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Length frequency sheet

  Vessel Name   Species Name
  Vessel code cruise number station number sample number day month year minimum length maximum length length increment Species code Stratum code total catch kg. sample wt. kg. raising Factor sheet number
  Length Scale cm.
  0.0 0.5 1 0 1.5 2.0 2 5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
  2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
  5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

May 1984


FAO publications on scientific aspects of fisheries are issued in the following main series of documents:

a)  FAO Manuals on Fisheries Science which are priced publications.

b)  FAO Fisheries Technical Papers which are normal vehicles for technical reports.

c)  FAO Fisheries Circulars which are used as a repository for preliminary studies that may be reissued as Technical Papers.

Selected publications from regional projects have also been included in this list. These, however, may not be as readily available as the main series listed above.

Requests for documents should be addressed to:

 Distribution and Sales Unit
 Publications Division
 Food and Agriculture Organization
 Via delle Terme di Caracalla
 00100 Rome, Italy

Requests for documents of the Regional South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme should be addressed to:

 FAO Representative in the Philippines
 P.O. Box 1864
 Metro Manila

A list of all FAO Fisheries Department publications covering the years 1948–1978 is published as FAO Fisheries Circular (100)Rev.3. An up-dating of this is in preparation.

When documents are out of print microfiches or photocopies may be ordered from the Library and Documentation Division of FAO under the following conditions:

Photocopies can be made of items not exceeding 50 pages at US$ 2.00 for every 10 pages or less of each document.

Documents over 50 pages are only available in microfiche form of 60 pages per fiche. The cost of the first fiche is US$ 2.00 and subsequent ones US$ 1.00 each.

1.  Fishery biology

Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research (ACMRR)/Comitéconsultatif d'experts de la recherche sur les ressources de la mer (CCRRM)/ComitéAsesor sobre Investigaciones de los Recursos Marinos (CAIRM), 1981 Report of the Working Party on the promotion of fishery resources research in developing countries. Fløro, Norway, 2–8 September 1979/Rome, Italy, 8–12 September 1980. Repport du Groupo de travail sur la promotion de la recherche sur les resources halieutiques des pays en développement. Fløro, Norvège, 2–8 september 1979/Rome, Italie, 8–12 september 1980. Informe del Grupo de Trabajo para la promocíon de las investigaciones sobre recursos pesqueros en los paises en desarrollo. Fløro, Noruega, 2–8 de septiembre de 1979/Roma, Italia, 8–12 de septiembre de 1980. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO,Rapp.Pêches/FAO,Inf.Pesca, (251):235 p.

Collette, B.B. and C.E. Nauen, 1983 FAO species catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. FAO Fish.Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.

Compagno, L.J.V., 1984 FAO species catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 1. Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. FAO Fish.Synop., (125): Vol.4 Pt.1:249 p.

FAO, 1977 Selected references of general interest to fishery scientists (1976–77). FAO Fish.Circ., (705):13 p.

FAO, 1978 Selected references of general interest to fishery scientists: Addendum for 1977–78. FAO Fish.Circ., (705)Add.1:9 p.

Holden, M.J. and D.F.S. Raitt (eds), 1974 Manual of fishery science. Part 2. Methods of resource investigations and their application. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (115)Rev.1:214 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Holthuis, L.B., 1980 FAO species catalogue. Vol. 1. Shrimps and prawns of the world. An annotated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish.Synop., (125)Vol.1:261 p.

Kesteven, G.L., 1973 Manual of fishery science. Part 1. An introduction to fisheries science. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (118):43 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Laevastu, T., 1965 Manual of methods in fisheries biology. FAO Man.Fish.Sci., (1):10 fasc. Issued also in French. Spanish version published for FAO by Editorial Acribia, Zaragoza, Spain

Roper, C.F.E., M.J. Sweeney and C.E. Nauen, 1984 FAO species catalogue. Vol. 3. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish.Synop., (125)Vol.3:277 p.

