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National sectoral reports

Benin: Rapport national sur les femmes, l'agriculture et le développement rural, Preparatifs de la quatrième conference mondiale sur les femmes (Draft), prepared by Anastasie Tomety and Raphael Dansou for the Ministère du développement rural, April 1994.

Burkina Faso: Rapport Sectoriel, Femmes, agriculture et développement rural, Burkina Faso, Ministere de l'agriculture et des ressources animales, August 1994.

Congo: Rapport national sur les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural, Republique du Congo, prepared by Félicité Tchibindat and Henriette Makoumba-Nzarnbi for the Ministère delegué charge de l' integration de la femme au développement, July 1994.

Mauritania: Equisse de pays pour un cadre politique et plan d 'action regional pour les femmes en agriculture au proche orient (Draft), prepared by Mounina Mint Abdellah, March 1994.

Morocco: Projet de programme d'actions regionales de la F.A.O. pour la femme rurale dans l'agriculture en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen Orient (Draft), prepared by A. Bennis, Ministère de l'agriculture et de la mise en valeur agricole, March 1994.

Namibia: National Report on Women, Agriculture and Rural Development for the Fourth World Conference on Women (Draft), prepared by LoriAnn Girvan, Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit, for the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, June 1994.

Sudan: The Role of Women in Agriculture in the Sudan, Contribution to the Policy Framework and Regional Programme of Action for Women in Agriculture in the Near East (Draft), prepared by Amna A. Farah, Women in Agriculture Consultancy House and Country Coordinator, RPAWANE, March 1994.

Tanzania: National Report on Women, Agriculture and Rural Development (Draft), prepared by Bertha Koda, Institute of Development Studies, May 1994.

Zimbabwe: National Report of Women in Agricultural Development: Preparations for the Fourth World Conference on Women (Draft), Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Water Development, June 1994.

FAO documents

1994a. Gender and Rural Development Profile: The Republic of Namibia, Rome, Italy.

1994b. Gender and Rural Development Profile: The Republic of Zimbabwe, Rome, Italy.

1994c. Gender and Rural Development Profile: The United Republic of Tanzania, Rome, Italy.

1993a. Agricultural Extension and Farm Women in the 1980s, Rome, Italy.

1993b. FAO Contribution to the Preliminary Version of the 1994 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development (Draft), Rome, Italy.

1993c. Rural Poverty Alleviation: Policies and Trends, FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 113, Rome, Italy.

1991a. Development Strategies for the Rural Poor, FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 44, Rome, Italy. 1991b. Women in Agricultural Development Series: Women and Population in Agricultural and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Rome, Italy.

1990a. Women in Agricultural Development Series: Gender Issues in Rural Food Security in Developing Countries, Rome, Italy.

1990b. Women in Agricultural Development Series: Women, Food Systems and Agriculture, Rome, Italy.

1988. The Impact of Development Strategies on the Rural Poor: Second Analysis of Country Experiences in the Implementation of the WCARRD Programme of Action, Rome, Italy.

Other documents:

Anderson, Mary B., 1990. Women on the Agenda: UNIFEM's Experience in Mainstreaming with Women 1985-1990, United Nations Development Fund for Women, New York.

Bullock, Susan, 1993. Women and Work, Women and World Development Series, London: Zed Publications.

International Fund for Agricultural Development, 1993. The State of World Rural Poverty: A Profile of Africa, Rome, Italy.

1991. The Economic Advancement of Poor Rural Women, Guidelines for Action, Rome, Italy.

Joekes, Susan, 1991. Women and Structural Adjustment: Operational Implications for Member Organizations of the Joint Consultative Group on Policy, Brighton, UK: Institute for Development Studies.

United Nations Development Programme, 1994. The Human Development Report 1994, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

United Nations, 1991. The World's Women 197-1990, Trends and Statistics, New York.

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