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Appendix 4: Selected FAO publications on sustainable development and environment


FAO (1981). FAO: its origins, formation and evolution - 1945-1981. Philips, R.W., 200p.

FAO/UNFPA/IIASA (1982). Potential population supporting capacities of lands in the developing world, G.H. Higgins et al. Rome: FAO, 139p.

FAO (1984). FAO in Africa, 41p.

FAO (1985). FAO: the first 40 years (1945-85), 155p.

FAO (1986). African agriculture the next 25 years. Main report, 5 annexes. Norse, D. & Clarke, R. (eds).

FAO (1986). FAO and the environment. Chakravorty, U.N. (comp), 68p.

FAO (1986). Natural resources and the human environment for food and agriculture in Africa, 88p. FAO Environment and Energy Paper No. 6.

FAO (1986) Report on natural resources for food and agriculture in the Asia and Pacific region, Agarwal, A; McCormick, J. (ed), 124p. FAO Environment and Energy Paper No. 7.

FAO (1986). Report on natural resources for food and agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean, Dickinson, J., 107p. FAO Environment and Energy Paper No. 8.

FAO (1988). Potentials for agricultural and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Main report, Plan of action, 5 annexes.

FAO (1988). World agriculture: toward 2000. An FAO study. N. Alexandratos (ed), 338P. London: Belhaven Press.

FAO (1989). Environment and agriculture: environmental problems affecting agriculture in the Asia and Pacific Region. World Food Day Symposium, 11 Oct. 1989. Bangkok: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 102p.

FAO (1989). Sustainable development and natural resource management. In: The State of Food and Agriculture 1989, 171p.


- Elements for strategies and agenda for action (draft proposal), 39p.

- Issues and perspectives in sustainable agriculture and rural development, 29p. Main Document No. 1.

- Technological options and requirements for sustainable agriculture and rural development, 36p. Main Document No 2.

- Strategies for sustainable agriculture and rural development in areas with different resource endowments, 27p. Main Document No. 3.

- Criteria, instruments and tools for sustainable agriculture and rural development, 36p. Main Document No. 4.

- Sustainable agriculture and rural development, in sub-Saharan Africa, 31p. Regional Document No. 1.

- Sustainable agriculture and rural development, in Asia and the Pacific, 24p. Regional Document No. 2.

- Sustainable agriculture and rural development, in Latin America and the Caribbean, 25p. Regional Document No. 3.

- Sustainable agriculture and rural development, in the Near East, 34p. Regional Document No. 4.

- Sustainable development and management of land and water resources, 22p. Background Document No. 1.

- Sustainable crop production and protection, 27p. Background Document No. 2.

- Livestock production and health for sustainable agriculture and rural development, 47p. Background Document No. 3.

- Farming, processing and marketing systems for sustainable agriculture and rural development, 43p. Background Document No. 4.

- Social and institutional aspects of sustainable agriculture and rural development, 36p. Background Document No. 5.

- The den Bosch declaration and agenda for action on sustainable agriculture and rural development, Report of the Conference, 60p. .


FAO (1981). World soil charter, 7p.

FAO (1985). Tropical forestry action plan, 167p. .

FAO (1986). Strategy for fisheries management and development, 26p.

FAO (1986). World food security compact, 8p.

FAO (1987). Fertilizer strategies, 59p. FAO Land and Water Development Series No. 10.

FAO (1988). Environmental guidelines for resettlement projects in the humid tropics. Burbridge, P.R., Norgaard, R.B. Hartshort, G.S., 1988, 73p. FAO Environment and Energy Paper No. 9.

FAO (1990). The conservation and rehabilitation of African lands an international scheme, 38p. ARC/90/4.

FAO (1990). An international action programme on water and sustainable agricultural development. A strategy for the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan for the 1990s, 42p.

FAO (1990). International code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides. (Revised edition), 34p.

