years based on the results obtained during the first year, with regard to number of ducks per hectare, fish species, rations and stocking densities, and cropping patterns.

Detailed records of initial capital investment, operating costs, production of fish, duck eggs, duck meat, vegetables, crops and the revenue will be maintained for economic analysis of the project.

(29) The results will be evaluated at the end of each experiment (each year) for practical, technical and economic viability. A terminal report will be prepared at the end of the project, incorporating the results of the experiments conducted (including economic analysis). Scientific papers incorporating the results obtained will be prepared for publication and/or for presentation in seminars or symposia.

(30) While the second year experiments are in progress at FARS, a survey of farmer's ponds will be conducted to assess the extension services needed for propagation of integrated farming systems. Six ponds in different villages will be selected for field testing and demonstration of the technology. They will be operated from the third year onwards. Simultaneously, short-term hands-on training courses of 5 days duration each will be conducted at FARS for interested farmers.

(31) Based on the results obtained, extension brochures giving details of different aspects of the duck-fish-crop farming system will be prepared in simple, non-technical language (in Bengali), for distribution to aquaculturists all over the country. Efforts will be made to give publicity to the results through TV-transmission or other means.

5.2 Project 2: Development of an integrated chicken-fish-crop farming system

5.2.1 Objectives and work plan summary

(32) The objective of this project is to develop an economically viable chicken-fish-crop farming system, appropriate to the prevailing socio-economic conditions in Bangladesh, which could be adopted by small and marginal farmers as a homestead enterprise and by entrepreneurs as a commercial venture.

(33) Experiments will be conducted in 11 ponds of 0.1 ha each at the premises of the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station. Chicken houses will be constructed on 9 ponds with locally available materials and broiler chicken raised in them. Two ponds will be without chicken as controls. The ponds will be stocked with fingerlings of silver carp, catla, rohu and mrigal. The fish will not be fed with supplementary feeds, and the pond water will not be fertilized other than with the chicken excreta falling into them. Since the fish production will depend on the quantity of manure going into the ponds (or, in other words, the number of chicken being raised above the pond), three densities of broiler chicken, viz. 200, 400 and 600 per hectare will be studied during the first year. There will be three replicates for each density. The chicken will be fed with feed formulated from locally available by-products. It is intended to raise 5 cycles of broiler chicken in one fish growing season (one year). Fish will be harvested at the end of the year. The pond embankments will be planted with vegetables, cereals and/or fruit trees. Technical data on growth and survival of fish, on plankton, and on water chemistry will be collected. Detailed records of expenses of the operation, and of quantities and revenues from the sale of chicken, fish and vegetables/crops/fruits will be maintained and economics of the system will be worked out. Based on the results obtained during the first year, modifications as necessary will be made during subsequent years with respect to the number of chicken per hectare, stocking densities and species ratios of fish, and cropping pattern, with a view to obtain higher productions.

While the work is in progress at FARS, a survey of ponds will be made to select 6 farmer's ponds for field testing of the technology developed from the third year onwards. Short-term hands-on training courses of 5 days duration each will be organized for farmers interested in taking up integrated farming. Extension pamphlets and other extension materials will be prepared for dissemination of the technology to farmers all over the country.

5.2.2 Phasing

(34) The project is planned to last for 3 years, after which it has to be decided what aspects need further detailed studies or development. The actual research work will start in September 1986. Table 6 shows the duration of each of the distinguished activities of the project in months, as well as the planned times of start and completion of these activities.

Table 2 - Duration (in months) and phasing of activities of project 2

Major activityDurationMonth
1Per hectare stocking densities & species ratios of of fishes for optimum production36                  
2No of ducks/ha and their management for optimum production of eggs36                  
3Development of cropping pattern for utilization of pond embankments36                  
4Survey of farmer's ponds  3                  
5Training of farmers  1                  
6Study of pond chemistry36                  
7Study of plankton36                  
8Preparation of extension pamphlets 2                  

5.2.3 Methodologies and procedures

(35) The experimental programme would be conducted in eleven 0.1 ha earthen ponds at the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station over a period of 36 months. Nine poultry houses will be built above the ponds with locally available materials, such as bamboos. The floors of the houses will be constructed in such a way that the excreta of the chicken fall directly into the ponds.

(36) Each experiment would be of 12 months duration, which corresponds to one fish crop and 5 broiler chicken cycles. During the first year experiments will focus on three broiler stocking rates: 200, 400 and 600 per hectare of fish pond. Fish production in conjunction with each broiler stocking rate will be tested at an uniform fish stocking density of 7,500 fingerlings per hectare. The species to be stocked are silver carp, catla, rohu, and mrigal in the ratio of silver carp 3.0 : catla 1.0 : rohu 1.5 : mrigal 2.5. Each combination will be replicated three times, with duplicated control treatments. No supplementary feed will be given to the fish, and the ponds will not be fertilized, except by the chicken droppings.

