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PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF CODEX SESSIONS 2003 - 2005 (Agenda Item 15)[108]

237. The Commission noted the tentative nature of the schedule and agreed to include additional sessions for the Ad Hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force Task Force on Animal Feeding (May 2004) and the Ad Hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Fruit and Vegetable Juices (October 2004). The Delegation of Argentina proposed to change the date of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (e.g. September 2004). The Delegation of Chile pointed out that, when planning Codex sessions, meetings held by other international organizations should also be taken into account.

238. The Commission noted that the Schedule provided for meetings of the Commission in both 2004 and 2005; meetings of the Executive Committee on a six-monthly basis; and additional meetings of the Committee on General Principles. While recognizing that such a schedule was necessary in the short term to implement the results of the Evaluation, several delegations stated that it may be more appropriate for the Commission to meet at eighteen-month intervals, taking into account the resource implications of developing countries.

239. The Commission endorsed the proposed Schedule of Codex Sessions 2003-2005 on the understanding that it might be subject to amendments as necessary. In doing so, the Commission noted the need to consider longer period of time between the end of scheduled sessions of Codex Committees and the meetings of the Commission itself. The Commission further noted the benefits of organizing Codex meetings in countries, especially developing ones, different from the host countries of the Codex committees/task forces.

[108] ALINORM 03/26/16.

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