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Programme Session Number, Title and Justification Estimated cost Art.of Const. and Category Attendance
2.1.1. AGL 827 Expert Consultation on a World Index of Space Imagery (WISI) 250 VI—4(3) Selected Individuals
— Replacing cancelled session AGL 964 FAO/UNDRO Training Course on Application of Remote Sensing to Natural Disasters
2.1.2. AGS 706—1 First Session of FAO Panel of Experts on Agricultural Mechanization 2 300 VI—4(3) Selected Individuals
— New Panel established by Director—General to advise him on measures to promote collaboration in establishment of efficient mechanization in developing countries.
Replacing cancelled session AGS 704—8 Advisory Working Party on Hard Fibre Research.
2.1.2. AGS 706—2 Second Session of FAO Panel of Experts on Agricultural Mechanization VI—4(3) Selected Individuals
— Replacing cancelled session AGS 953 Workshop on Farm Management Research Methodology.
2.1.3. AGA 818 Second Emergency Consultation on African Swine Fever (ASP) 7 500 VI—5(2) Selected MNs and Ins. Orgs.
— To respond to emergency African Swine Fever Situation
2.1.8. ESC 808 Technical Consultation on Coir and Abaca 9 645 VI—5(2) Selected MNs
— Replacing cancelled session ESC 709 Intergovernmental Group on Grains
2.1.8. ESC 809 Emergency Consultation of Abaca Producing and Consuming Countries on Price Arrangements VI—5(2) Selected MNs
— Emergency consultation replacing cancelled session ESC 720 Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres
2.2.2. Fl 761—2 ACMRR Working Party (2nd Session) 100 VI—2(3) Selected Individuals
— Replacing cancelled session Fl 760—2 (FAO/ACMRR Group of Experts on Acoustics)
2.2.3. Fl 773—2 WECAFC Executive Comeittee for the WECAF 3 000 VI—1(1) Selected MNs and Ins. Orgs.
— Replacing cancelled session Fl 732—6 Indian OceanFishery Commission (IOFc)
2.2.3 Fl 823 Technical Consultation on the Assessment and Management of Turbot Stock in the Black Sea VI—5(2) Selected MNs
— Replacing cancelled session Fl 724—2 CARPAS Working Party on Biological Research and Evaluation of Fishery Resources
2.2.3. P1 824 Technical Consultation on stock assessment in statistical divisions in the Balearic Islands and Gulfof Lyons XIV(3) Selected Individuals
— Replacing cancelled session Fl 807 Expert Consultation on evaluation of resources exploited by artisanal fisheries.


Programne Session Number and Title Estimated Cost $ Reason for Cancellation
2.1.1. AGL 808 Expert Consultation on Relation of Field Sizes to Irrigation and Drainage Installations 6 600 Meeting cancelled owing to change of emphasis in ECA programme
2.1.1. AOL 809 Expert Consultation on Design and Operation Criteria for Supplementary Irrigation 6 450 Postponed to next biennium owing to staff difficulties.
2.1.1. AOL 951 National Training Course on Transfer of Practices in Organic Recycling 2 000 An extra—budgetary workshop on the same technical subject for French—speaking African countries will be held next year.
2.1.1. AOL 962 Fertilizer Programme Workshop on Fertilizer Use Development in Latin America 4 100 Cancelled at request of host government
2.1.1. AOL 964 FAO/WIDRO Training Course on Application of Remote Sensing to Natural Disasters 1 500 Budgetary problems in UNDRO. A Training Course on this subject is prograamied for next biennium. Session replaced by unscheduled session AGL 827 — Expert Consultation on World Index of Space Imagery (WISI)
2.1.1.AGS 951 Workshop on Farm Management for Small Farm Development in East Africa 320 Responsible technical authorities requested delay enabling them to carry out individual surveys as pre—training for the workshops
2.1.1. AGS 953 Workshop on Farm Management Research Methodology 9 350
2.1.1. MIS 952 Workshop on Farm Management for Agricultural Planning 6 350 Difficulties in organization.
2.1.1. RLAT 954 Seminar on Public Ainistration for the Integrated Management of Natural Resources and Environment 11 300 Expected UNEP co—financing did not materialize.
2.1.2. AGS 704—8 Advisory Working Party on Hard Fibre Research (8th Session) 5 069 Replaced by unscheduled session AGS 706—1 of Panel of Experts on Agricultural Mechanization.
2.1.2. AGP 950 National Training Course in Post—Harvest Loss Reduction 800 Difficulties in organization.
2.1.2. AGP 951 National Training Course on the Efficient and Safe Use of Agricultural Pesticides 800 Insufficient response for participants