(37) The chicken will be fed with feed formulated from locally available agricultural by-products, such as rice bran, broken rice, wheat bran, oil cakes, and fish meal. The chicken will be sold when they reach an average weight of 2 kg (live weight). When the chicken are sold, they will be replaced by another batch of chicks. Assistance from the Poultry Department of BAU will be availed whenever necessary.

(38) The embankments of the ponds will be utilized for production of cereals, vegetables, maize, papaya, etc., in the same way as in project 1. Assistance from the Horticulture Department of BAU and of BARI will be availed in developing a cropping pattern for the embankments. Records will be kept of expenditures on seeds, fertilizers, etc., and of revenues from sales.

(39) Temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen and pH of the water will be measured at weekly intervals. The pond soil will be analyzed at the beginning and the end of each experiment. Plankton samples will be collected at weekly intervals and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Sampling of the ponds will be done at fortnightly intervals to check the growth and well-being of the fish. Data on length and weight of different species of fish will be recorded for analysis at the end of the experiment. Based on the results from the first year, modifications in the farming system will be designed and studied during subsequent years. Those modifications might concern the number of chicken per ha, the stocking density or species ratio of fish, or the embankments cropping pattern, and will always aim at optimizing production outputs.

(40) Detailed records of capital investments, operating costs, production of fish, chicken, vegetables/crops/fruits, and of the revenues obtained will be maintained for ecomomic analysis of the project. The results will be evaluated at the end of each experiment (each year) for technical, practical and economical viability. A terminal report, incorporating the results of the experiments conducted, will be prepared at the end of the project. Scientific papers will be prepared for publication and/or presentation in seminars and symposia.

(41) While the experiments are in progress, a survey of farmer's ponds will be conducted to assess the extension needed for propagation on this integrated farming system. Six ponds in different villages will be selected for field testing and demonstration of the technology. They will be operated from the third year onwards. Simultaneously, short-term hands-on training courses of 5 days duration each will be conducted at FARS for interested farmers.

(42) Based on the results obtained, extension brochures will be prepared for wider dissemination of the chicken-fish-crop farming technology to farmers all over the country. Thereabove efforts will be made (in collaboration with appropriate agencies) for video filming of different operations of the farming system, for publicity through TV and other means.

5.3 Project 3: On-farm testing and demonstration of integrated livestock-fish-crop farming systems

5.3.1 Objective and work plan summary

(44) The objective of this project is to test and demonstrate duck-fish-crop and chicken-fish-crop farming systems (as developed in the experiments of projects 1 and 2) in farmer's ponds in different areas of Bangladesh, in order to popularize them.

(44) As mentioned in projects 1 and 2, a survey of farmer's ponds will be made before the start of this project 3, and a total of 12 ponds in different areas will be selected for testing and demonstrating the duck-fish-crop and chicken-fish-crop farming system developed at FARS. Each year, duck-fish-crop farming will be taken up in 2 ponds and chicken-fish-crop farming in 2 other ponds. The ponds and villages will be changed yearly to cover more farmers. The farmers will construct duck/poultry houses at their cost and the project will provide them with ducklings/chicks, feed, fish fingerlings and seeds and fertilizers for crops/vegetables, the cost of which will in principle be reimbursed to the project by the farmers after harvesting/sale of products. Constant guidance and supervision will be maintained by the technical staff of the project.

‘Farmer's days’ will be organized at regular intervals at the demonstration centres, to acquaint other farmers with the techniques of integrated farming and with its profitability.

5.3.2 Phasing

(45) Project 3 is planned to last for 3 years, after which the technology is expected to spread itself. The work will start after the first two years of experimental work: in September 1988. Table 11 shows the duration of each of the distinguished activities of the project in months, as well as the planned times of start and completion of these activities. The budget (5.4) includes fund required for one year only.

5.3.2 Methodologies and procedures

(46) The following criteria will be followed for the selection of ponds/farmers:

(47) The methodology developed during the first two years of implementation of projects 1 and 2 will be followed in the farmer's ponds, with regard to the number of ducks/chicken, fish stocking densities and species ratios, and cropping pattern. The farmers will build the duck/poultry houses, according to suggestions of the research workers.

Table 3 - Duration (in months) and phasing of activities of project 3

Major activitiesDurationMonth
1Duck-fish-crop farming36                  
2Chicken-fish-crop farming36                  
3Organizing farmer's days  2                  

(48) In case of duck-fish-crop farming, the project will provide the farmers with one month old ducks, feed for 4 months (i.e. till the ducks start laying eggs), fish fingerlings, and seeds and fertilizers for planting the embankments. Once the ducks start laying eggs, the farmer himself will purchase the imputs from the sale proceeds of duck eggs, vegetables, etc. He will pay back to the project the costs of inputs provided to him from the sale proceeds of fish.

