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A note on how to use this manual

A note on how to use this manual

I. Main Body of the Manual

The main body of the Manual is organized into Modules. For each of the 5 modules there are four major parts:

II. Standard Tools for Field Workers and Women's Groups

Manual standard tools for field workers and women's groups are to be found in the Annexes. These standard tools are the Field workers' essential tools when they assist members of women's groups. During the workshop, participants should therefore make sure that they have a good understanding of these tools and on how to use them. These standard tools are the following:

These forms and agreements are samples to be used by project management, field workers and women's groups. They form a part of the required control system in the management of the project revolving funds.

III. Evaluation Forms

The Manual Evaluation Forms for each Module are found in the last section of the Manual. Facilitators are advised to have participants fill up these forms at the end of each Module.

IV. The Workbook

The workshop has been designed in such a way as to have few lectures but many opportunities for experience sharing, simulation and other exercises with the use of case studies and other output-oriented tasks. The workbook for participants contains all the cases, exercises and tools. Participants learn through "doing and thinking" rather than through "listening and reading". The Manual proper contains the "answers" and "important pointers" as guide for Facilitators. It is therefore important that participants are not "spoon-fed" with these "answers" and "important pointers". The Manual should therefore not be given to participants until after completion of the workshop. The workbook in the Chinese version is found in the last section of the Manual. The English version contains only a table of content of the workbook.

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