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In total, an amount of around 4,936,250 $ is required. This money is for a project duration of 4 years. Basic input issues are:

a) Personnel Services (US$1,552,100)

Programme management staff (US$ 552,000)

- One project coordinator for 48 person/months (4 years)

- One general service person for 48 person/months (4 years)

International consultants (US$ 619,500)

- Fifteen international experts and consultants for a total of 66,5 person/months (5.54 years).

Seven consultants are involved in the Training of Trainers: participatory approaches and methods, conflict management, extension methods, adult training, distance learning, promotion of association, gender aspects. Eight consultants provide specific support in extension, media and publication, marketing, forest owners association, legal aspects, institutions, evaluation. The specific TORs are described in annex 3.

National consultants (US$ 166,000)

- Forty-nine national consultants, seven per each of the participating country, for a total of 76 person/months (6.32 years), providing support in: training need assessment, extension, media and publication, marketing, forest owners associations, legal aspects, institutions. The specific TORs are described in annex 3.

Technical support services (FAO Officers) (US$264,600)

- Two backstopping officers from the Forestry Department, 8 months in 16 missions (four missions a year), TOR annex 3.

- One backstopping officer from the Legal Office, 3 months in 6 missions, TOR annex 3

- One back stopping officer from the Regional Office for Europe, 1 month in 4 missions, to supervise the correct implementation of the project.

b) Official Travel (US$763.450)

- Travel professionals (US$112,000)

- Travel international consultants (US$346,750)

- Duty travel (US$304,700)

including cross country mission of local partners (SFS, forest owners associations, etc) for partnership development

c) Contract (US$280,000)

- Budget allocated for the development of contract and letter of agreement with local institutions, NGOs, association, universities, companies, etc.

d) Training (US$1,423,700)

Training (US$270,600)

- Training of trainers workshop: 8 trainees from 3 country, trained for 21 days, in year 1 and 2 (1008 person-days).

- Training of foresters: 3 training sessions of 7 days and 20 trainees each will be conducted and supported by the programme in each country (4 countries in year 1 and 3 countries in year 2) (2940 person days).

Workshops (US$ 265,500)

- One regional and seven national inception workshops; one final regional workshop and seven follow-up national workshops; 35 local workshops

Study tours (US$ 747.600)

- In-country study tours of owners: 100 owners per country will travel in year 2, 3 and 4 for 2 days.

- Out of country study tours of owners: 10 owners per country will travel every year for 4 days.

- In-country travels for foresters are not accounted for as they should be taken care of by their forest administration.

Funds for media and publications (US$140.000)

e) Expendable equipment (US$210,000)

- Training material, printing and document dissemination, communication, other expendable equipment (see annex 2)

f) Non expendable equipment (US$77,000)

-One vehicle for the Project coordinator, plus additional non-expandable equipment (see annex 2)

g) General Operating expenses (US$ 40.000)

h) Support costs (US$ 540,000)

- About 13% of the total budget

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