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Election of Vice—Chairmen and Designation of Chairman and Members of the Drafting Committee

to suspend Rule I (1) of its Rules of Procedure in order to elect three Vice—Chairmen for its current Session (para. 3).

State of Food and Agriculture, 1978

its warm appreciation of the clear and objective manner in which the Director-General had reported on world food and agriculture problems and supported his dynamic leader-ship of the Organization, in implementing the new policies the Council had adopted in 1976 (para. 8)

Endorsed the general lines of analysis of the world food and agricultural situation and out-look as presented in the Director-General!s report (para. 9)

Urged all donors to increase the level and improve the terms of their official development assistance for agriculture (para. 17).

Recommended that the trend in donor countries to shift commitments for agriculture in favour of the poorest countries and small farmers should be further strengthened (para. 17).

Requested member countries to give high priority to providing FAO with data on external aid, domestic investment and recurrent expenditures in agriculture required in a new statistical questionnaire (para. 19).

Report of the Committee on World Food Security (3rd Session, Rome, April 1978)

that urgent efforts should be made by the negotiating parties to resume the Negotiating Conference on an international grains arrangement as soon as possible (para, 25).

Requested all countries in a position to do so to contribute to the International Emergency Food Reserve so as to ensure that it would speedily Eceach the target of 500 000 tons and that it would be maintained at this level through annual replenishment (par. 30.).

Approved the objectives and operation of the FAO Food Security Assistance Scheme whi ch served as a catalyst, as a framework for coordinating multilateral and bilateral programmes, as a source of technical expertise on national food reserves and as a vehicle for mobilizing f unds (para, 31).

Agreed with the conclusions and recommendations of the Report of the Third Session of the Committee on World Food Security (para. 32).

Report of the Committee on Fisheries (12th Session, Rome, June 1978)

the recommendations of the Committee on Fisheries regarding the comprehensiv e medium—term programme being formulated by the Director—General to assist developing coastal states, upon request, in managing and developing fisheries in their exclusive economic zones (para. 36).

Agreed that the highest priority should be given to this programme, since FAO had a key role to play in improving national capabilities so as to increase not only the production of fisheries but also the net socio—economic benefits to be gained by the peoples of developing countries (para. 36).

Agreed that FAO, in increasing its efforts aimed at ensuring an effective transfer of technology, should, at the request of the countries concerned, play a more active role in promoting the conclusion of bilateral fishing agreements or arrangements for the establishment of joint ventures with developing coastal states (para. 39).

Recommended that FAO should continue to strengthen its collaboration with the Latin American Economic System (SELA) and other regional economic groupings (para. 43)

Agreed that the Committee on Fisheries should remain as a standing committee of the Council under Article V of the Constitution (para. 45).

Endorsed the report of the Twelfth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (para, 46).

Report of the Committee on Forestry (4th Session, Rome, May 1978)

Endorsed the recommendations of COFO to governments, international financing institutions and to FAO on development and investment in the forestry sector (para. 48).

Endorsed the Committee’s recommendation that FAO continue its activities designed to create at the country level a strong corps of professionals adequately trained in the area of prep-aration and evaluation of forestry projects (para. 49).

Considered it essential that FAO intensify its activities aimed at monitoring data a nd developing forest inventories at world , regional and, as appropriate, national levels, of tropical forests, whose degradation and disappearance were a cause for concern on environmental and other grounds (para. 50).

Approved the recommendations of the Committee on the continuation of FAO’s programmes in promoting the design and establishment of small—scale forest industries to meet the specific needs and circumstances of individual countries (para. 51).

Agreed that stress should be put on reforestation and afforestation for soil and water conservation, control of desert encroachment, fuelwood production, provision of shelter for crops and livestock through agro—silvo—pastoral systems of land management (para. 52).

Endorsed the report of the Fourth Session of the Committee on Forestry (para. 54)

Action Arising out of the Eighth World Forestry Congress (Jakarta, October 1978)

to refer the “Jakarta Declaration” to the forthcoming session of the FAO Conference in November 1979 for its consideration (para. 57).

Agreed that it would be advisable to select the venue for the next World Forestry Congress (1984) somewhat earlier than in the case of the Eighth World Forestry Congress (para. 58).

Decided to place such an item on the agenda of its session preceding immediately the session of the FAO Conference in November 1981 (para. 58).

Preparations for the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development

that governments should send delegations at a high political and technical level (para. 63).

Commended the Director—General and the Secretariat for their work in the preparation of the Conference (para. 64).


Report in Response to Conference Resolution 8/77 on Nutrition, and Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Food and Nutrition Policies (2nd Session, Rome, March 1978) I)

Decided, since an item on nutrition in agricultural and rural development was on the Agenda of the COAG session of April 1979, to postpone its decision as to what the arrangements for inter—governmental review of nutrition should be until its Seventy—Fifth Session (para. 71).

Food Standards Matters and the Work of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission

Approved the policy and work reorientation by the Commission and the new procedures for the assessment of the economic impact of the international food standards (para. 73).

