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Programme Objective, Programme or Sub-Programme Session No. Title and JustificationEstimated Cost $Art. of ConstitutionCategoryAttendance
1.1.1CC 824 -Ad Hoc Committee on Increasing the Production and Use of Edible Proteins       800V(1)Selected MNs
     -Convened as a result of Conference Resolution 7/71 concerning review of protein problem    
 850 -International Conference on Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Economic and Social Development    2 800VI-5(2)MNs and Int.Orgs.
     - Reported to Council as unscheduled in 1970, but then postponed to this biennium    
 ESR 870 -Ad Hoc Consultation between Trade Union Organizations and FAO on Rural Employment and Development     1 460-(3)Int. Orgs.
     -Approved for last biennium but postponed to 1972 at the request of one of the participating Trade Unions 859 -FAO Technical Conference on the Development of Food Marketing Systems for Large Urban Areas in Latin America      800*VI-5(1)Selected Mns and Int. Orgs.
   -In substitution of ESR 809 (Symposium on advanced methods for Directors of marketing boards in Latin America)    

FI 875 -International Coordinators Group of the Cooperative Investigations of the Mediterranean (CIM) with the Group for Technical Coordination (GTC)    1 100-(2)Regional Coordinators and Int. Orgs.
     -Recommended by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (Seventh Session)    
 894 -ACMRR Working Party on Scientific Advice to Fishery Management and Development Bodies     200*VI-2(3)Individuals selected in personal capacity
 -In substitution of Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research (ACMRR) - (FI 865)
ESN 830
ESN 834
-Protein Advisory Group of the UN System (20th, 21st and 22nd Sessions)    3 000VI-2(3)Experts selected in pers. capacity
 -Omitted from meetings schedule in error
 ESN 837 -Protein Advisory Group -Ad Hoc Working Group on Nutritional and Food Quality Guidelines for Food Legume Breeders      70VI-2(3)Individuals selected in personal capacity
 -Recommended by PAG
 862 -FAO/OIE Expert Consulation on Control of Protozoal Tick-Borne Diseases of Cattle    5 300*VI-4(3)Individuals selected in personal capacity
 - In substitution of FAO/OIE Panel of Experts on Tick-Borne Diseases of Livestock (AGA 802)
 AGA 870 -FAO/OIE Regional Conference on Epizootics for Asia, the Far East and OceaniaNILVI-5(2)Selected MNs and Int. Orgs.
   -Requested by OIE in substitution of session cancelled by them in 1971    

AGS 807 -Meeting of GASGA (Group for Assistance on Storage of Grains in Africa)   1 450--Members of Group and Int. Orgs.
 - Group recently established, to facilitate cooperative action directed to improving grain storage in Africa
 810 -Technical Conference on Fishery Products14 900VI-5(1)Selected MNs and Int. Orgs.
 - Convened in response to recommendations of 16th Session of Conference and 7th Session of COFI
 860 -Second Ad Hoc Consultation on International Scheme for the Coordination of Dairy Development (ISCDD)  3 950VI-5(2)MNs and Int. Orgs.
 - Recommended by CCP

ESC 848 -Fifth Session IGG on Tea,, Sub-Group of Exporters,  4 050V(1)Members of Sub-Group
 - In substitution of ESC 819 IGG on Tea, Sub-Group Long-Term Measures (2nd Session)
 897 -Ad Hoc Consultation on Codes of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products     150*VI-4(3)Individuals selected in personal capacity
 -In substitution of FI 826 (Expert Consultation on Application of Fish Processing Technology to Development)
 887 -IPFC Working Party on Coastal Aquaculture and EnvironmentNILXIV(3)Experts selected in personal capacity
 - To organize the Scientific/Technical Meeting on Coastal Aquaculture and Environment of the IPFC, to review recom recommendations for work in this field and formulate future programmes of activity
 FI 888 -IPFC Working Party of Experts on Economic and Social Aspects of National Fisheries Planning and Development (1st Session)    225*XIV(3)Individuals selected by IPFC
 - In substitution of the 3rd Session of the IPFC-IOFC Joint Working Party of Experts on Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Fishery Statistics (FI 806)
5.3GIL 802 -AGRIS Level One implementation Advisory Group - Meeting of Specialists on Bibliographic Description  100VI-4(3)Experts selected in personal capacity
 GIL 803 -AGRIS Level One Implementation Advisory Group - Panel of Experts on AGRIS (5th Session)NILVI-4(3)Experts selected in personal capacity
    - Convened in response to Conference Resolution 4/71    