Simpson, A.C., 1977 The role of research in fisheries development. FAO Fish.Circ., (720):17 p.

Tomczak, G.H., 1977 Environmental analyses in marine fisheries research. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (170): 141 p.

2.  Stock assessment and fishery management

ACMRR Working Party on the Scientific Basis of Determining Management Measures, 1980 Report of the ACMRR Working Party on the scientific basis of determining management measures. Hong Kong, 10–15 December, 1979. FAO Fish.Rep., (236):149 p.

Asada, Y., 1983 Y. Hirasawa and F. Nagasaki, Fishery management in Japan. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (238):26 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Beddington, J.R. and J.G. Cooke, 1983 The potential yield of fish stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (242):47 p.

Beddington, J.R. and R.B. Rettig, 1984 Approaches to the regulation of fishing effort. FAO Fish.Tech. Pap., (243):39 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Beverton, R.J.H. and S.J. Holt, 1966 Manual of methods of fish stock assessment. Part 2. Tables of yield functions. Manuel sur les méthodes d'évaluation des stocks ichthyologiques. Partie 2. Tables de fonctions de rendement. Manual de métodos para la evaluacíon de los stocks de peces. Parte 2. Tables de functiones de rendimiento. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap./FAO, Doc.Tech.Pêches/FAO,Doc.Téc.Pesca, (38)Rev.1:67 p.

Burke, W.T., 1982 Fisheries regulations under extended jurisdiction and international law. FAO Fish. Tech.Pap., (223):23 p. French and Spanish versions in preparation

Caddy, J.F. (ed.), 1982 Provisional world list of computer programmes for fish stock assessment and their availability by country and fisheries institute. FAO Fish.Circ., (746):51 p.

Caddy, J.F. (ed.), 1982a Some considerations relevant to the definition of shared stocks and their allocation between adjacent economic zones. FAO Fish.Circ., (749):44 p. Issued also in Spanish

Caddy, J.F. (ed.), 1983 Advances in assessment of world cephalopod resources. Progrès réalisés dans l'évaluation des ressources mondiales de céphalopodes. Progressos realizados en la evaluación mundial de cefalópodos. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap./FAO,Doc.Tech.Pêches/FAO, Doc.Téc.Pesca, (231):452 p.

Christy, F.T., Jr., 1982 Territorial use rights in marine fisheries: definition and conditions. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (227):10 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

* CIDA/FAO/CECAF, 1980 Selected lectures from the CIDA/FAO/CECAF seminar on fishery resource evaluation. Casablanca, Morocco, 6–24 March 1978. Rome, FAO, Canada Funds-in- Trust, FAO/TF/INT/180(c) (CAN)Suppl.:166 p. Issued also in French

Csirke, J., 1980 Introduccion a la dinamica de poblaciones de peces. FAO,Doc.Téc.Pesca, (192):82 p.

FAO, 1976 Monitoring of fish stock abundance: the use of catch and effort data. A report of the ACMRR Working Party on fishing effort and monitoring of fish stock abundance. Rome, Italy, 16–20 December, 1975. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (155):101 p.

* FAO, 1978 Models for fish stock assessment. FAO Fish.Circ., (701):122 p. Issued also in French

FAO, 1978a Some scientific problems of multispecies fisheries. Report of the expert consultation on management of multispecies fisheries, Rome, Italy, 20–23 September 1977. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (181):42 p. Issued also in French

FAO, 1981 Methods of collecting and analysing size and age data for fish stock assessment. FAO Fish.Circ., (736):100 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Garcia, S. and L. Le Reste, 1981 Life cycles, dynamics, exploitation and management of coastal penaeid shrimp stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (203):215 p. Issued also in French

* Gulland, J.A., 1969 Manual of methods for fish stock assessment. Part 1. Fish population analysis. FAO Man.Fish.Sci., (4):154 p. Issued also in French. Spanish version published for FAO by Editorial Acribia, Zaragoza, Spain

Gulland, J.A., 1972 Guidelines for fishery management. Rome, FAO, Indian Ocean Programme, IOFC/DEV/74/36:84 p.