during current year.

2.1.2. MIP 952 Training Course on Integrated Pest Control in South America 1 300 Cancelled at request of host govern—ment.
2.1.2. AGP 953 National Training Course in Plant Pathosystem Management 400

Difficulties in organization but Workshop on Crop Loss Appraisal will be held next biennium.
2.1.3. AGA 951 Refresher Course on Rinderpest and Rinderpest—like Diseases 2 000 Owing to serious outbreak of African Swine Fever in Latin— America , this session was cancelled and replaced by session MIA 818 — Emergency consultation on African Swine Fever.
2.1.3 AGP 802 Technical Consultation on Tropical Pasture and Grazing Land Management 11 700 Session was dependent upon availability of resources which did not materialize.
2.1.5.ESH 804 Expert Consultation on the Area Approach to Rural Development Postponed to next biennium owing to problems in the host country and pressure of work in connection with the WCARRD.
2.1.5 AGS 954 Training Course on Central Bank Support To Agricultural Investment 300 Postponed to next biennium to allow time for setting up an internationa centre for this training course.
2.1.6. R4FR 702—2 FA0/WH0/0AU Regional Food and Nutrition Commission for Africa (2nd Session) 6 000 Difficulties in organization en—countered by sponsoring agencies.
2.1.6. CX 725—2 Coordinating Committee for Latin America (2nd Session) Postponed to next biennium in consultation with host government.
2.1.8. ESC 709—20 Intergovernmental Group on Grains (20th Session) 15770 Postponed to next biennium pending clarification of grains situation, and replaced by unscheduled session ESC 808 — Technical Consultation on Coir and Abaca.
2.1.8. ESC 717—9 Intergovernmental Group on Bananas, Sub—Group on Statistics (9th Session) Thorough assessment of banana situation and outlook is to be made by Seventh Session of IG Group, which has been extended by one day for this purpose.
2.1.8. ESC 718—5 Intergovernmental Group on Banans, Sub—Group of Exporters (5th Session) 11 000
2.1.8. ESP 801 Expert Consultation on In—Service Training Approaches 8 800 Cancelled owing to delay in inception of PROCADES training programme for which this session was intended to provide input.
2.1.8. ESC 720—15 Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres (15th Session) 8500 Sessions for 1979 reduced by the Inter governmental Group at its 14th Session. Replaced by unscheduled session ESC 809 — Emergency Consultation of Abaca Producing and Consuming Countries on Price Arrangements.
2.1.8. ESO 722—6 Intergovernmental Group on Tea (6th Session) 14 600 Postponed to next biennium, pending outcome of UNCTAD tea meetings.
2.1.8. ESC 724—10 Intergovernmental Group on Tea, Sub—Group of Exporters (10th Session)
2.1.8. RNEA 706—9 Near East Coimiission on Agricultural Planning (9th Session) 30 000 Postponed to next biennium after the views of an expert panel on AT 2000. have been formulated.
2.2.2. Fl 760—2 ACMRR Working Party 1 (2nd Session) 100 Replaced by unscheduled session Fl 761—2 (ACNRR Working Party 2, 2nd Session)
2.2.2. Fl 760—3 ACMRR Working Party 1 (3rd Session) 100 Topics requiring discussion can be dealt with by correspondence at this stage.
