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Adaptations, 127

Adaptations, reproductive, 156

Adaptations, to desiccation, 131

Adaptations, to high temperature, 129

Adaptations, to low issolved oxygen, 127

Adaptations, to poor light, 132

Adaptations, to swift current, 132

Agriculture, 235

Air breathing in fish, 128

Allochthonous inputs, 59, 60, 79, 80, 87, 107, 134, 136, 138

Amino acids as a food source, 59

Amphibia, 91

Annual fishes, 131

Aquaculture, 258

Aquatic grasses, 18

Attached algae, 67

Aufwuchs, 67, 80, 134

Autochthonous inputs, 59, 134, 138

Backswamps, 11, 13

Bacteria, 61

Bait in fishing gear, 196

Barrages, 196

Barrier traps, 200

Basin area, relation to river length, 23

Benthos, 87

Benthos, as food, 135

Biomass (see standing crop),

Birds, 92

Blackwaters, 50–53, 73, 90, 177, 179, 183, 222

Blood, affinities for oxygen, 129

Blooms, of phytoplankton, 64

Blooms, of zooplankton, 85

Boats, 203

Brackish water, 118

Braided channels, 10, 11

Brush parks, 260

Carbon material, 46

Carbon material, coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), 46, 59

Carbon material, fine particulate organic matter (FPOM), 46, 59

Carbon material, particulate organic matter (POM), 59

Carbon material, ultra-fine particulate organic matter (UFPOM), 59

Cast nets, 195

Catch, 212

Catch per unit effort (CPUE), 215

Cattle, 232

Channelization, 246

Channelized reaches, effects on benthos, 88

Channelized reaches, effects on drift, 80

Channels, 11, 74

Channels, habitats of, 104

Channels, length as related to catch, 212

Chilled fish, 203

Clear waters, 51

Community structure, 219

Condition factor, 146

Condominium in feeding, 142

Conductivity, 51

Creeping flow, 37

Crevice dwelling habit, 109

Crocodiles, 91

Crustacea, 86

Current (see flow)

Dams, 239

Debris in channels, 8

Density (=abundance)