Gulland, J.A., 1972a Some introductory guidelines to management of shrimp fisheries. Rome, FAO, Indian Ocean Programme, IOFC/DEV/72/24:12 p.

* Gulland, J.A., 1977 Goals and objectives of fishery management. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (166):14 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Gulland, J.A., 1980 Some problems of the management of shared stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (206):22 p. Issued also in French

Gulland, J.A., 1983 Fish stock assessment. A manual of basic methods. FAO/Wiley series on food and agriculture. Vol. 1. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons

Gulland, 1983a Stock assessment: why? FAO Fish.Circ., (759):18 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Hoenig, J.M. and S.B. Saila, 1983 A programmed learning guide for fishery managers in the fundamentals of stock assessment. FAO Fish.Circ., (762):49 p.

Jones, R., 1976 Mesh regulation in the demersal fisheries of the South China Sea area. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/76/WP/34:79 p.

Jones, R., 1976a The use of marking data in fish population analysis. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (153):42 p.

Jones, R., 1979 Materials and methods used in marking experiments in fishery research. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (190):133 p.

Jones, R., 1981 The use of length composition data in fish stock assessments (with notes on VPA and cohort analysis). FAO Fish.Circ., (734):55 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

MacKenzie, W.C., 1983 An introduction to the economics of fisheries management. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (226):31 p.

Panayotou, T., 1982 Management concepts for small-scale fisheries: economic and social aspects. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (228):53 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Pauly, D., 1980 Some simple methods for the assessment of tropical fish stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (234):52 p. Issued also in Spanish. French version in preparation

Pearse, P.H., 1980 Regulation of fishing effort: with special reference to Mediterranean trawl fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (197):82 p. Issued also in French

Pope, J.A. et al., 1975 Manual of methods for fish stock assessment. Part 3. Selectivity of fishing gear. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (41)Rev.1:46 p. Issued also in Spanish

Pope, J.G., 1979 Stock assessment in multispecies fisheries with special reference to the trawl fishery in the Gulf of Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/DEV/79/19:106 p.

Saila, S.B., 1983 Importance and assessment of discards in commercial fisheries. FAO Fish.Circ., (765):62 p.

Smith, I.R. and T. Panayotou, 1984 Territorial use rights and economic efficiency: the case of the Philippines fishery. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (245):17 p.

Troadec, J.-P., 1984 Introduction to fisheries management: advantages, difficulties and mechanisms. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (224):57 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

3.  Resources surveys

Alverson, D.L., 1971 Field surveys and the survey and charting of resources. Rome, FAO, Indian Ocean Programme, IOFC/DEV/71/6:22 p.

Bazigos, G.P. (ed.), 1981 A manual on acoustic surveys. Sampling methods for acoustic surveys. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (80/17):137 p.

Burczynski, J., 1982 Introduction to the use of sonar systems for estimating fish bio mass. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (191)Rev.1:89 p. Issued also in French and Spanish. Also published in Japanese under an agreement between FAO and the Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association

Eddie, G.C., 1983 The ownership and management of fishery research vessels. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (237):46 p.

Forbes, S.T. and O. Nakken (eds), 1972 Manual of methods for fisheries resources survey and appraisal. Part 2. The use of acoustic instruments for fish detection and abundance estimation. FAO Man.Fish.Sci., (5):138 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Grosslein, M.D. and A. Laurec, 1982 Bottom trawl surveys design, operation and analysis. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (81/22):25 p. Issued also in French

* Gulland, J.A., 1975 Manual of methods for fisheries resource survey and appraisal. Part 5. Objectives and basic methods. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (145):29 p.