(49) In case of chicken-fish-crop farming, the project will provide the farmer with one day old chicks, feed for 2 months to raise one cycle of broiler chicken, fish fingerlings, and seeds and fertilizers for planting embankments. Subsequently, the sale proceeds of chicken will be used by the farmer for continuation of the operations. He will pay back to the project the costs of inputs provided to him from the sale proceeds of fish.

(50) Technical staff of the project will visit the ponds at regular intervals and give necessary guidance for livestock/fish/crop raising. The ponds will be netted at monthly intervals to study the growth and well-being of fish. Details of average length and weight of different species of fish during different months and their survival at the end of the rearing period will be recorded by the technical staff. They will also keep records of inputs and their cost, the productions and revenues obtained; these data will be analyzed at the end of the year.

Any problems encountered in the field trials will be referred back to FARS, where, if necessary, further work will be taken up to solve the problems and constraints faced.

(51) ‘Farmer's days’ will be organized at regular intervals at the demonstration centres to acquaint other farmers in the area with the techniques of integrated farming and with its profitability. For those days the writing press and representatives of other mass media will be invited.

5.4 Budgets

(52) In Table 4 the overall budget for the project is presented. Table 5 presents details of salary costs, Table 6 of other operational expenses, and Table 7 of the capital expenses. The total 3-years costs of the project amount to TK 20,55,860.

Table 4 - Overall budget for the project

Qtr. 1Qtr. 2Qtr. 3Qtr. 4
a. Salary & allowances26,43026,43026,43026,4301,05,7201,06,9201,08,1203,20,760
b. Office supplies/services1,5001,5001,5007,50012,00021,00041,00074,000
c. Travel & transportation9,0009,0009,0009,00036,00045,00050,0001,31,000
d. Fuel, oil & maintenance8,00010,0008,00010,00036,00046,00051,0001,33,000
e. Field research expenses1,79,50046,20042,20050,1003,18,0002,65,4003,44,2009,27,600
f. Training of farmers----------15,00020,00035,000
g. Monotoring & evaluation        
h. Contingencies20,00020,00020,00020,00080,00090,00095,0002,65,000
a. Furniturenil       
b. Equipment1,26,000------1,26,000----1,26,000
c. Motorcycle/bicycle63,500------63,500----63,500
GRAND TOTAL4,13,9301,13,1301,07,1301,23,0307,57,2205,89,3207,09,32020,55,860

Table 5 - Details of salary costs

 Monthly rateTotal for monthTotal per year
Basic payAllowanceTotal
 Mr. M.A. Latif (SSO)
(Total 36 man-months)
Paid from FRI budget   
 Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam (SO)
(Total 36 man-months)
Paid from FRI budget   
 To be recruited
(Total 36 man-months)
 Master roll basis
(Total 216 man-months)
   900--   9002,70016,200

Table 6 - Operational expenses (except salaries)

 Travelling allowances9000900090009000360004500050000131000
SUBTOTAL (1 + 2)10500105001050016500480005600091000205000
 Fuel, oil & lubricants8000800080008000320004000045000117000
 Maintenance cost of transport--2000--200040006000600016000
 Construction of livestock sheds70000------700001000025000105000
 Feeders and waterers7500------7500--250010000
 Nest and litters--42002001004500100010006500
 Fish fingerlings18000------18000190002550062500
 Soil & water analyses8000----800016000200002000056000
 Fertilizers & chemicals11200------11200120001350036700
5.TRAINING OF FARMERS----------150002000035000
GRAND TOTAL2175008670080700826004820004724006012001555000

* Fuel for transportation of feed, ducks, chicks, materials by FRI pick-up, and for visiting farmers

Table 7 - Capital expenses

A.FURNITURE nil        
 1. RefrigeratorKelvinator 11 cft.12500025000------25000----
 2. Oxygen meter with oxygen temp. probeYSL Model 57 Dissolved13500035000------35000----
 OxygenMeter/Probe Yello springs 5739         
 3. pH meterpH/mV “Monitor”
11 System Beckman
  Field pH kit, “Monitor” Beckman11000010000------10000----
4.Plankton nets
(Phyto and Zoo)
5.Weighing balancesSpring balance
Balance platform, Direct reading, wt. 27 lbs.
6.Pocket computerSharp, model 125511000010000------10000  
SUBTOTAL   126000------126000----
 MotorcycleHonda 100 S Model23000060000------60000----
 BicyclePhoenix (China made)135003500------3500----
SUBTOTAL   63500------63500----
GRAND TOTAL   189500------189500----


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