* Cost will be financed from cancelled sessions



Programme Objective Programme or Sub-Programme Session No. and TitleEstimated Cost $Reason for Cancellation
1.1.1CC 822 -CCLM (29th Session)1 350CCLM sessions reduced from four to three this biennium 801 -Expert Consultation on Group Farming in Europe2 080Lack of funds for non-staff travel
 ESR 822 -Special Committee on Agrarian Reform (4th Session)2 080Lack of funds for non-staff travel 817 -Expert Consultation on Agricultural Credit3 400Lack of funds for non-staff travel 809 -Symposium on Advanced Methods for Directors of Marketing Boards in Latin America  300Replaced by unscheduled session ESR 859 (FAO Technical Conference on the Development of Food Marketing Systems for Large Urban Areas in Latin America) 822 -Regional Consultation on Fishery Credit Needs in South-East Asia5 700Lack of funds
 FI 843 -Regional Consultation on Problems of Fishery Cooperatives in Africa4 900Lack of funds 812 -Expert Consultation on Suitable Organizational Structure of Animal Production and Health Servs.  350Lack of funds for experts' travel 802-Expert Consultation on Improving Agricultural Education in Africa4 630Lack of funds non-staff travel
 ESR 808 -Expert Consultation on Improving Agricultural Education in Latin America  300Lack of funds for non-staff travel
 ESR 813 -Expert Consultation on Agricultural Manpower Planning2 080Lack of funds for non-staff travel
 ESR 814-Expert Consultation on Improving Agricultural Education in the Near East  300Lack of funds for non-staff travel
 ESR 815 -Expert Consultation on Improving Agricultural Education in Asia and the Far East  300Lack of funds for non-staff travel
ESR 824
FFH 808
ESN 808
-Advisory Group on Youth Programmes (1973)3 300Lack of funds for non-staff travel 825  -Expert Consultation on Methods of Teaching Illiterate Fishermen  100Being combined with FI 823 (Expert Consultation on Fishery Education + Training) owing to lack of funds for experts' travel
 FI 864-Expert Consultation on Use of Models in Solving Fishery Harbour Design ProblemsNILLack of funds for experts' travel (subject will be handled by FI 830 Expert Consultation on Planning Combined Commercial and Fishery Port Complexes)
ESN 804
ESR 825
-Advisory Group on Youth Programmes3 300Lack of funds for experts' travel
 ESN 809-Panel of Experts on Home Economics Development Planning3 300Lack of funds 810-Expert Consultation on Feeding Programmes for Vulnerable Groups5 865Lack of funds for experts' travel 804-First FAO Conference on Cereal Improvement and Production in the Near East6 800Lack of funds, but work can be handled at the Rockefeller Foundation Wheat Seminar to be held in 1973 839-Ad Hoc Working Party on the 1974 Conference on Aquaculture (1st Session)  300Lack of funds for experts' travel but FI 850 (ACMRR/IABO Working Party of Experts on Aquaculture) will handle the work of this session
 FI 869-Seminar on Assessment of Unconventional Marine Resources  200Lack of funds
 FI 874-Ad Hoc Working Party on the 1974 Conference on Aquaculture (2nd Session)  300Lack of funds for experts' travel but FI 850 (ACMRR/IABO Working Party of Experts on Aquaculture) will handle the work of this session 802-FAO/IBP/IUFRO Symposium on Primary Productivity and Economic Production of Tropical Rain Forests  300IBP and IUFRO responsible for entire organization of session 837-EIFAC Sub-Commission I - Fisheries Biology and ManagementNILLack of funds for experts' travel
 FI 865-Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research (ACMRR) (8th Session)  200Lack of funds for experts' travel
 FI 868-Training Course on Aquatic Resources Surveys and Evaluation  200Cancelled by New Zealand (host Government)
 FI 882-Ad Hoc Consultation on the Biology of Lobsters7 700Lack of funds
 FI 884-Regional Consultation on Aquaculture in Latin America1 800Postponed to next biennium for budgetary reasons 811-Expert Consultation on Human Requirements for Trace Elements5 000Lack of funds for experts' travel 806-Expert Consultation on Nutrition in Agriculture Planning3 100Lack of funds for experts' travel 824 Expert Consultation on Fishing for Squid and other Cephalopods   100Lack of funds for experts' travel
