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XII. Relations With Other International Organizations

The Council has noted with approval the report of its Committee on Relations with International Organizations (CL 6/23). The Committee has drawn the Council's attention to the desirability of more formal terms of reference than those given in Rule V (2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Council. The Council approves the terms of reference proposed by the Committee in its report, with the recommendation that the reports of the Committee should deal not only with formal relationships, but also with working relationships between FAO and those organizations which come within the Committee's purview.

1. Cooperation between FAO and WHO to Increase World Food Production and Raise Standards of Health

The Council has considered a report on a joint attack by WHO and FAO on the problems of malaria and increased food production, prepared by the Director-General of WHO for the World Health Assembly meeting concurrently in Rome.

The Director-General has recounted for the Council the steps that have been jointly taken by FAO and WHO on this subject, and has explained that the carrying out of FAO's part in the proposed large-scale operation would depend upon the financial provisions of a supplementary budget under the technical assistance proposals.

The Council understands that WHO has accepted certain minor amendments to the report, concerning the part which FAO could undertake.

The Council warmly supports the general purposes of the report, and has adopted the following resolution:


Having considered the memorandum submitted by the Director-General (CL 6/29), enclosing a document prepared by WHO for submission to the World Health Assembly meeting in Rome during June.

Endorses the continued collaboration between FAO and WHO in preparing and implementing schemes for the elimination of malaria and the stimulation of food production, and

Recommends to the Conference that in preparing schemes of extended technical assistance, provision should be made for full FAO cooperation in the joint FAO/ WHO scheme.

2. Relations between FAO and UNESCO in the Fields of Extension and Fundamental Education

The Council has noted the common field of interest shared by FAO and UNESCO with respect to extension and fundamental education, and draws attention to the need for careful joint planning between the two agencies regarding their activities in this field.

3. Agreement with the International Wine Office

The Council notes with approval the letter of agreement exchanged between the Director-General and the International Wine Office, setting forth the principles which should govern future relations between the two organizations.

4. Provisions for Formal Association with Non-Governmental Organizations

The Council has considered a proposal of the Committee on Relations with International Organizations that the present system of assigning non-government organizations to categories of relationship with FAO be modified. In the light of experience gained since the Second Session of the Conference, when the category system was adopted, the Committee believes that a somewhat simpler mechanism for granting recognition to non-governmental organizations with interests similar to those of FAO, and for providing channels for consultation with them, would be most suitable.

The Council approves the Committee's proposal, as set forth in Document CL 2/23, and agrees to forward it to the Conference.

5. Applications Received from Non-Governmental Organizations

The Council has also considered several specific requests by non-governmental organizations.

The Council recommends to the Conference that, in the event of the retention of the present category system, the Associated Country Women of the World, now in Category 2 status, be granted Category 1 status. In making this recommendation, the Council notes the large field of interest shared by this organization and FAO, and the importance of many of its activities to FAO's work.

The Council has also considered the request of the World Federation for Mental Health for category status. While it warmly welcomes the interest of this organization, the Council believes that the fields of interest shared by the Federation and FAO are not sufficiently wide to warrant the establishment, of a category relationship.

The Council has deferred consideration of the application of the American Federation of Labor for category status, understanding that such action is satisfactory to the applicant.

The Council requests the Director-General to maintain such relations as he may consider suitable with the following organizations, which have expressed their interest in FAO: the European Brewery Convention; the International Federation of Olive Culture; the International Technical Committee for the Prevention and Extinction of Fire; and the Union of International Associations.

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