FAO (1990). Food security policy issues in West Africa: past lessons and future prospects. A critical review, 90p., FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 93.

FAO/UNDP/ESCAP (1990). A new approach to energy planning for sustainable rural development, 43p. FAO Environment and Energy Paper No. 12.


FAD/UNESCO (1971-1981). FAO-UNESCO Soil map of the world, Vols. 1-10.
Paris: UNESCO.

FAO (1983). Keeping the land alive. Soil erosion: its causes and cures, 95p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 50.

FAO (1984). Protect and produce: soil conservation for development, Clarke, R., 41p.

FAO (1985-1990). FAO watershed management field manual. FAO Conservation
Guides Nos. 13/1. 5 vols.

FAO (1985). Guidelines: land evaluation for irrigated agriculture, 231p.
FAO Soils Bulletin No. 55.

FAO (1987). Consultation on Irrigation in Africa. Lom, Togo,
21-25 April 1986. Proceedings, 209p. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 42.

FAO (1987). Guidelines for economic appraisal of watershed management projects. Gregersen, H.M. et al, 151p. FAO Conservation Guide No. 16. FAO (1987). Soil management: compost production and use in tropical and subtropical environments, Dalzell, H.W. et al, 193p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 56.

FAO (1987). Soil and water conservation in semi-and areas, Hudson, N.W., 185p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 57.

FAO (1988). National parks a manual with annotated examples, 105p. FAO Conservation Guide No. 17.

FAO (1988). Nature and management of tropical peat veils, Andriesse,J.P., 178p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 59.

FAO (1988). Salt-affected soils and their management, Abrol, P. et al, 143p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 39.

FAO (1989). Management of crocodiles in captivity, 62p. FAO Conservation Guide No. 22.

FAO (1989). Soil conservation for small farmers in the humid tropics, Sheng, T.C., 104p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 60.

FAO (1990). Land evaluation for development, 35p.

FAO (1990). Management of gypsiferous soils, 81p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 62.

FAO (1991). How good the earth? Quantifying land resources in developing countries - FAO's agro-ecological zones studies, 32p.

FAO (1991). A study of the reasons for success or failure of soil conservation projects, Hudson, N.W., 65p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 64.


FAO (1980). Conservation of the genetic resources of fish: problems and recommendations. Report of Expert Consultation, Rome, 9 June 1980, 49p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 217.

FAO (1986). Data book on endangered tree and shrub species and provenances, 524p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 77.

FAO (1986). Food and fruit-bearing forest species: examples from Latin America, 327p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 44/3.

FAO (1986). Some medicinal forest plants of Africa and Latin America, 271p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 67.

FAO/UNEP (1986). The Przewalski horse and its restoration to its natural habitat in Mongolia. FAO/UNEP Consultation, Moscow, 29-31 May 1985, 181p. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 61.

FAO/UNEP (1987). Animal genetic resources: strategies for improved use and conservation, 332p. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 66.

FAO/European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (1988). Report of the EIFAC technical consultation on genetic broodstock management and breeding practice of finfish, London, 1988, 20p. EIFAC Occasional Paper No. 22.

FAO/UNEP (1989). Animal genetic resources of the USSR, Dmitriev, N.G. & Ernst, L.K. (eds), 517p. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 65.

FAO (1989). Ex situ cryoconservation of genomes and genes of endangered cattle breeds by means of modern biotechnological methods, 137p. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 76.

FAO (1989). Utilization of genetic resources: suitable approaches, agronomical evaluation and use, 126p. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 94.

FAO (1989). Plant genetic resources: their conservation in situ for human use, 38p.

FAO/UNEP (1990). Animal genetic resources: a global programme for sustainable development. Proceedings of an FAO Expert Consultation, Rome, September 1989, Wiener, G. (ed), 318p. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 80.


FAO (1982). Tropical forest resources, Lanly, J.P., 116p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 30.