Johannesson, K.A. and R.B. Mitson, 1983 Fisheries acoustics. A practical manual for aquatic biomass estimation. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (240):249 p.

Mackett, D.J., 1973 Manual of methods for fisheries resource survey and appraisal. Part 3. Standard methods and techniques for demersal fisheries resource surveys. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (124):39 p.

* Saville, A. (ed.), 1977 Survey methods of appraising fishery resources. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (171):76 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Smith, P.E. and S.L. Richardson, 1977 Standard techniques for pelagic fish egg and larva surveys. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (175):100 p. Issued also in Spanish

Smith, P.E., 1979 Selected bibliography on pelagic fish egg and larva surveys. Bibliographie selectionée sur les prospections d'oeufs et de larves de poisson pélagiques. Bibliografía seleccionada sobre riconocimientos de huevos y larves de peces pelágicos. FAO Fish.Circ./FAO, Circ.Pêches/FAO,Circ.Pesca, (706):97 p. (Trilingual)

Ulltang, O., 1977 Methods of measuring stock abundance other than by the use of commercial catch and effort data. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (176):23 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Venema, S.C. (comp.), 1982 A selected bibliography of acoustics in fisheries research and related fields. FAO Fish.Circ., (748):154 p. Revision in preparation

4.  Fishery statistics

Banerji, S.K., 1974 Frame surveys and associated sample survey designs for the assessment of marine fish landings. Rome, FAO, Indian Ocean Programme, IOFC/DEV/74/39:15 p.

Banerji, S.K., 1975 Improvement of national fishery statistics. Rome, FAO, Indian Ocean Programme, IOFC/DEV/75/41:15 p.

Bazigos, G.P., 1974 The design of fisheries statistical surveys - inland waters. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (133):122 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Bazigos, G.P., 1974a Applied fishery statistics. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (135):164 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Bazigos, G.P., 1975 Applied fishery statistics: vectors and matrices. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (135)Suppl.1: 34 p.

Bazigos, G.P., 1976 The design of fisheries statistical surveys - inland waters. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (133)Suppl.1:46 p.

* Bazigos, G.P., 1977 Mathematics for fishery statisticians. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (169):183 p.

* Brander, K., 1975 Guidelines for collection and compilation of fishery statistics. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (148):46 p.

FAO, 1980 The collection of catch and effort statistics. FAO Fish.Circ., (730):63 p. Issued also in Spanish. French version in preparation

* Gulland, J.A., 1966 Manual of sampling and statistical methods for fisheries biology. Part 1. Sampling methods. FAO Man.Fish.Sci., (3):87 p. Issued also in French and Spanish. Published in Portuguese by the Superintendéncia do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (SUDENE), Recife, Brasil, in 1966

5.  Inland fisheries

Backiel, T. and R.L. Welcomme (eds), 1980 Guidelines for sampling fish in inland waters. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (33):176 p.

Balayut, E.A., 1983 Stocking and introduction of fish in lakes and reservoirs in the ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) countries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (236):82 p.

Bhukaswan, T., 1980 Management of Asian reservoir fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (207):69 p.

FAO, 1980 Comparative studies on freshwater fisheries. Report of a Workshop held at the Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia. Pallanza, Italy, 4–8 September 1978. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (198):46 p.

Kapetsky, J.M., 1981 Some considerations for the management of coastal lagoon and estuarine fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (218):47 p. Issued also in French, Spanish and Arabic

Welcomme, R.L. (comp.), 1979 Fishery management in large rivers. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (194):60 p. Issued also in Spanish

Welcomme, R.L. (comp.), 1980 Cuencas fluviales. FAO,Doc.Téc.Pesca, (202):62 p.

Welcomme, R.L. and H.F. Henderson, 1976 Aspects of the management of inland waters for fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (161):40 p. Issued also in French and Spanish


The documents marked with an asterisk were translated into Chinese for use at a UNDP/ training course in fish stock assessment held in Shanghai in 1980.

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