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State of Food and Agriculture 1974

Avoid unnecessary duplication between The State of Food and Agriculture and the Commodity Review (para. 10).

Concentrate in The State of Food and Agriculture on the analysis of food and agricultural policies and longer-term trends (para. 12).

Commodity and Trade Problems: Report of the Forty-Ninth Session of the CCP (October 1974)

Examine further the proposals and suggestions in the reports of the intensive intergovernmental consultations in pursuance of UNCTAD Resolution 83(III) (para.24).

Begin preparation for convening in early May an ad hoc consultation to consider proposed strategy for international agricultural adjustment; decide at March 1975 Council session whether CCP session to be convened to examine its future functions in the light of WFC follow-up, as well as the proposed strategy. (para. 28).

World Food Conference (Rome, November 1974): Follow-up Action by FAO

Director-General to make commitments up to $1 million for expenditure in 1975 to implement certain WFC recommendations, once they are approved by ECOSOC and UN General Assembly, this figure to be reviewed at March 1975 Council session; have Programme and Finance Committees review (ex post facto in urgent cases) commitments not involving clearly continuing obligations, and review for approval commitments involving continuing obligations (para.31).

Implement the proposals in CL 64/LIM/4, subject to the recorded Council observations (para.32).

Offer four professional posts plus secretarial and related services for servicing the World Food Council should it be formally created by the UN General Assembly (para.33).

Convene one or more ad hoc consultations on world food security, charged with functions suggested in WFC resolutions (para.34).

Prepare a report on whole question of reconstitution of IGC into Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes for consideration by the ad hoc consultation proposed for 26–27 March 1975 (para.36).

Take steps to set up in FAO the Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture recommended by WFC and submit to March 1975 Council session specific proposals on working arrangements necessary to put system into full operation (para.37).

Participate appropriately in organizing in developing countries the Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment (CGFPI) proposed by WFC (para 38).

Convene Programme and Finance Committees in special joint session from 15 January 1975 (para.41).

Consider at special Council session (10–14 March 1975) the matters listed in the paragraph (para.42).

Have Programme and Finance Committees give full attention at special joint session to question of decentralization raised in document CL 64/LIM/8, paragraphs 70–73 (para.43).

Transmit report of Council deliberation on WFC to Secretary-General of the United Nations (para.44).

World Food Security - International Undertaking on World Food Security

Transmit the resolution adopting the International Undertaking on World Food Security to nations as indicated in operative paragraph 2 of the resolution (para.53, Res. 1/64).

International Fertilizer Supply Scheme: Progress Report

Review appeal to all governments, international organizations and the fertilizer industry to strengthen support to International Fertilizer Supply Scheme (para 61).

Give particular attention to Most Seriously Affected Countries in assisting them to procure fertilizer at reasonable prices (para.62).

Submit progress report on operation of IFS to next session of Commission on Fertilizers (para.70).

Budgetary Matters - Method of Consideration of Priorities

Have Programme Committee submit to mid-1975 Council session, if appropriate, a draft Conference Resolution on the organization of Commission II debates (para.74).

Have Programme Committee report on how far the recommendations of Regional Conferences and substantive committees of the Council are carried out in the Director-General's proposals on programme priorities (para.75).

- Presentation of Programme of Work and Budget 1976–77

Maintain present structure of Areas of Emphasis for presentation of Programme of Work and Budget 1976–77; conduct a thorough in-depth review during 1976 of alternative programme structures regarding Programme of Work and Budget 1978–79; continue to provide a provisional indication of budget level for coming biennium to autumn Council session in non-Conference years (paras 77–78).

- Developments in UNDP Agency Overhead Costs and the Cost Measurement System

Inform mid-1975 Council session of UNDP Governing Council views on consultant's proposals concerning over-advancement of UNDP Agency Costs (para.80).

- Programme and Budgetary Adjustments and Transfers in the 1972–73 and 1974–75 Biennia

Apply up to $ 1.2 million out of currency savings towards items of programme and financial adjustments totalling $ 1 594 850 and listed in paragraph 188 of report of Thirty-Second Finance Committee session (para.87).

Utilize, if budgetary savings insufficient, a further amount of currency savings up to $ 300 000 to finance the requirements of the Coordinating Unit of the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme through June 1975 (para.88).

Add at least $ 0.5 million of 1974 currency savings to any 1975 currency savings until various 1975 commitments and needs can be considered together (para.89).

Avoid using the additional expenditures sanctioned for the current biennium to justify raising the budget base approved for the next biennium (para.90).

Reduce to $ 15.000 financial requirements for use of consultants on preparation of medium and long-term plan for COAG (para.91(b)).

Issue only supplements of the Index of Conference and Council Decisions (para.91(c)).

