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AIDEnvironment 1999. A methodology for the socio-economic valuation of non-timber forest products on a regional or national scale. Amsterdam. Unpublished Report.

FAO 2000. Global Forest Survey - Concept Paper. Forest Resources Assessment Programme, Working Paper 28. 

Freudenberger, K. 1995. Tree and Land Tenure: Using Rapid Rural Appraisal to Study Natural Resources Management, Community Forestry Case Study 10, FAO, Italy.

IIED, 1997. Valuing the Hidden Harvest: Methodological Approaches for Local-Level Economic Analysis of Wild Resources, Research Series Volume 3 No.4, UK.

Jackson, W. J. and Ingles, A.W.1998. Participatory Techniques for Community Forestry; A Field Manual, IUCN, Switzerland/UK.

Molnar, A. 1989. Community forestry: Rapid appraisal, Community Forestry Note 3. Rome, FAO.

For literature consulted see annotated bibliography in appendix.

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