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Appendix A
Agenda of the Twelfth Session of the Council

I. Adoption of the Agenda

II. Adoption of the Summary Records of the Tenth and Eleventh Sessions

III. World Food and Agriculture Situation

The Director-General will submit a brief statement on the changes in the food and agriculture situation which have occurred since the last Conference session, drawing attention to specific policy issues which the Council might wish to consider.

IV. Policies and Activities of the Organization

  1. Long-Term Policies and Objectives

    Report of Working Party, appointed by the Council at its last session.
    Report by the Director-General on the adequacy of FAO's level of income in relation to the activities which member governments wish FAO to carry out.

  2. International Investment

    Report by the Director-General on the activities of FAO pursuant to the recommendations of the Fifth Session of the Conference and proposals for further work.

  3. Full Employment

    Report by the Director-General on full employment in agriculture, and on material submitted to ECOSOC in accordance with the UN resolution on the subject. In conformity with an ECOSOC resolution, a Committee of Experts has met and adopted a report entitled “Measures for Economic Development of Underdeveloped Countries,” which deals very largely with agricultural questions. The Director-General wishes to draw attention to this Report, and also to a draft resolution on the financing of economic development, which is to be submitted to ECOSOC at its Thirteenth Session.

  4. Commodity Problems

    Report by the Commodity Committee on its work.
    Report by the Director-General on FAO's relations with specialized commodity bodies, and problems arising for FAO in this sphere of activities. (This will include a report on steps taken by UN on devising appropriate procedure for convening study groups and commodity conferences.)

  5. Technical Assistance

    Progress Report on Development of Expanded Program.

  6. Land Tenure

    Report on co-operation with UN ; plans for FAO work on land tenure in connection with regular program, as well as the Technical Assistance Program.

  7. Migration and Land Settlement

    FAO's role in migration and settlement, and collaboration with other international agencies concerned in these matters.

  8. Article XI Reports

    Plans for publication of 1951 replies. Determination of material to be obtained in 1952–53.

  9. Relations with other International Organizations

    Report of the Council Committee and of the Director-General.
    When the Council considers this item, the Director-General will wish to make a statement to the Council regarding the UNESCO Project on Fundamental Education.

V. Plans for Sixth Conference Session

  1. Arrangements for the Conference
    Consideration of note circulated to Eleventh Session of the Council.

  2. Provisional Agenda and Specific Plans for Sixth Session of the Conference, 1951

  3. Scale of Contributions
    Report of Special Committee on the revised scale for 1952–53.

  4. Applications for Membership in FAO

VI. Program of Work and Budget for 1952 and 1953

Consideration of the draft Budgets for 1952 and 1953, and of the Program of Work, in so far as it relates to the Budget.

VII. Administrative and Other Matters

  1. Nomination of the Chairman of the Council and of the Director-General
    Report of Nominations Committee appointed by the Council at Eleventh Session.

  2. Report of Committee on Financial Control

    Report on the financial situation and on a number of questions, with which the Committee was concerned, including currency of contributions, and revision of the financial regulations.

  3. Transfer of Headquarters and Internal Organization

    The Director-General will report on the transfer and on the action taken by him to readjust the establishment in the light of his previous reports to the Council.

  4. Employment Conditions

    Report of Director-General on adoption of UN Committee of Experts' recommendations on salaries, leave, and allowances.

  5. Other Business

    1. Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for the Council

      The change-over from annual to biennial sessions of the Conference will necessitate minor amendments to the Rules of Procedure for the Council.

    2. Korean Relief

      The Director-General has received a letter from Korea formally requesting the assistance of FAO in obtaining supplies of fertilizers for the purposes of agricultural reconstruction. This letter has been circulated to the Council.

    3. Resolution of the Economic and Social Council for Emergency Action to assist in the Maintenance of Peace and Security The Economic and Social Council adopted a resolution in March 1951, requesting the Secretary-General to consult with the Specialized Agencies, regarding arrangements to be made by these Agencies for the implementation of this resolution. A note by the Director-General has been circulated on this subject.

    4. Date and Place of the Next Session of the Council

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