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1. The purpose of the Congress is to serve as a forum for the exchange of views and experience and for discussion of matters concerning all aspects of forestry which may lead to the formulation of broad recommendations applicable on a regional or worldwide basis.

2. The functions of the Congress are advisory, not executive. The implementation of its recommendations is a matter solely for those to whom these are addressed - Governments, international organizations, scientific bodies, forest owners, etc. - in the light of their own particular circumstances.

3. The Congress consists of registered participants who may be scientists, technicians or administrators interested in forestry. Irrespective of whether a participant belongs to a government organization, a scientific or professional body, a forestry society, or is attending in a personal capacity, each participant expresses his own personal opinion; neither written papers nor oral interventions made at meetings are taken as committing any government or organization to which the participant may belong or as necessarily representing their views.

4. The Congress conducts its discussions along broad lines designed:

  1. to bring together knowledge and experience with a view to giving guidance on matters pertaining to the formulation and implementation of forest policy;

  2. to express views which may guide research organizations in identifying useful lines for their future investigations; the Congress itself, however, should not conduct research nor engage in detailed scientific or technical discussions;

  3. to express views which may assist international organizations in planning their future work, subject to approval by the governing bodies of these organizations;

  4. to promote the elaboration and world-wide acceptance of technical standards such as an international forestry terminology, uniform classification of forestry literature, and the unification of research methods, as well as exchange of students and scholars.


1. The Congress should be open to Participants and Associate Participants from countries that are Members of FAO, the United Nations, any of its Specialized Agencies, or the International Atomic Energy Agency.

  1. Participants should be:

  2. Associate Participants should be:

  3. Arrangements should be made concerning attendance by the press and by the public.

2. A Nominations Committee should be established. This Committee should meet prior to the opening session of the Congress, and its main responsibility should be to prepare a list of Officers of the Congress for consideration and approval at the opening session of the Congress. The Nominations Committee should include: the Chairman of the Organizing Committee or his representative, who should act as Chairman of the Committee; a representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; and the Head of each Government delegation or a representative appointed by him.

3. A General Committee should be established to facilitate the orderly progress of the work of the Congress and in particular to settle any differences of opinion that may arise from the interpretation of the Rules of the Congress and to decide on any proposals or questions submitted to it by the President or any other Officer of the Congress or by the representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The membership of the General Committee should include the President, Co-Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Congress and a representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

4. When any issue is put to the vote, each duly registered participant of the Congress present should have the right to cast one vote. Decision should be by simple majority.

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