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1 Proposals for Action, IPF Fifth Session, 1997 called countries and international organizations to collaborate in national capacity building and institutional strengthening for NFAs where data collection is based on integrated, holistic, multidisciplinary, rapid, low-cost and policy oriented approach and methods of quantitative data on the full range of forest goods and services, including impacts of changes in forest use on the environment

2 Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay, Angola, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Syria, Yemen, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan.

3 Resources related to cropping, livestock, water, wildlife, minino, fishery, etc.

4 FAO is employing NFA experts from Guatemala to support NFA developments in Kenya and Honduras; a NFA expert from The Philippines is employed to support NFA developments in Lebanon and Bangladesh and a NFA expert from Lebanon is employed to support NFA developments in Zambia and Congo.

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