1. The Directory of FAO Statutory Bodies and Panels of Experts 2000 is drawn up in accordance with the request of the Conference at its Fourteenth Session (1967, Report, para. 628) and sets out the various Bodies and Panels established by the Organization in two sections:

Section I - Statutory Bodies

Section II - Panels of Experts

2. The Bodies and Panels listed in this document are grouped by subject matter. Membership given is that at the time of going to press.

3. At its Thirteenth Session (1965) the Conference requested the Council to undertake over a four-year cycle the review of all FAO Expert Committees, Working Parties, and Panels of Experts on the one hand, and of Committees and Working Parties of Government representatives on the other, to ensure that they are maintained only for the length of time required to accomplish their main purpose and to avoid proliferation and duplication of functions. At its Fourteenth Session the Conference adopted criteria for the establishment of new Statutory Bodies (Report, paras. 613-617). It also adopted Resolution 21/67 regarding the convening of unscheduled sessions.

4. At its Fifty-first (1968) and Fifty-second (1969) Sessions, the Council stressed that the criteria adopted by the Conference should apply not only to the establishment of new Bodies but also as a guideline in determining the continuation of existing ones, in order to achieve a gradual but substantial reduction in the number of such Bodies and in the overall number of FAO meetings.

5. At its Fifty-fifth Session (1970), the Council approved four additional criteria for establishing or maintaining Statutory Bodies. (Report, para. 208).

6. At its Twenty-ninth Session, the Conference adopted Resolution 13/97 on the Review of Statutory Bodies and Panels of Experts, in which it decided that the conditions listed on page 7 of this Directory should be taken into account in establishing new Technical Bodies and new Subsidiary Bodies.

7. It further recommended that the Director-General, in consultation with the relevant parent bodies, international organizations and Codex Alimentarius Commission, consider abolishing the Bodies listed in Annexes B, C and D of Resolution 13/97.

8. The 2000 edition of the Directory of FAO Statutory Bodies lists the following for each Body: category, origin, purpose, first session, membership, language(s), rules of procedure, pattern of sessions, subsidiary bodies, if any, and their membership and language(s), and the achievement of each body for 1998-99. The category of each Body and Subsidiary Body is indicated beside the title on the basis of membership by governments [category (1)] or by individuals serving in their personal capacity [category (3)]. A Body's method of reporting is given only if it varies from the provisions of paragraph 30 of the Appendix to the Principles in Section R, Vol. II of the Basic Texts, 1994 edition.

9. The entries regarding achievement refer, whenever possible, to the approved criteria.


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