Have Arabic interpretation at Council sessions (para.91(d)).

Issue FAO Research Register in revised form perhaps every second or third biennium (para.91(e)).

Reconsider the proposal to move offices (para.91(g)).

Delay the implementation of proposed investment work in the Near East Region (para.91(h)).

- Programme Activities - Matters arising from the Implementation of the Rationalization Proposals

Have Programme and Finance Committees report to mid-1975 Council session on matter of transferring ESP to Development Department (para.95).

Have Programme Committee satisfy itself at next session that most effective working relationships between AGO and DDF are maintained (para.96).

Have Programme Committee examine further the adequacy of technical backstopping for work being performed by AGO (para.98).

Have Programme and Finance Committees review implementation of rationalization proposals in framework of next Programme of Work and Budget and report to Council (para.101).

- Review of Programmes

Continue Programme Committee reviews of FAO programmes and activities during 1976–78 (para.107).

Summary of Recommendations of the 1974 Regional Conferences

Have Programme Committee suggest how work of Regional Conference requiring action by Council and by Director-General can be clearly brought out and how this can influence the Programme of Work and Budget (para.110).

Report on how far account is taken of recommendations of Regional Conferences in framing Draft Programme of Work and Budget for the next Biennium (para.111).

Have Programme Committee see that priorities of Regional Conferences are reflected in Programme of Work and Budget (para.114).

Report of the Second Session of COAG (April 1974)

Present a paper to mid-1975 Council session providing further details on the possibility of holding a world conference on agrarian reform and rural development (para.124).

Have CCLM submit to mid-1975 Council session necessary amendments to Rule XXXII-5 GRO regarding the terms of reference of COAG (paras 125–126).

Have CCLM submit to mid-1975 Council session necessary amendment to Rule XXXII-3 GRO regarding the timing of COAG sessions (paras 128–129).

Have COAG make relevant amendments to its Rules of Procedure in event of amendments to GRO made by Eighteenth Conference session (para.130).

Have COAG continue periodic in-depth review and appraisal of specific agricultural development problems (para.131).

Make available to COAG reports on progress made in overcoming the selected development problems reviewed by the preceding COAG session (para.133).

Convene Third COAG session in Rome in second half of April 1975 for 7 to 10 days; ensure this timing provides necessary links with other statutory bodies (para.135).

International Board on Plant Genetic Resources: Progress Report

Have secretariat of International Board on Plant Genetic Resources ensure continuous liaison between Board and national institutions involved in genetic resources work (para.140).

Fisheries: Report of the Ninth Session of COFI (October 1974)

Consult all Member Nations in Latin America regarding the establishment of a regional body to deal with inland fisheries (para.146 (a)).

Consult all Member Nations in the Near East, Asia and the Far East regarding the desirability of setting up an inland fishery body to serve these areas, and report the results to the Tenth Session of COFI (para. 146 (b)).

Have the CCLM study the question of more flexible rules regarding COFI membership and report to the mid-1975 Council session (para.146 (d)).

Forestry: Report of the Second Session of COFO (May 1974)

Use the Principles governing World Forestry Congresses approved by the Council (para.154).

Strengthen the relationships between COFO and the Regional Forestry Commissions without establishing the latter as sub-committees of COFO (para.158).

Appoint a second forestry officer to the Regional Office for Africa (para.164).

AGRIS: Institutional Measures for Implementation

Establish a Panel of Experts to advise the Director-General on technical and policy matters of AGRIS (para.174).

Provide the Governing Bodies with information on the AGRIS programme in time for their review of the Programme of Work and Budget 1976–77 (para.177).

Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Matters of Common Interest - Matters arising out of the UN General Assembly, ECOSOC and ACC

Ensure FAO's close involvement in the work regarding transitional corporations, and in particular FAO's participation in the Coordinating Committee of the Information and Research Centre on Transnational Corporations, if established (para. 188).

- World Population Conference (Bucharest, August 1974): Follow-up Action by FAO

Take into account the relevant aspects of the Conference's recommendations in preparing proposals for the 1976–77 Programme of Work and Budget (para.198).

- Human Environment: FAO/UNEP Cooperation

Have the Council keep FAO/UNEP cooperation under review (para.200).

- UN Joint Inspection Unit

Give substantive consideration at the mid-1975 Council session to the JIU report on Medium-term Planning in the United Nations System (para.208).

- Participation of African Liberation Movements in FAO and WFP Meetings and Activities

Appoint a special officer at P-5 level exclusively to carry out liaison with the African Liberation Movements, OAU and other authorities concerned for the formulation of concrete programmes of assistance (paras 91 (f) and 210).

Defray the cost of attendance of representatives of liberation movements at FAO meetings to which they were invited, up to $ 71.400 (para.211).