Decided to follow, together with the Programme Committee, the effectiveness of the new procedures evolved within the Commission and its Secretariat for dealing with trade impact statements from governments (para. 73),

Agreed with the Commission’s action in adjourning certain Codex Committees and in establishing a Codex Committee on Cereals and Cereal Products and a Codex Committee on Vegetable Proteins, as well as reactivating the Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene (para, 74).

Approved the increased emphasis by the commission on the importance and role of the Codex Regional Coordinating Committees for Africa, Asia and Latin America (para. 74).

Agreed that there would be a need to exercise caution in elaborating regional food standards since regional standards, if not confined to products moving solely in intra—regional trade, could possibly become barriers to world-wide trade (para. 74).

Agreedthat, in principle, the Commission should continue to give priority in its work to the development of food standards for finished products rather than for raw materials (para.74).

Agreedthat, in view of the importance of the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission within the overall context of nutritional improvement, food production and food trade, the Council would follow general policy trends within the Commission (para. 75).

World Food Programme

Election of Five Members of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes

Appointedfor a term of office of three years (1 January 1979 — 31 December 1981) the following five Member Nations which were candidates for the five vacancies: Angola, Brazil, K enya, Netherlands and Thailand (para. 87).

Inter—Agency Relations and Consultations on Matters of Conmiun Interest

Decisions of the General Assembly on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the UN System

Agreed that the process of restructuring should, as far as FAO was concerned, aim primarily at the achievement of the three following objectives: (a) higher priority to food and agricultural development; (2) a real increase in the flow of resources to developing countries on “a predictable, continuous and assured basis”; and, (3) a strengthened role for FAO in cooperation with other agencies (para. 92).

Fully endorsed the Director—General’s view that the coordination of operational activities for development should be carried out primarily at the country level, by the government concerned (para. 94).

Supported the assumption of ACC that the Pledging Conference for WFP would continue as in the past, in view of the unique character of contributions to WFP which were mainly in the form of commodities (para. 94).

Developments with regard to UNDP and WEC

Noted with satisfaction that the FAO Representatives had a positive influence on the Organization’s efforts at assisting governments in project identification and preparation, and other activities connected with programming of resources in the agricultural sector (para. 100) .

Agreed that UNDP evaluation and other types of studies had to be planned carefully and sufficiently in advance to ensure inter alia the provision of the necessary resources (para. 103).

Action Arising out of the UN Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries — Buenos Aires, August/September 1978

Agreed that present arrangements within FAO for the review and implementation of TCDC policies and procedures were satisfactory and required no immediate change (para. 112).

Urgedthat attention be given to systematic collection and dissemination of information on technical capabilities which developing countries could share with others (para. 113).

Agreed that TCDC should be placed on its agenda and that of the Conference at their next session and periodically thereafter, as appropriate (para. 116).

Joint Inspection Unit Reports

(b)Implications of Additional Languages in the United Nations System

Endorsed the views expressed by the Programme Committee on this report and on the relevant comments by the Director—General (para. 119).

(c)Some Aspects of Backstopping of Technical Cooperation Activities in the UN System

Endorsed the joint comments of the UN Agencies and UNDP on the JIU Report (para. 125).

(d) Professional Women in the UN System

Endorsed the comments of the Director—General and the Programme and Finance Committees on this report (para. 127).

Welcomed the steps taken by the Director—General towards increasing the participation of women in the Secretariat (para. 127).

(e) Expanded Preliminary Note on a New System for Agency Support Costs

Approved the action taken by the Director—General at the ACC, and in particular his reservations of principle to any change of the present system bearing in mind that any changes would require prior consideration by the Governing Bodies of the Organization (para. 130).

(f) The Role of Experts in Development Cooperation

Endorsed in general the comments made by the Programme and Finance Committees on the JIU Report on the Role of Experts as well as on the tentative joint comments by UNOP and the Specialized Agencies (para. 131).

Urged that FAO play an active part in follow—up activities resulting from the JIU study and in examining the possibilities for implementation of the JIU recommendations (para. 135).

Format of Medium—Term Objectives

Confirmed that the Medium—Term Objectives should be presented in a separate document from the Programme of Work and Budget (para. 139).

Agreed that it should broadly follow the same framework of Major Programmes and Programmes used for the PWB (para. 139).

Decided that the former sections on the “World Situation” and on “The Role of FAG” should no longer be included in the Medium—Term Objectives document and that the Regional presenta- tions should be retained since they added an important dimension to consideration of objectives (para. 140).

Agreed that in view of the past difficulties as regards quantification of resources, this should not be further pursued (para. 141).

Felt an attempt would be useful to include as far as possible and appropriate some indicative information on relative priorities within Major Programme (para. 141).

Review of FAO’s Language Policy and Practice, with specific reference to Category 3 Meetings

Approved the Director—General’s proposal, as endorsed by the Programme Committee, to establish a new Category 4 to cover specifically “seminar, training courses, workshops and other group— training activities, attended primarily by selected nominees participating at FAG expense; these training activities are often funded from extra—budgetary sources” (para. 142).

Evaluation of the Technical Cooperation Programme

Noted that the essential characteristics of the Programme were immediacy and flexibility and that TCP, together with the policy of decentralization primarily at the country level, was a corner—stone of the new FAG (para. 146).

