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Dr Markku Simula, CEO of the Finnish-based consulting group, INDUFOR, "set the scene" for the Conference.  He concluded that the following issues should be considered to enhance the effectiveness of criteria and indicators as a tool for monitoring and assessing trends in forests and for informed decision-making to make progress towards sustainable forest management:

1. The merits of increased comparability and consistency between existing regional/international processes of criteria and indicators, including the possible merits and purpose of a common set at the global level.

2. Need for mechanisms for enhanced coordination, cooperation and information exchange among existing regional and international criteria and indicator processes.

3. The role of criteria and indicators in national forest monitoring, assessment and reporting, and in policy formulation and evaluation, including the criteria and indicators as an output oriented monitoring mechanism for NFPs.

4. The purposes and application of national and sub-national criteria and indicators, including the relationship between them, performance standards and certification

5. The following measures were identified to make an effective use of the criteria and indicators at international, regional and national levels to promote sustainable forest management:

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