- Pulp and Paper Shortage: Position Report

Place this item on the agenda of future Council sessions until there is an improvement in the pulp and paper situation (para.216).

First Report on Unscheduled Sessions of FAO Bodies in the 1974–75 Biennium

Extend to USSR the invitation to the Consultation on Cereal Supplies and Ways of Meeting Short-Term Requirements of Developing Countries (para.219).

WFP Assistance to Peoples in Colonial Territories in Africa and their National Liberation Movements

Forward to ECOSOC for consideration and final approval the draft authorization regarding assistance to peoples in territories in Africa (para.237).

Role, Functions and Composition of the Council

Defer discussion of this item to the March 1975 Council session (para.238).

Review of FAO Statutory Bodies

Follow Conference guidelines as regards categories of meetings and allocation of their costs; note circumstances that do not follow guidelines in Directory of FAO Statutory Bodies and Panels of Experts (para.241).

Abolish bodies listed and, in future reports on this subject, provide reasons for abolition (paras 242–243).

Date for Nominations for the Office of Director-General

Circulate to all Member Nations by 29 April 1975 nominations communicated by deadline of 10 April (para.245).

Invitation to non-Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions

Record Council approval of Director-General's invitation to U.S.S.R. to attend the three sessions listed in paragraph 246 (para.247).

Financial Matters

- Financial Position of the Organization

Withhold 1972–73 cash surplus ($ 90.055) to the end of 1975 (para.251).

- Change of Assessment (1973)

Submit to Conference Draft Resolution on Change of Assessment 1973 (para.258).

- Allocation of Cash Surplus

Submit to Conference Draft Resolution on Allocation of Cash Surplus (para.261)

- Audited Accounts

Recommend Conference approve the use made of part of Regular Programme funds with regard to the deficit on UNDP Agency Cost Account (para.264).

- Amendment to Financial Regulations

Submit to Conference Draft Resolution on Amendment to the Financial Regulations (para.268).

- Interest Income

Provide for the necessary staffing of the unit concerned with interest income in the next Programme of Work and Budget (para.277).

- Representation Allowance

Increase the Representation Allowance of the Deputy Director-General effective 1 January 1975 (para.278).

Personnel Matters

- General Service Salary Determination

Have Finance Committee, in its consideration of methodology, follow policy directives of the Council, taking into account Commissary benefits when determining scales, adjusting salaries by an income tax factor and considering governmental institutions and Embassies when establishing the list of outside employers to be surveyed (paras 284–285).

- Interim Adjustment to General Service Salary Scales

Apply new salary scales resulting from survey with effect from 1 December 1974, and follow directives given regarding reimbursement and policy during the interim period (para 287).

- Conversion of Fixed-Term Contracts (General Service Staff)

Continue on an interim basis the conversion to permanent of fixed-term staff members after three years continuous and satisfactory service (para.289).

- Conversion of Fixed-Term Contracts (Professional Staff)

Convert to permanent the appointments of Professional staff who have met the required criteria and distinguish clearly between continuing posts and genuinely short-term posts (para.290).

Have Finance Committee undertake a detailed review and recommend to the Council criteria for conversion to be applied in the future, taking into account the practices of other organizations adhering to the UN common system (para.291).

- Amendments to Staff Regulations Concerning Staff Representation

Amend Article VIII of the Staff Regulations as decided by the Council (para.301).

- Recruitment of General Service Staff

Consider as local staff all General Service staff recruited after 31 January 1975, while continuing the entitlements of non-local staff already employed as of that date, and have the Finance Committee consider the implications of the new policy (para.304).

- Question of Constitutionality and Propriety of Staff Rule 302.40643

Follow the governing policies indicated in the paragraph for the recruitment of General Service staff (para.308).

Broaden the recruitment base of General Service staff in accordance with the policies laid down by the Council, and have Finance Committee study any recruitment implications arising from this decision taking into account the practices of other organizations adhering to the UN common system (para.309).

- Progress Report on the International Civil Service Commission

Present to the mid-1975 Council session a progress report on the International Civil Service Commission (para.312).

- Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances

Implement the proposed changes upon endorsement and in the measure approved by the UN General Assembly (para.315).

Other Matters Arising from the Reports of the Twenty-Fifth and Twenty-Sixth Programme Committee Sessions and the Reports of the Thirty-First and Thirty-Second Finance Committee Sessions

Have the Programme and Finance Committees schedule, as far as practicable, their future sessions so that timely distribution of session reports can be made to Council members (para. 318).

Date and Place of Sixty-Fifth Session of the Council

Convene Sixty-Fifth Session in Rome from 10 to 14 March 1975 (para. 324).

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