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11. The APFIC secretary introduced document APFIC/08/2 and document APFIC/08/2 addendum 1, summarizing the main events and activities undertaken by APFIC and the secretariat since the twenty-ninth session of APFIC, which was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 21 to 23 August 2006.

Report of the executive committee

12. The secretary reported on the activities of the APFIC Executive Committee and the report of the seventy-first session of the Executive Committee (APFIC/08/Inf.4), which was convened in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 20 to 22 August 2007. He drew APFIC's attention to the recommendations of the session, as they related to its work and governance.

APFIC regional consultative workshops

13. On the basis of the recommendations from the twenty-ninth APFIC session, the APFIC secretariat together with its member countries organized and hosted two regional consultative workshops. These were:

14. It was reported that APFIC had just completed the second APFIC RCFM in Manado, Indonesia, from 6 to 9 August 2008. The APFIC secretariat organized the programme and participation with assistance from the Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

Collaboration with other international/regional bodies and projects

15. The APFIC secretariat is actively working together with regional and international organizations and projects including:

Direct assistance and advice to member countries

16. APFIC has also provided direct advice to members. This has included:

17. The APFIC secretary has also been backstopping projects addressing national and regional level fisheries and aquaculture development issues in the region. A full listing can be found in document APFIC/08/2 Addendum 1.

APFIC publications and internet-based information dissemination

18. The secretariat continues to maintain the APFIC Web site (, which has proved to be an excellent medium for providing information to APFIC Members and linking them to APFIC publications and fisheries news. The Web site is also a portal for all forms of relevant fishery information, targeting the needs of fisheries professionals in the APFIC region.

19. The APFIC secretariat produced 14 publications in 2006-2008 (APFIC/08/2 Addendum 1). These included:

Project proposals under development in support of the work and objectives of the commission

20. Two significant projects are being developed by the FAO Regional Office in Bangkok, which also concurrently acts as the secretariat for APFIC. These two projects are:

Other activities of APFIC

21. The Commission was informed of the activities of the interim secretary, Simon Funge-Smith and his appointment as secretary of APFIC in December 2007.

Responses by APFIC and observers

22. The Commission endorsed the report of the seventy-first APFIC Executive Committee and expressed its appreciation of the work undertaken during the current biennium.

23. The secretary expressed sympathy to the people of Myanmar following Cyclone Nargis. As part of the UN flash appeal to support the Government of Myanmar and the people in the affected areas, FAO is developing immediate projects based on initial rehabilitation and is seeking funding for more comprehensive longer-term rehabilitation projects. The APFIC secretariat is following this up and assisting in the development of these projects. On the issue of early warning in remote and small-scale fishing communities, the secretariat reported that most coastal or remote fishing communities still lack an effective communication system. This is perhaps a lesson of the Asian tsunami that has not been taken up yet and therefore coastal communities remain vulnerable to such natural disasters.

24. The Commission agreed that non-participation by member countries at the APFIC sessions could constrain the effective functioning of the Commission and undermine the efforts of those countries participating. The Commission requested that all Members participate in the regular sessions of the Commission to ensure a quorum. To this effect, the Commission requested the APFIC chairperson to write to those member countries which had not participated in the last three sessions of APFIC to enquire whether these countries wished to continue their membership of the Commission.

25. Nepal noted its appreciation of recent support from the APFIC secretariat in developing a review of aquaculture potential for the country. This assistance was backed up with FAO support to improving carp genetics.

26. The secretary thanked the Members for their appreciation of APFIC's activities and confirmed that both APFIC and FAO would look for ways to answer the various requests of the Members.

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