Density dependant factors, effect on growth, 149

Density dependant factors, effect on mortality, 170

Density, of bacteria, 61

Density, of bacteria, of phytoplankton, 64

Density, of bacteria, of root fauna, 86

Density, of bacteria, of zooplankton, 80

Deoxygenated conditions, 58, 110, 127

Deposition, 37, 44

Desert rivers, 3

Detritus as a food source, 135

Developmental stage of rivers, 73, 250

Diadromous species, 104

Diet switching, 138

Dissolved oxygen, 56

Dissolved solids, 49

Distribution, 113

Diurnal migration patterns, 119

Drain-in ponds, 260

Drainage basin, 7

Dried fish, 203

Drift, 80

Drift, of young fish, 80, 116, 119

Drought resistant eggs, 131

Environmental impacts, 228–247

Epiphytes, 67

Erosion, 37, 44

Estuaries, 40

Evaporation rates, 41, 42, 44

Evaporation-crystallization process, 47

Fauna associated with floating vegetation, 86

Fecundity, 163

Feeding, 134

Fire, 77

Fish meal, 205

Fish oil, 206

Fish passes, 253

Fishermen, occasional, 191

Fishermen, part-time, 191

Fishermen, professional, 191

Fishery for juvenile fish, 211

Fishing gear, 193

Flood curves, 38

Flood regimes, 9, 36

Flood rivers, 3

Flood wave, 38

Flooding, 36

Floodplain, coastal deltas, 23, 40

Floodplain, features of, 11

Floodplain, fringing, 22

Floodplain, habitats of, 109

Floodplain, internal deltas, 23

Floodplain, meadows, 74, 76

Flow, 35, 228, 240

Flow, effect on phytoplankton, 62

Flow, effect on zooplankton, 82

Food webs, 139

Forest, 10, 18, 72, 90, 234

Forest rivers, 3, 27, 29, 53, 109

Fruit as a food source, 110

Fungi, 61

Gill nets, 195, 202

Glides, 9

Gonado-Somatic Index, 166

Ground water, 42

Growth, 148

Habitats, 104

Higher vegetation, 69

Ice cover, 30, 57

Ichthyotoxic plants, 197

Igapo (flooded forests of the Amazonian basin), 55, 73, 90

Illiophagous feeding, 135

Insect infestation, 206

Insects, 86

Introduction of species, 254

Ionic content, 47, 50

Irrigation, 30

Islands, 11, 69

Juvenile fish, 108

Lagoons, 13, 15

Lakes, 15, 17

Latitud, 54

Leaf litter, 61, 109

Levees, 11, 245

Lift nets, 196

Light, 44, 65

Lines, 202

Litterfall, 61

Littoral zone, 53, 56, 78, 89, 110

Long lines, 196

Lunar phase, 126

Mammals, 92

Management, 228, 251

Migration, 113

Migration, among fishermen, 191

Migration, distance of, 120

Migration, speed of, 120

Migration, types of, 114

Models, of growth, 150

Models, of growth, of mortality, 173

Models, of growth, of standing stock and productivity, 184, 235

Models, of growth, of water balance, 40

Molluscs, 6

Mortality, 54, 170

Mortality rates (Z), 173

Mouth lakes, 17

Mouthbrooding in fishes, 163

Movements, of juveniles, 119

Nest building in fishes, 162

Nets, cast, 195

Nets, gill, 195

Nets, seine, 195

Neustonn, 91

Niche, 143

trophic, 138, 142, 143

Nocturnal habit, 109

Number of species, 94

Nutrient spiralling, 45

Nutrients, 51, 64, 78

Oligochaetes, 86

Ornamental fishes, 249

Otoliths, 149

Overfishing, 215

P/B ratios, 183

Parental care in fishes, 162

Particle size, 36, 44

Periphytic detrital aggregate, 68

pH, 53–54

Phytoplankton, 62

Phytoplankton, as food, 134, 138

Piracema migration pattern, 103, 108, 196, 206

Poisons for fishing, 196, 197

Pollution, 230

Pools, 8, 15, 107

Potamon, 5, 10, 56, 60, 62, 69, 80, 102, 103, 108

Predation, 137

Predator/forage fish ratios, 222

Preservation of fish, 203


Production, of fish, 181

Production, of phytoplankton, 66

Quality of water, 230

Rainfall (precipitation), 39, 41, 47

Refuge traps, 260

Relative abundance of species, 95

Reproduction, 156

Reproductive guilds, 156

Reptiles, 91

Reservoir rivers, 3, 35

Reservoirs, 265

Reservoirs, influence on fish populations, 243

Reservoirs, influence on riverine phytoplankton, 63

Reservoirs, influence on riverine zooplankton, 82

Rheophilic zooplankton, 82

Rhithron, 5, 8, 56, 60, 69, 101, 102, 103, 107, 161, 184

Rice-fish culture, 191, 238, 262

Riffles, 8, 56, 69, 101, 107, 135, 184

Rings on scales and other hard structures, 149

River continuum, 59, 102

Sahelian rivers (Senegal, Niger, Chari systems), 41, 233

Salt fish, 203

Salt marsh, 3, 46

Savanna rivers, 3, 25, 53, 73, 110

Seasonal starvation in fish, 147

Seasonality, of feeding in fish, 146

Seasonality, of fishing, 194

Seasonality, of fishing gear use, 194

Seasonality, of growth in fish, 149

Seasonality, of mortality, 172

Seasonality, of movement in fish, 122

Seasonality, of reproduction in fish, 164

Sediment, 44, 46, 60, 229

Seine nets, 195

Silt (see sediment)

Size of species, 101

Smoked fish, 204

Snow, 30, 35

Soil, 54,

Soil, alkaline, 78

Soil, leached, 50

Spawning patterns, 163

Specialization, 137

Sport fisheries, 249

Stabilized river channels, 246

Standing crop (= biomass), 61

Standing crop, of benthos, 87

Standing crop, of detritus, 61

Standing crop, of emergent vegetation, 78

Standing crop, of floating plant fauna, 86

Standing crop, of fish, 176

Standing crop, of floating vegetation, 75

Standing crop, of floodplain meadow, 77

Standing crop, of periphyton, 68

Standing crop, of phytoplankton, 64

Starvation, 146

Stocking, 255

Stow nets, 200

Strategy for development, 247

Stratification, 55, 56

Stream order, 5

Structures for improving streams, 253

Stunting, 167

Sub-populations, 99

Subienda migration pattern, 103, 108, 196, 206

Succession, in river systems, 3, 59

Succession, of higher plants, 69, 77

Swamps, 15, 17

Temperate zone, 102

Temperature, 54–55

Temperature, effect on growth, 149

Temperature, effect on phytoplankton, 62

Tides, 40

Traditional values in fishery regulation, 192

Traps, 196, 202

Trophic relationships, 139

Tundra rivers, 3, 27, 30

Turbidity, 44

Urbanization, 238

Uses of fish resources, 248

Varzea (Amazonian floodplain), 51, 61, 75


Vegetation, emergent, 69, 77

Vegetation, floating, 55, 57, 69, 74, 75, 108, 110

Vegetation, submersed, 65, 69, 74

Velocity of flow, 35

Von Bertalanffy relationships, 151

Whitewaters, 51, 53

Wildlife, 231

Year-to-year variations, in catch, 222

Year-to-year variations, in growth, 154

Zonation, 4

Zonation, of fish communities, 102

Zonation, of vegetation, 69

Zooplankton, 80

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