FAO (1985). The ecological effects of Eucalyptus, Poore, M.E.D., Fries, C., 92p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 59.

FAO (1985). Intensive multiple-use forest management in the tropics: analysis of case studies from India, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, 197p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 55.

FAO (1985). Mangrove management in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, 62p. FAO Environment Paper No. 4.

FAO (1987). Restoring the balance: women and forest resources, 32p.

FAO (1988). Non-timber uses of selected and zone trees and shrubs in Africa, Booth, F.E.M., Wickens, G.E., 186p. FAO Conservation Guide No. 19.

FAO (1989). Arid zone forestry: a guide for field technicians, 152p. FAO Conservation Guide No. 20.

FAO (1989). Forestry and food security, 117p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 90.

FAO (1989). Management of tropical moist forests in Africa, 172p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 88.

FAO (1989). Review of forest management systems of tropical Asia: case studies of natural forest management for timber production in India, Malaysia and the Philippines, 233p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 89.

FAO (1989). Role of forestry in combating desertification. Proceedings of Expert Consultation, Saltillo, Mexico, 24-28 June 1985, 343p. FAO Conservation Guide No. 21.

FAO (1991). Trees and forests in rural land use, Muthoo, M.K. & Chipeta, M.E. (eds), 230p.


FAO (1983). River basins, Welcomme, R.L., 66p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 202.

FAO (1984). Report of the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development, Rome, 27 June-6 July 1984, 60p.

FAO (1984). World review of interactions between marine mammals and fisheries, Northridge, S.P., 197p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 251.

FAO (1985). The fish resources of the northwest Pacific , Chikuni, S., 190p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 266.

FAO (1985). Inland fisheries in multi-purpose river basin planning and development in tropical Asian countries: three case studies, Petr, T. (ed), 171p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 265.

FAO (1985). River fisheries, Welcomme, R.L., 339p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 262.

FAO (1986). An ecological framework for marine fishery investigations. Caddy, J.F. & Sharp, G.D., 152p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 283.

FAO (1988). International introductions of inland aquatic species, Welcomme, R.L. (comp), 328p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 294.

FAO (1988). Methodology and guidelines for fisheries development planning, with special reference to the developing countries in the African region, Hamlisch, R., 67p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 297.

FAO/General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (1990). Recent trends in the fisheries and environment in the GFCM area, 78p. GFCM Studies and Reviews No. 63.

FAO (1991). Driftnet fisheries and their impacts on non-target species: a worldwide review, Northridge, S. P., 115p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 320.

FAO (1991). Fish for food and development: strategy and action programmes for fisheries, 48p.

FAO (1991). An updated world review of interactions between marine mammals and fisheries, Northridge, S.P., 58p. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 251/Suppl. 1.


FAO (1983). Integrating crops and livestock in West Africa, 120p. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 41. alternative

FAO (1984). Farm management research for small farmer development, 155p. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 41.

FAO (1984). Improved production systems as an alternative to shifting cultivation, 215p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 53.

FAO (1984). Tillage systems for veil and water conservation, 296p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 54.

FAO (1985). Changes in shifting cultivation in Africa: seven case studies, 191p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 50/1

FAO (1989). Farming systems development: concept, methods, application, 44p.

FAO/FAC (1990). Biological farming in Europe. Proceedings of Expert Consultation, Bern, Switzerland, 28-31 May 1990. Besson, J-M. (ed), 298p. European System Cooperative Research Network in Agriculture (ESCORENA). REUR Technical Series No. 12.

FAO (1991). Guidelines for the conduct of a training course in fanning system development, 250p.


FAO (1983). Guidelines for integrated control of cotton pests, Frisbie, R.E. (ed), 1991p. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 48.

FAO (1983). Maximising fertilizer use efficiency, 56p. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin No. 6.

FAO (1984). Environmental management for vector control in rice fields, Mather, T.H. & Ton That, T., 164 FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 41.