Supported the recommendations to governments contained in para. 13 (i) to (vi) of the document (CL 74/14) which, on the basis of experience, would increase the impact of the Programme (para. 151).

Commended the Director—General for the action already taken by him to strengthen the effectiveness of the Programme and to achieve its close integration with other FAO activities (para. 157, Res. 1/74).

Approved the proposals in the evaluation report for improving the impact of the Programme in regard to (i) action, including regional and interregional projects as appropriate, in support of TCDC; (ii) a more liberal interpretation of the investment category; (iii) flexi- bility in time limits; and (iv) categories of action (para. 157, Res. 1/74).

Invited the Director—General to make every effort further to strengthen and improve the TCP in order to make the specialized competence of the Organization increasingly available for the solution of the most pressing problems of Member Nations (para. 157, Res. 1/74).

AdoptedResolution 1/74 on the Technical Cooperation Programme (para. 157).

International Food Corps

Endorsed the basic theme in the Director General’s report that the emphasis should be placed upon development and expansion of domestic volunteer schemes in the developing countries themselves (para. 159).

Endorsed the conclusions of the Director—General (CL 74/6), summarized in paragraphs 20—22 of his report (para. 162).

Agreed that there was no need to establish any new institutional mechanism, within FAO or within the UN system, to coordinate or mobilize support for agricultural projects incorpo- rating the use of volunteers (para. 162).

Agreed that any financial support for the promotion of new programmes and schemes should provide additional resources and not substitute for existing aid commitments (para. 164).

Urged the Director—General as appropriate to make every effort to obtain additional contri- butions from donors interested in supporting new national volunteer schemes in agriculture as well as agricultural and rural development projects using domestic volunteers (para. 164).

1978—79 Calendar of Sessions of the Council and of Those Bodies which Report to the Council

Approved the revised Calendar of Sessions for 1978—79 of the Council and those bodies which report to it (para. 169 and Appendix G).

Financial Matters

Special Account for the Prevention of Food Losses

Urged Member Governments to make further contributions directly to the Special Account which would meet the targets set and enable the Director—General to expand on the successful activities already undertaken under the Prevention of Food Losses Programme (para. 172).

Financial Position of the Organization

Requested the Director—General to use all means at his disposal to collect contributions in arrears and appealed to all Member Nations to arrange in future for prompt settlement of their obligations to the Organization (para. 181).

Other Programme, Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters: Work of the Thirty—Fourth and Thirty—Fifth Sessions of the Programme Committee, and Forty—First and Forty—Second Sessions of the Finance Committee

Programme Committee

Endorsed the measures taken by the Director—General to strengthen cooperation with industry, so as to assist developing countries in their development efforts in the field of agriculture including forestry and fishery (para. 186).

Requested the Regional Conferences carefully to review the functioning of the regional bodies in the respective Regions with a view to determining if they were functioning effectively in the service of the member countries, and consequently to recoimnend necessary measures (para. 187).

Proposed to the Conference that it adopt a resolution, to be added to theBasic Texts (Volume II) to provide guidelines for the establishment of bodies under Articles VI, XIV and XV, and formulated a proposal for the action paragraph of the resolution (para. 187).

Requested that the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters examine both the wording of the proposed action paragraph and the most appropriate manner of incorporating it into the Basic Texts(para. 188).

Requested that the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters consider the question whether provision could be made in theBasic Textsfor the abolition of those bodies which were either inactive or had outlived their usefulness (para. 189).

Finance Committee

Endorsed the Finance Committee’s recommendation that the existing funding coverage for the Separation Payments Scheme for Rome General Service staff be amended as shown (para. 194).

Concurred with the Finance Committee’s suggestion that another actuarial report on the Fund be prepared in 1982 (para. 195).

Report of the Thirty—Sixth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) (Rome, September 1978)

Approved the amendments to the Agreement for the Establishment of a Regional Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia, the Far East and the South—West Pacific andadoptedthem in Resolution 2/74 (para. 203).

Other Constitutional and Legal Matters

Amendments to the Statutes of FAO Bodies

Endorsed the recommendations of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission on Amendments to the Commission’s Statutes andadoptedthe amendments in Resolution 3/74 (para. 208).

Agreed with the proposal put forward by the Director—General for the increase in the member-ship of the FAO Advisory Committee on Forestry Education to a maximum of thirty members, and adoptedResolution 4/74 (para. 212).

Amendment to Staff Regulations

Approved the amended text of Staff Regulation 301.111 that had been proposed by the Director—General (para, 215).

Amendment of Rules XXVI.9 and XXVII.9 of the General Rules of the Organization

Decided to refer to the CCLM the question of an amendment which would make provision for the reimbursement of travel expenses actually incurred by representatives of Members of the Programme andFinance Committees, with the request that the CCLM submit appropriate draft amendments for consideration by the Council at its next session, bearing in mind that reimbursement of travel expenses to representatives of the two Committees should be based on the same criteria (para. 218).

Date and Place of the Seventy—Fifth Session of the Council

Decided that its Seventy—Fifth Session should be convened in Rome from 11 to 22 June 1979 (para. 220).

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