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ARMM: Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
CATIE: Centro Agronómíco Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
C&I : Criteria and Indicators
CIFOR: Centre For International Forestry Research
CIPEC : Centre for the Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change
CMR: Cameroon
CONAP: Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas
CSD: Commission on Sustainable Development
DBH: Diameter at breast height
DILG: Director of Bureau of Local Government
DENR: Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DPSIR: Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response
DSR: Driving Force - State – Response
EEA: European Environment Agency
Food and agriculture Organisation
FORIS: Forestry Information System
FMB: Forest Management Bureau
FRA: Forest Resources Assessments
FSIS : Forestry Statistical Information System
GFRA: Global Forest Resources Assessments
IFF: Inter-Governmental Forum on Forests
IN: Indiana University
INAB: Instituto Nacional de Bosques
IPF: Inter-Governmental Panel on Forests
ITTO: International Tropical Timber Organisation
IUFRO: International Union of Forest Research Organisations
LoA: Letter of Agreement
LGU: Local Government Units
MINEF: Ministry of Environment and Forestry
NAMRIA: National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
NCO: National Coordinating Office
NGO: Non-Governmental Organization
nfi: National forest inventories
nfa: National forest assessments
nwfp: Non-wood forest products
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PROCAFOR: Proyecto Centroamericano Forestal
PSR: Pressure-State-Response
RFIT: Regional Field Inventory Teams
TCP: Technical Cooperation Programme
TOF: Trees outside forest
UNFF: United Nations Forum on Forests
USA: United States of America
UVG: Universidad del Vale de Guatemala
WCMC: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

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