2.2.2. Fl 807 Expert Consultation on Evaluation of Re—sources Exploited by Artisanal Fisheries 600 Replaced by unscheduled session Fl 824 — Technical consultation on stock assessment in statistical divisions in the Balearic Islands and. Gulf of Lyons
2.2.2. Fl 802 Expert Consultation on Fish Technology Postponed to next biennium as a review meeting on handling of small pelagic fish proposed for 1979 and covers the same major topic.
2.2.2. Fl 805 Government Consultation on the Utilization of By—catches in Shrimp Fisheries (WECAFC Area) Postponed to next biennium when the Programmes conducted or sponsored by Different agencies will have progresse far enough for their results to be properly analyzed and evaluated.
2.2.2. Fl 818 Technical Consultation on the Southwest Atlantic Tuna Industry This session was reported as unscheduled to 74th Session of the Council in November 1978, but was later cancelled at request of host government.
2.2.3. Fl 717—45 GFCM Executive Committee (45th Session) Postponed to 1980, to be held nearer to 15th Session GFCM
2.2.3. Fl 724—2 CARPAS Working Party on Biological Research and Evaluation of Fishery Resources (2nd Session) Replaced by unscheduled session Fl 823 — Technical consultation. on the Assessment and Management of Thurbot Stock in the Black Sea .
2.2.3 Fl 732—6 Indian Ocean Fishery Commission (IOFC) (6th Session) 3 000 This session,reported as unscheduled to the 74th Session of the Council in November 1978 is now postponed to next biennium, as the dates suitable to the host government are too close to the dates of the COFI session.
Replaced by unscheduled session Fl 773—2 — WECAFC Executive Committee for the WECAF project.
2.2.3 Fl 736—2 IOFC Special Working Party on Stock Assessment of Shrimp in the Indian Ocean Area (2nd Session) Impossible to organize this technical meeting within the deadlines requested due to changing situation regarding exploitation of resources, etc.
2.2.3. Fl 751—10 Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics (10th Session) Following consultation with the parti—cipating agencies, it was decided that current development in EEZ should also be discussed, and this could best be done if the meeting were postponed to next biennium.
2.2.3. Fl 950 EIFAC Symposium on Allocation of Inland Fishery Resources 100 Postponed to next biennium at suggestion of host government.
2.3.1. P0 802 Expert Consultation on Volume and Growth Estimation Techniques 500 Work which was to be handled by the meeting will be dealt with by correspondence later when the vacant post of the officer responsible has been filled.
3.3.1. DDA 801 7th FFHC/AD Conference 11 450 Postponed to next biennium.
5.1.2. GIL 701—9 Panel of Experts on AGRIS (9th Sassion) Panel abolished but work handled by Technical Consultation of AGRIS participants in 1978.
5.1.3. GIL 802—2 Technical Consultation of CARIS Liaison Offices Postponed to next biennium, as decentralization at national and regional level not sufficiently advanced to guarantee representative and  world—wide participation at this stage.


