FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 43 - December 2009

FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 43

Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010
Farming the Waters for Food and People

9-12 June 2010
The Imperial Queen's Park Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand

Rome, 2010

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Table of Contents

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© FAO 2010


FAN 43  (Download pdf 137 kb)

Editorial  (Download pdf 69 kb)

Contents  (Download pdf 134 kb)

Salient aquaculture issues discussed at the fifth session of the
Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI)
  (Download pdf 167 kb)

GCP/KYR/003/FIN 6 - Support to fishery and aquaculture
management in the Kyrgyz Republic
  (Download pdf 98 kb)

TCP/TUR/3101: Developing a roadmap for Turkish marine aquaculture
site selection and zoning using an ecosystem approach to management
  (Download pdf 103 kb)

TCP/RER/3205 Inception planning workshop - Advice to central Asian
Governments on the feasibility of commercial fish and livestock feed
production, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  (Download pdf 103 kb)

TCP/CKI/3201(D) - Aquaculture development project in Cook Islands
  (Download pdf 78 kb)

FAO Expert Workshop on Improving fish farm biosecurity through
prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicine (antimicrobials)
in aquatic food production
  (Download pdf 53 kb)

TCP/DRK/3204 14 - Supporting marine finfish aquaculture in DPR Korea
  (Download pdf 104 kb)

Updates on UTF/SAU/017 : Support to the Fish Farming Center in Jeddah,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  (Download pdf 122 kb)

The birth of the Network of Aquaculture in the Americas
(Red de Acuicultura de las Americas, RAA)
  (Download pdf 116 kb)

TCP/ALG/3103 20 - Soutien à l’aquaculture saharienne et valorisation
des étangs salés en Algérie
  (Download pdf 162 kb)

Methods for aquaculture policy analysis, formulation and implementation
in selected Southeast Asian countries
  (Download pdf 61 kb)

TCP/CMR/3103 - Formulation of a development plan for sustainable
aquaculture in Cameroon
  (Download pdf 97 kb)

TCP/MAU/3103 (D) - Formulation of a strategic and legal framework,
and a development plan for sustainable inland fisheries and aquaculture
  (Download pdf 114 kb)

TCP/RAS/3101(A)3208(D): Sustainable aquaculture development in Pacific Micronesia
  (Download pdf 91 kb)

New Publications  (Download pdf 669 kb)

Back Cover  (Download pdf 150 kb)