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34. The Technical Consultation made a number of recommendations for implementing at national and regional levels. A summary of major decisions and recommendation is given in Appendix D.

Recommendations for implementing at national level

Specific recommendations for the Malawi sector

35. In the case of the Malawi Sector of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa the following recommendations were made.

a) For the deepwater cichlids the following recommendations were made:

b) Concerning cyprinids the following recommendations were made:

c) Regarding utaka (Haplochromis) the following recommendations were made:

d) In the case of chambo (Tilapias) the following recommendations were made:

e) As for the mbuna (ornamental fishes), the following were recommended:

Specific recommendations for the Mozambique sector

36. In the case of the Mozambique sector of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa, the following recommendations were made:

a) for the large cyprinids: institute effort control measures; public awareness to encourage appropriate exploitation techniques; and conduct biological studies and integrated management or relevant river basins;

b) regarding institutional capacity: take the necessary measures to upgrade existing infrastructure; and

c) for research: disseminate the research findings to improve fish handling and processing techniques.

Specific recommendations for the Tanzania sector

37. In the case of the Tanzania sector of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa the following recommendations were made:

a) capacity building in data collection;
b) monitoring control and surveillance to build capacity for effective control;
c) develop a management plan;
d) establishing co-management approach in the management of the fisheries and environment;
e) establish mechanism to collect socio-economic data, information and dissemination;
f) establish mechanisms to sustain the mbuna (ornamental fish) fishery; and
g) consider possibilities of restocking the cyprinids where local over fishing has occurred.

Recommendations for implementing at regional level

38. The Technical Consultation made a summary of the issues discussed which require regional strategies and interventions. These are as follows:

Open access

39. Concerning open access the following were highlighted

Common fisheries resources

40. Regarding common fisheries resources, attention was focused on the following:

41. The Technical Consultation examined regional fisheries management issues; various strategies; and necessary interventions for managing the lake fisheries on a unified basis. The issues, strategies and interventions are indicated in the Table given in Appendix F.

42. The following recommendations were made for implementation at regional level:

a) For capacity building: regional training for catch data collection and establish data base for fisheries and socio-economics.

b) For harmonized legislation: define geographical area concerning pollution, introduction of exotic and aquaculture practices as well as areas in statute.

c) For fisheries networking: establish a research forum to discuss scientific findings and to review and update data collecting systems.

d) For reduction of pressure on inshore fisheries: undertake studies to identify viable alternative livelihoods and options to exploit stocks offshore.

e) For inadequate information on the magnitude of pelagic stocks: assess and monitor pelagic stocks.

f) For aquatic weed infestation: identify environmental friendly methods for containing the weeds.

43. In order to implement the above activities the following recommendations were made.

Short-term regional mechanism

44. Formation of an ad hoc committee to fulfil in the short run the functions of the Fisheries Management Standing Committee as stipulated in the draft "Convention on the Sustainable Development of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa and its Basin". The Ad hoc Committee will work out mechanisms for implementation of the recommendations, identify funding sources, and initiate a request for TCP assistance in the short run.

Long-term regional mechanism

45. It was recommended that the three riparian States of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa take necessary measures to speed up the establishment of a Fisheries Management Standing Committee as stipulated in the draft "Convention on the Sustainable Development of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa and its Basin".

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