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Computer technology is being used more and more to provide software that will help you organise or analyse information, which can be very useful (this webpublication is hopefully one of them!).

7.7.1 Botanical research and collection management system (BRAHMS)

BRAHMS is a database software for botanical research and collection management. It provides comprehensive support with collection curation and a wide range of taxonomic and biodiversity research. The user can create different types of products from simple lists, loan forms, labels, tables, checklists, graphs and maps to more complex indexes and monographic publications formatted for specific journals.

On the web publication, you can explore BRAHMS; examine sample products; download software, documentation and report templates; read about a range of active projects; and register as a BRAHMS user. You can also download sample databases for the genera Inga, Leucaena, and Pinus

For further information, visit the webpublication:

7.7.2 CABI Global Forestry Compendium


7.7.3 Criteria and Indicators Modification and Adaptation Tool (CIMAT)


7.7.4 Database on Tropical Tree Seed Research (DABATTS)

Tompsett, P.B.;(ed.); Kemp, R.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Wakehurst Place, Ardingly, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 6TN, UK.
1996, viii + 28 pp.; 2 floppy diskettes; 73 ref.

The UK Overseas Development Administration (now Department for International Development) funded 4 projects on tropical forest tree seed research in the period 1979-94, focusing especially on the Dipterocarpaceae, Meliaceae and Araucariaceae. The objective of this database of Tropical Tree Seed Research (DABATTS) is to collate the research results, improve their dissemination, and highlight the practical implications of the results. The assembled results relate to 120 species distributed among 29 genera. DABATTS can be interrogated to retrieve information on the seed physiology of specific tropical tree species, together with interpretations of the information in terms of practical prescriptions on the collection, transport and storage of seeds and other germplasm; it is of particular interest to those concerned with storage and germination aspects, ex situ conservation, and biodiversity management. The manual has 6 sections: Ia. Introduction to DABATTS; Ib. Installing and using DABATTS; II. Overview of DABATTS information windows; III. Field descriptions for DABATTS; IV. DABATTS field register and rules for data entry; V. List of species included in DABATTS; and VI. References for DABATTS.

7.7.5 ELDIS Information Service for Development (Forestry)

ELDIS is a gateway to information on development issues, providing free and easy access to wide range of high quality online resources on a wide range of topics, of which forestry is one. ELDIS is hosted by the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK and provides summaries and links to online documents, and offers a directory of webpublications, databases, library catalogues and email discussion lists.

To use the service, visit:

7.7.6 Forest Seed Bank Management System (GESSEM)

Cirad-For�t (France) has developed software (GESSEM) for the running and management of germplasm banks and seed collections, especially those of forest tree seed centres. Developed in collaboration with FAO, the system is currently being tested by partner institutions in a number of field projects.

The software (two diskettes with a manual of instructions) is available from FAO on request, free of charge for public-owned tree seed centres and research organizations.

Requests should be sent to:
Chief, Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Resources Division, FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

7.7.7 Global Forest Information System (GFIS)


7.7.8 The Oxford System of Decimal Classification for Forestry (ODC)

This system was originally developed by IUFRO and FAO, and has been used in many forestry libraries. It can be useful for classifying local project libraries etc. Seed topics are classified as follows:

181.5 Reproductive behaviour
181.51 Asexual (vegetative reproduction)
181.52 Sexual reproduction
181.521 Flowering and pollination
181.522 Fruiting
181.523 Seed dispersal
181.524 Seed longevity, dormancy etc.
181.525 Germination and seedling development
181.529 Miscellaneous
181.59 Miscellaneous

232.3 Seed, nursery practice, direct sowing
232.31 Seed
232.311 Seed production (seed years, seed crops etc.)
232.311.1 Seed years, seed crops
232.311.2 From elite trees and stands
232.211.3 Seed orchards, dwarf grafts, etc., including methods of including seed production
232.211.9 Miscellaneous
232,312 Seed collection, extraction and grading
232.312.1 Collection
232.312.2 Extraction
232.312.3 Sorting and grading (including effect on germination and subsequent growth)
232.312.31Seed weights
232.312.9 Miscellaneous
232.314 Seed purchase, trade and transport (including seed certification for this purpose)
232.315 Seed storage and treatment
232.315.1 Disinfection and disinfestation of seed
232.315 2 Methods of storage (for longevity of seeds see 181.524
232.315.3 Seed pretreatment, including stratification and vernalization
232.315.4 Seed dressings
232.315.9 Miscellaneous
232.318 Seed testing. germinations tests, Seed quality
232.319 Miscellaneous

7.7.9 FAO Global Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (REFORGEN)

REFORGEN contains information on activities related to the conservation, enhancement and utilisation of forest genetic resources, by species in each country. It forms a readily available source of up-to-date information for use in planning and decision making at the national, regional and international levels. The system has been developed though close collaboration of FAO, governments and national institutes, and included by early 2000 information from 146 countries on more than 16000 tree species. The system includes information on institutions dealing with conservation and utilisation of forest genetic resources; main native and introduced tree species and their major uses; threats to species and populations; tree species managed for in situ and ex situ conservation activities; tree improvement programmes and the availability of forest reproductive materials for conservation and research purposes. All this information is aggregated at the species and country levels

To search REFORGEN, visit the FAO webpublication page:

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