FAO (1985). Producer-gas technology for rural applications, 132p. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 61.

FAO (1986). Efficient fertilizer use in acid upland soils of the humid tropics, Von Uexkull, H.R., 69p. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin No. 10.

FAO (1988). Efficient fertilizer use in summer rainfed areas, De, R., 1988. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin No. 11.

FAO (1989). Sustainable agricultural production: implications for international agricultural research, 131p. FAO Research and Technology Paper No. 4.

FAO (1990). Micronutrient assessment at the country level: an international study, Sillanp, M., 207p. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 63.


FAO (1984). Development strategies for the rural poor, 117p. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 44.

FAO (1984). Landlessness: a growing problem, 112p. FAO Economic and Social Development Series No. 28.

FAO (1985). Land, food and people, and people, 96p. FAO Economic and Social Development Series No. 39.

FAO (1986). The dynamics of rural poverty, 240p.

FAO (1987). Population, society and agricultural planning, 170p. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 51.

FAO (1988). World food security: selected themes and issues, 108p. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 53.


FAO (1980). The law of international water resources, 335p. FAO Legislative Study No. 23.

FAO (1980). Seed legislation, 121p. FAO Legislative Study No. 16.

FAO (1984). Legislation on wildlife and protected areas in Africa, de Saussay, C., 164p. FAO Legislative Study No. 25.

FAO (1984). Plant protection legislation, 171p. FAO Legislative Study No. 28.

FAO/UNEP (1986). Compendium of national legislation on the conservation of marine mammals, 243p. Vol. 1.

FAO (1986). International groundwater resources law, Barberis, J.A., 74p. FAO Legislative Study No. 40.

FAO (1986). Forest legislation in selected African countries, Schmithuesen, F., 351p. FAO Forestry Paper No. 65.

FAO (1988). Pesticide labelling legislation, Gonzales Vaque, L., 159p. FAO Legislative Study No. 43.

FAO (1989). Guidelines for legislation on the control of pesticides, 15p.

FAO (1991). Environmental impact of economic incentives for agricultural production: a comparative law study, Mekouar, M.A., 103p. FAO Legislative Study No. 38.

FAO (1990). The freshwater-maritime interface: legal and institutional aspects, Hayton, R.D., 100p. FAO Legislative Study No. 46.


FAO, 1980. Environmental impact of tsetse chemical control. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 7/Rev., 74p.

FAO/UNEP (1982). Mycotoxin surveillance: a guideline, 72p. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 21.

FAO/Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa (1985). Review of the state of aquatic pollution of West and Central African inland waters, Calamari, D., 32p. CIFA Occasional Paper No. 12.

FAO (1986). Codex alimentarius. Codex maximum limits for pesticide residues, 197p., 2nd ed. Vol. 13.

FAO (1986). Review of the state of water pollution affecting inland fisheries in Southeast Asia, Alabaster, J.S. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper NO 260.

FAO (1988). Guidelines on post-registration surveillance and other activities in the field of pesticides, 11p.

FAO (1989). Revised guidelines on environmental criteria for the registration of pesticides, 51p.

FAO (1990). Pesticide residues in food. Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting, Rome, 1990, 107p. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 102.

FAO (1990). Codex Alimentarius: abridged version 1989. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, 568p.


Edouard Saouma-FAO photo
People's Participation-FAO photo, L. Callerholm
FAO's Fertilizer Programme-FAO photo, C. Errath
World Seed Campaign-FAO photo, John Isaac
Soil Conservation-FAO photo, A. Wolstad
Irrigated agriculture-FAO photo, E. Kennedy
Small-scale technologies-FAO photo, F. Botts
Reducing post-harvest losses-FAO photo, I. de Borhegyi
Rural marketing-FAO photo, T. Fenyes, MTI
Planting trees-FAO photo, I. Bara, MTI
Mariculture research-FAO photo, I. de Borhegyi
Rural development-FAO photo, Peyton Johnson

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