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6 GIS and data geo-referencing

Geographic Information System is a fabulous forest inventory tool as it is in dealing with mapping and geo-referencing natural resources. In view of the considerable volume of information that will be dealt with in national/global forest surveys and of the need for fast and accurate processing of data and delivery of results, GIS will be the key tool. It will be used for capturing, processing, archiving and editing cartographic, statistical, textual and photographic data.

The project requirements will be varied especially in respect to the types of data to depict in the database. The most common information that will be part of the database is:

Database developed at 2 levels:

Theoretically, every country will dispose of a database on its forest resources. However for those where a dbase will not be established for some reasons (e.g. economically not justifiable), FAO will be the venue where a world-wide data will be processed and stored, and results published per country, ecological zone, continent or for planetary levels.

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