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Sharing of power and decision-making

Sharing of power and decision-making

Women lack access to decision-making structures due to the weight of political, economic and social constraints, including illiteracy, heavy workloads and limited access to information and services.

Members and Officers of Agricultural/Rural Organizations. There are about 2,500 agricultural cooperatives with a total of 180,000 members. These cooperatives cover about 12% of agricultural production and operate in the areas of livestock, agricultural production and processing. Gender-disaggregated data is not available on membership or office bearers, but women almost never hold management positions in these cooperatives. In the agrarian reform sector, women represented 5.9% of the membership of agricultural cooperatives in 1993. Outside the agrarian reform sector, there are 17 women-only cooperatives mainly concerned with livestock rearing.

Women in Decision-making Positions in Ministries and Government Bodies. About 30% of civil servants are women, but most women work at the lower levels.

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