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Vegetation description

Mangrove swamps include Conocarpus erectus, Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia nitida.

Wright, A.C.S., D.H. Romney, R.H. Arbuckle & D.E. Vial. 1959. Land in British Honduras: Report of the British Honduras Land Use Survey Team. Colonial Research Publication No. 24. Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London.

National level mangrove area estimates







80 016

Zisman, S.A., Murray, M.R., Furley, P.A., Munro, D.M., Gibson, J., Ratter, J., Bridgewater, S., Minty, C.D. and Place, C. 1992. The Mangrove of Belize: 1. Distribution and composition. Manuscript FORECO 1076


Aerial photos. Original extent.


240 800

FAO. 1978. Forestry Development. Belize FO:DP/BZE/75/008.


Cited in: Arnold, J. E. M., Armitage, F. B. 1989. Belize Tropical Forestry Action Plan. UK ODA-CIDA-USAID-FAO. 273 pp. Extent of both mangroves and swamps.


75 000

FAO, UNEP. 1981. Los Recursos Forestales de la America Tropical. Proyecto de Evaluación de los Recursos Forestales Tropicales (en el marco de SINUVIMA). FAO, UNEP, Rome 349 pp.




73 000

Saenger, P., Hegerl E.J. and J.D.S., Davie. 1983. Global status of mangrove ecosystems. Commission on Ecology Papers No.3. IUCN. Gland, Switzerland. 88 pp.


Secondary reference, no primary source provided.

The "Year" is the publication year.


77 155

Furley, P.A. and Munro, D.M. 1993. The wetlands of Belize: ecology, environment and utilisation. Department of Geography, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh(15) 102pp.


Aerial photography


78 511

Zisman, S.A., Murray, M.R., Furley, P.A., Munro, D.M., Gibson, J., Ratter, J., Bridgewater, S., Minty, C.D. and Place, C. 1992. The Mangrove of Belize: 1. Distribution and composition. Manuscript FORECO 1076


Remote sensing and aerial photography.


78 317

Gray, D. Zisman, S., Cowes, C. 1990. Mapping the Mangroves of Belize. Technical Report Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh. UK WWF-US Proj. N. 6782&NRI (ODA&EMC T0071)


Cited in: Fisher, P and Spalding, M.D. 1993. Protected areas with mangrove habitat. Draft Report World Conservation Centre, Cambridge, UK. 60 pp.


71 900

Spalding, M.D., Blasco, F. and Field, C.D., eds. 1997. World Mangrove Atlas. The International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan. 178 pp.


Map analysis. No scale provided.


65 767

White, W. A., Raney, Jay, Tremblay, T. A., Crawford, M. M., and Smith, S. S. 1996. Deforestation in Belize 1989/921994/96. The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for USAID under contract no. 505-0043-C-00-6006, in cooperation with the Land Information Centre, Forest and Lands and Survey Departments, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Government of Belize, 48 pp.


Remote sensing imagery from 1993, 1994 and 1996 and ground survey.

Trends in mangrove area extent over time

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