AGS 802 under programme 2.1.5. was originally scheduled as “Expert Consultation on SACRED (Scheme for Agricultural Credit Development)” but became an Ad hoc Consultation. The category was changed from (3) to (2) and attendance, instead of being by Individuals in a personal capacity was by Selected Member Nations and International Organizations. There was no change in direct meetings costs.

ESH 805 under programme 2.1.5. was originally scheduled as “Government Consultation on Management Training of Small Farmers Organizations” but became an Expert Consultation on Improving Management Systems of Small Farmers Cooperatives”. The Article of Constitution and Category were changed from VI—5 (2) to VI—4 (3)and attendance was changed from Selected Member Nations to International Organizations and Individual Experts. The direct meetings costs were reduced from $5 000 to $2 500.

(December 1977 — November 1979)



Yugoslavia (Milan Trkulja) Brazil (B. do A. Brito)1 Kenya (J.L. Lijoodi)
Guinea (J.S. Camara) Pakistan (J.S.Khan)4
India (S.S. Mahdi)2 Sweden (G. Ericsson)
Iran (B. Mansouri)3 United States of America (J.A. Baker)5
Iraq (S.H. Al-Shakir) Venezuela (H.L. Claverie R)

1 Thirty–sixth Session, Rome, April–May 1979: A. Vasconcellos da Costa e Silva;
Thirty–seventh Session, Rome, September–October 1979: Arrhenius F.M. de Freitas.

2 Thirty–fifth Session, Rome, October 1978: S. Ramadhar.

3 Thirty–fifth Session, Rome, October 1978: M.B. Bayat.

4 Thirty–sixth Session, Rome, April–May 1979: P. Masud from 28 April 1979.

5 Thirty–seventh Session, Rome, September–October 1979: W.M. Johnson.

(December 1977 — November 1979)



Tunisia (M. Bel Hadj Amor) Argentina (J.C. Vignaud) Peru (B. Sarnanez Conchs)
Australia (P. Alpen) Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (A.Y.A. Bukhari)
Bangladesh (Q.H. Haque) Tanzania (G.S. Magombe)
Canada (D.W. Ware) United Kingdom (L.C.J. Martin)1

1 Forty–first Session, Rome, May 1 978 and Forty–second Session, Rome, October 1978: A.J. Peckham.

(December 1977 — November 1979)

Czechoslovakia Gambia Panama United States of America
France Italy Switzerland

(as from 1 January 1979)

* Angola3 Guatemala1 Norway2
Argentina1 *Guinea1 Pakistan3
* Australia2 Hungary2 *Saudi Arabia Kingdom of 2
Bangladesh2 * India2 Sweden3
* Brazil3 Ireland1 * Thailand3
* Canada2 Japan3 *Trinidad and Tobago1
* Egypt1 *Kenya3 Tunisi2
* France1 * Netherlands3 United Kingdom1
* Germany, Fed. Rep, of1 New Zealand3 *United States of America2
Greece2 Niger3 Zaire1

* Elected by FAO Council.

Elected by ECOSOC.

1 Term of office until 31 December 1979.

2 Term of office until 31 December 1980.

3 Term of office until 31 December 1981.


Afghanistan Ghana Niger
Albania Greece Nigeria
Algeria Grenada Norway
Angola Guatemala Oman
Argentina Guinea Pakistan
Australia Guinea–Bissau Panama
Austria Guyana Papua New Guinea
Bahamas Haiti Paraguay
Bahrain Honduras Peru
Bangladesh Hungary Philippines
Barbados Iceland Poland
Belgium India Portugal
Benin Indonesia Qatar
Bolivia Iran Romania
Botswana Iraq Rwanda
Brazil Ireland São Tomé and Principe
Bulgaria Israel Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
Burma Italy Senegal
Burundi Ivory Coast Seychelles
Cameroon Jamaica Sierra Leone
Canada Japan Somalia
Cape Verde Jordan Spain
Central African Republic Kenya Sri Lanka
Chad Korea, Rep. of Sudan
Chile Kuwait Suriname
China Lao Swaziland
Colombia Lebanon Sweden
Comoros Lesotho Switzerland
Congo Liberia Syria
Costa Rica Libya Tanzania
Cuba Luxembourg Thailand
Cyprus Madagascar Togo
Czechoslòvakia Malawi Trinidad and Tobago
Democratic Kampuchea Malaysia Tunisia
Democratic People’s Rep. of Korea Maldives Turkey
Denmark Mali Uganda
Djibouti Malta United Arab Emirates
Dominican Republic Mauritania United Kingdom
Ecuador Mauritius United States of America
Egypt Mexico Upper Volta
El Salvador Mongolia Uruguay
Ethiopia Morocco Venezuela
Fiji Mozambique Viet Nam
Finland Namibia Yemen Arab Republic
France Nepal Yemen , People’s Dem. Rep. of
Gabon Netherlands Yugoslavia
Gambia New Zealand Zaire
Germany, Fed. Rep. of Nicaragua Zambia

ISBN 92–5–100871–X

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