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  1. The possibility of developing a sport fishery for T. galilaea using clupeids as bait should be investigated.

  2. Before management recommendations can be implemented an agency primarily concerned with fisheries matters must be organized to deal with Kainji Lake. This agency should be strongly oriented to fishermen education but with effective police capabilities.

  3. Methods of management should be employed to allow development of viable economic units on the lake.

  4. To prevent the harvest of T. galilaea before they attain a mature reproductive size (155 mm S.L.) gillnets and castnets should be larger than 3-inch stretched mesh.

  5. While a lakewide ban on use of gillnets and castnets of 3-inch stretched mesh or less may not be desirable, the feasibility of restricting mesh size in certain Tilapia-rich areas may be considered as a protective measure.

  6. The illegal practice of using plant poisons to harvest fish with the attendant destruction of small fish should be stopped insofar as possible.

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