 FI 829-Expert Consultation on Computer Applications in Fishery Industry Development   250Lack of funds for experts' travel 810-IHD Working Group on “The Influence of Man on the Hydrological Cycle” (4th Session)   100Lack of funds but work being effected by correspondence
 AGL 815-Expert Consultation on Pollution and Environmental Quality Control2 100Lack of funds 873-Expert Consultation on Methods of Determining Adequate Quantity of Water in Controllable Lakes and Streams   250Lack of funds for experts' travel 859-Expert Consultation on the Economic Social Effects of Fishery Management Schemes   100Lack of funds for experts' travel 802-FAO/OIE Panel of Experts on Tick-borne Diseases of Livestock (4th Session)5 300Replaced by AGA 862 (FAO/OIE Expert Consultation on Control of Protozoal Tick-borne Diseases of Cattle)
 AGA 806-FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Rabies   150Lack of funds for experts' travel 807-FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on SocioEconomic Consequences of Zoonoses   150Lack of funds for experts' travel 808-Sub-group on Jute, Kenaf, and Allied Fibres (14th Session)3 700Lack of funds
 ESC 818-Intergovernmental Group on Tea (3rd Session)4 000Main item on agenda was handled by Unscheduled Session ESC 848 (Sub - Group of Exporters, Inter-Governmental Group on Tea) 803
ESE 803
-Seminar on Agricultural Problems in Regional Integration Schemes5 550Lack of funds 819-Intergovernmental Group on Tea, Sub-Group on Long-Term Measures (2nd Session)4 050Replaced by unscheduled session ESC 848 (5th Session of IGG on Tea Sub-Group of Exporters) 807-Technical Consultation on National Parks and Wild-life Management and Related Environmental Problems  310World Conference on National Parks, to which FAO is sending representatives, and the World Forestry Congress can handle the work of this cancelled session 824-Seminar on Mixed Tropical Hardwoods for Paper2 100Lack of funds
 FO 825-Committee on Wood-based Panel Products (4th Session)2 750Lack of funds 826-Expert Consultation on the Application of Fish Processing Technology to Development2 400Replaced by Unscheduled Session FI 897 (Ad Hoc Consultation on Codes of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products)
 FI 827-Panel of Experts on Fish Utilization (3rd Session)2 140Lack of funds for experts' travel 801-Sub-Committee of COINS on Agricultural Statistics (IASI/FAO joint machinery on Agricultural Statistics for Latin-American region) (7th Session)1 600As agreed with IASI only one session need be held this biennium 817-AFC/EFC/NEFC Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Problems (7th Session) - Silva Mediterranea5 300Lack of funds 806-IPFC/IOFC Joint Working Party of Experts on Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Fishery Statistics (3rd Session)  150Replaced by FI 888 (IPFC Working Party of Experts on Economic and Social Aspects of National Fisheries Planning and Development)
 FI 818-GFCM Working Party on Fishery Statistics and Biological Sampling  175Lack of funds for experts' travel
  FI 849-Coordinating Group for the Planning and Execution of CINECA  200ICES taking over entire organization of session
  FI 856-Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the Southwest Atlantic (CARPAS) (6th Session)2 600Postponed to next biennium for budgetary reasons
 FI 858-CARPAS Working Party on Fishery Economics and Utilization   300Lack of funds for experts' travel
3.5.3EU 801-Ad Hoc Conference on the Economic and Social Development of Rural Populations in the Mediterranean Mountain Regions...Lack of funds
4.2CX 802-Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (19th Session)   900Sessions of the Executive Cttee. reduced from three to two this biennium
 CX 805-ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization (9th Session)6 200Sessions of this Group reduced from two to one this biennium

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