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Annex - Map of Tanzania

Annex - Man of Uganda

Annex - Map of Zambia


Barnett, T. and Blaikie, P., AIDS in Africa: its present and future impact, Belhaven Press, London and Guilford Press. New York, 1 992.

Drinkwater, M.J., 'Knowledge, consciousness and prejudice: Developing a dialogue with farmer research groups', paper presented to the workshop on Beyond Farmer First, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, U.K., 2729 October 1992.

Drinkwater, M., The Effects of HIV/AIDS on Agricultural Production Systems in Zambia, Vol. 1, Vol.2, Mpongwe Field Report and Vol.3, Teta Field Report, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries and FAO, Zambia, September 1993.

FAO. Farming Systems Development: Guidelines for the Conduct of a Training Course in Farming Systems Development. Rome, 1 990.

Food Studies Group of the International Development Centre, Agricultural Diversification and Intensification Study, three volumes, FSG, International Development Centre, Oxford. U.K., 1 992.

Foster, Susan. Cost and burden of AIDS on the Zambian Health Care System: Policies to Mitigate the Impact on Health Services. USAID document (unpublished), September 1993.

Gillespie S. Potential impact of AIDS on Farming Systems: A Case Study from Ruanda, Land Use Policy, October 1989, pp. 301 312.

Government of Tanzania, Comprehensive Food Security Programme, Dares-Salaam, 1 992.

Government of Tanzania, Ministry of Health, National AIDS Control Programme, HIV/AIDS/STD Surveillance Report No. 7, Dar-es-Salaam, December 1 992.

Government of Uganda, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, Ministry of Health, AIDS Control Programme, Entebbe, Uganda, 1992.

Government of Uganda, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, AIDS Control Programme, Entebbe, Uganda, December 1992.

Government of Zambia, Ministry of Health/WHO, Zambia National AIDS Prevention and Control Programme, Annual Report, January 1993.

Haslwimmer, M., The Social and Economic Impact on Nakambala Sugar Estate, Zambia, January 1994.

Hunter, S., Bulirwa, E. and E. Kisseka. 'AIDS and Agricultural Production: Report of a Land Utilization Survey, Masaka and Rakai Districts of Uganda' Draft submitted in Land Use Policy, 1993.

IFAD, General identification Report: Volumes I to IV, Rome, 1993.

Kapinga, A., Kissawike, K., Ndelike, M. and Ngasonga, J., Report on the Study of Effects of HIV/AIDS on Agricultural Production Systems in Tanzania, Institute of Development Studies, Sokoine Agricultural University, Morogoro, Tanzania, October 1993.

Mitti, G.A., Zambia: The Major Farming Systems, a summary of information on the main agricultural zones and systems based on analysis of socio-economic studies and provincial reports, Adaptive Research Planning Team, Mount Makulu Central Research Station, Lusaka, Zambia, September 1993.

Panos Institute. The Hidden Cost of AIDS. London, 1992.

Semali, I and Ainsworth, M., "Health Status and the economic burden of poor health", In World Bank, Report of a workshop on the Economic Impact of Fatal Adult Illness in Sub-Saharan Africa held in Bukoba, Kagera region, Tanzania, September 16 - 20, 1992, The World Bank. Washington DC, July 1993.

Tibajuka, A. The Cost of Differential Gender Roles m African Agriculture: A Case Study of Smallholder Banana-Coffee Farms in the Kagera Region, Tanzania. Journal of Agricultural Economics, (1) 1994,pp.69-81.

Topouzis, D., The Implications of HI V/AIDS on Investment Centre Work, DDC, FAO. Rome, January 1994.

Tumushabe, J., Bantebya, G., and Ssebuliba, R., The Effects of HIV/AIDS on Agricultural Production and Rural Livelihood Systems in Eastern Africa: FAO Project RAF/92/TO/A/08/12, Uganda, October 1993.

WHO.The HIV/AIDS Pandemic: 1993 Overview. GPA, Geneva, 1 99 3.

World Bank, Report of a workshop on the Economic Impact of Fatal Adult Illness in Sub-Saharan Africa held in Bukoba, Kagera region, Tanzania, September 16- 20, 1992, Washington DC: The World Bank, July 1 993.

World Bank. World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health, Oxford University Press, 1993.

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