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Address by the Director General of the OIE

190. Dr. Bernard Vallat, Director General of the OIE, in his address to the Commission highlighted the importance of a strengthened collaboration among the OIE, Codex and IPPC (the “three sisters” organizations recognized by the WTO/SPS Agreement) and the need to mutually take into account their normative work.

191. He informed the Commission of the establishment in May 2002 of an OIE Working Group on Animal Production Food Safety, which included experts from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the Codex Secretariat. The Working Group had a mandate to elaborate international standards on microbiological and chemical hazards existing in the animal production chain, to identify gaps and duplication in OIE and Codex texts and to ensure their harmonization and to strengthen the collaboration between the two organizations.

Matters arising from FAO and WHO[81]

Scientific Advice[82]

192. The Commission welcomed the progress made by FAO and WHO in the preparation of the Consultative Study on the Provision of Scientific Advice and expressed appreciation on the progress already made. The Commission indicated the need to involve in the process all stakeholders and the importance to ensure adequate interaction between risk assessors and risk managers. It was suggested that the process should also consider mechanisms to avoid duplication of efforts.

193. The Commission noted the efforts of FAO and WHO in improving transparency in the selection of experts and in working procedures and the enhanced timeliness and quality of scientific advice provided to Codex.

194. The Commission acknowledged the large amount of requests for scientific advice raised through the Codex system. It recognized the need for Codex to prioritize its requests in coordination with the Secretariats of the FAO/WHO Scientific Committees and of the ad hoc Expert Consultations, considering also the needs of scientific advice of developing countries.

195. The Commission noted the need for Member Countries to provide appropriate data, experts and other necessary resources to facilitate the timely provision of the advice requested. It stressed the importance of considering data from developing countries. In this regard it pointed out that FAO/WHO should help developing countries to generate data required to set international standards. It welcomed the resolution of the World Health Assembly in this regard and the efforts already made by FAO and WHO.

Capacity Building[83]

196. The Commission noted the report of FAO/WHO on capacity building activities, in particular: the Joint FAO/WHO/OIE/WTO/WB Standards and Trade Development Facility; the Global and Regional Fora of Food Safety Regulators; FAO and WHO capacity building activities to strengthen food control system at regional and national level; the International Portal on Food Safety, Animal and Plant Health; the preparation of manuals, guidelines and training materials on support of capacity building activities; and, the increasing language coverage of existing technical publications.

Other matters

197. In response to a request of information from the Delegation of Japan on the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the WHO Representative said that the scientific information currently available did not demonstrate any specific food safety problem related to the SARS virus.

[81] ALINORM 03/26/13; CAC/26 INF/4.
[82] CAC/26 INF/4.
[83] CAC/26 INF/5; CAC/26 INF/6.

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