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Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO1

27. The Council was advised that the main development since it had last considered this subject at its Seventy-fifth Session in June 1979 had been the holding of the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development in Vienna in August. Arrangements for follow-up of that Conference and its Plan of Action were still under discussion in New York and a full written report issued as a supplement to document C 79/31 would be before the forthcoming session of the FAO Conference when it took up discussion of this same subject. The Council therefore decided to postpone further discussion of this matter until the forthcoming Conference.

UN Joint Inspection Unit (JIU)

Regional Training Programme in African Wildlife Management2

28. The Council noted the JIU report on Regional Training Programmes in African Wildlife Management (JIU/REP/79/1) and supported the views of the Programme Committee.

Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems (lOB)3

29. The Council noted and endorsed the views of the Programme and Finance Committees as set out in the reports of their autumn 1979 sessions.

Use of Consultants and Experts in FAO4

30. The Council endorsed the comments of the Director-General and the Programme and Finance Committees on this report. In particular it agreed that there should continue to be an Increased use of consultants; that there should be flexibility in the use and payment of consultants; that continued attention should be given to better balance in recruitment of consultants from developing countries and also between consultants and national institutions from developed and developing countries. The Council considered that the balance should reflect not only levels of development of the countries but also of the regions. It should. take into account the different professional fields and men and women of equal qualifications should be recruited without discrimination. This policy would benefit all countries, and in the specific case of developing countries it would strengthen them, increase training possibilities and lend support to their national institutions.

31. The Council noted with satisfaction that the Director-General would continue to keep this matter under review and would provide a further report to the Programme and Finance Committees in 1982.

Eleventh Report on the Activities of the JIU (July 1978 – June 1979)5

32. The Council took note of the reports of the Programme and Finance Committees.

Evaluation of the Services of the JIU to FAO6

33. The Council noted that the first portion of the document dealt with the logistic aspects of FAO's involvement in handling reports of the JIU and the second portion with comments which had been made over the years by the Programme and Finance Committees and Council on JIU reports.

34. The Council endorsed the comments of the Director-General and the Programme and Finance Committees on the evaluation of the services of the JIU to FAO.

1CL 76/4; C 79/31; CL 76/Pv/1; CL 76/PV/6.

2CL 76/7; CL 76/4 paras. 2.206–2.209; CL 76/PV/2; CL 76/PV/6.

3CL 76/3; CL 76/4 paras.2.21O 2.216 and 3112-3; CL 76/PV/2; CL 76/PV/6.

4CL 76/9; CL 76/4 paras 2.227 and 3.127; CL 76/PV/2; CL 76/Pv/6.

5CL 76/10; CL 76/4 paras. 2.227 and 3.127; CL 76/PV/2; CL 76/PV/6.

6CL 76/17; C 79/17-Sup.1; CL 76/4 paras. 2.228–2.231 and 3.128-3.131; CL 76/PV/2;

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