Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives - Réforme agraire, colonisation et coopératives agricoles - Reforma agraria, colonización y cooperativas

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Information for Contributors/À l'attention de nos collaborateurs/Información para los Colaboradores

Preface/ Préface/Prefacio

FAO and land tenure/La FAO et les régimes fonciers/ La FAO y la tenencia de la tierra

FAO in agrarian reform - M. Cox, P. Munro-Faure, P. Mathieu, A. Herrera, D. Palmer and P. Groppo

Land reform development challenges of 1963 - 2003 continue into the twenty-first century - M.R. El-Ghonemy

Designing land and property rights reform for poverty alleviation and food security - M.R. Carter

Poverty alleviation through access to land: the experience of the Brazilian agrarian reform process - J.E. da Veiga

Impact of access to land on food security and poverty: the case of Philippine agrarian reform - E.A. Guardian

La reforma agraria mexicana: una visión de largo plazo - Arturo Warman

Land conflict management in South Africa: lessons learned from a land rights approach - D. Bosch

Evolución y tendencias de las reformas agrarias en América Latina - Raúl Alegrett

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