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9 Partnership between FAO and National and International Institutions

Although implementation of the GFS will require a substantial contribution from the donor countries, a partnership framework between FAO, specialised international institutions and national sector related institutions would be needed. The most obvious bodies at country level that can be indicated for this work are the forestry services. But, as the surveys involve usually research programme or even assimilated as investigation work, it is probably more beneficial if such exercise falls under research government institutions such as forestry research centres or universities. These two institutions do not exist in every country. Even though forestry research centres are more common in developing countries, the number of universities with forestry departments is limited.

The most suitable institutions for the forest survey at national level should be investigated and selected in common agreement with the national authorities. Local institutions should fulfil a set of conditions of minimum capacity, readiness for the survey on continuous basis and extent of its mandate.

At international level, the specialised institutions in the area of remote sensing and databases are frequent. One single institution will be needed for this programme and will work, in close collaboration with FAO and the national institutions, to homogenise classification systems and interpretation procedures, conduct interpretation activities, develop the appropriate database structure and standardise outputs.

Capacity building may be provided by FAO under projects to be designed for the purpose. Donors may also be involved in bilateral co-operation for capacity building under the GFS project lead by FAO.

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