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Report of the Fifty-eighth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (Rome, 15 - 19 July 1991)

Endorsed the Report of the Fifty-eighth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) and expressed appreciation for the valuable work being undertaken by the Committee and its subsidiary bodies (para. 7)

Endorsed the work of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups (IGGs), as well as the work of the Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal and stressed their continued usefulness in providing fora for producer/consumer consultations and in enhancing market transparency, in identifying and analysing problems and in seeking solutions (para. 9)

Stressed the importance of FAO undertaking regular reviews of the medium- and longer-term outlook for both agricultural commodities and the agricultural sector as a whole (para. 14)

Urged FAO to continue its support for the Uruguay Round and for the provision of technical and other assistance to interested participating countries, including that regarding sanitary and phytosanitary issues through the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention (para. 15)

Urged FAO to expand its role in assisting developing countries to meet Codex standards (para. 16)

Developments regarding the Tropical Forests Action Programme (TFAP)

Decided to establish an Ad Hoc Group on the TFAP under Article VI, paragraph 5 of the Constitution. Building on the agreements already reached on the revamping of the TFAP, the Group would carry out the following tasks:

(a)   work out solutions for unresolved institutional issues;

(b)   identify priority areas for strengthening the contribution of TFAP to sustainable forest management (para. 24)

Asked the Group to report to the Programme Committee at its session in May 1992 (para. 26)

Progress Report on FAO's Contribution to the Preparations for the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)

Agreed to refer the progress report to the forthcoming Conference for consideration under Item 7 (FAO Activities Related to Environment and Sustainable Development) of the provisional agenda (para. 30)

Review of the Regular Programme 1990-91

Agreed to draw to the attention of the Conference the detailed observations of the Programme and Finance Committees on the Review (para. 32)

Medium-Term Plan 1992-97

Recommended that the views of the Programme and Finance Committees be made available to the Conference in a LIM document in order to facilitate these discussions (para. 33)

Programme of Work and Budget 1992-93

Agreed to commend the Director-General's Programme of Work and Budget to the Conference and looked forward to fruitful deliberations in Commission II with the objective of consensus approval of the 1992-93 Programme of Work and Budget (para. 44)

Programme Budget Process

Recognized that the Conference would need to deliberate and decide on the Programme Budget Process, and noted that a Draft Resolution on Amendments to the Basic Texts related to the Outline Programme of Work and Budget would be submitted to the Conference (para. 46)

Endorsed the positive reaction of the Programme and Finance Committees to the proposals put forward by the Director-General for streamlining the programme budget process and supported the Committees' recommendation that the Conference approve the proposed implementation measures on an experimental basis during the 1992-93 biennium, and for the 1994-95 budgetary exercise (para. 47)

Decided that its own views and those of the Programme and Finance Committees, together with the related document submitted by the Director-General, should be made available to the Conference as a LIM document, in order to facilitate consideration of the matter during the Commission II proceedings (para. 48)

Financial Position of the Organization - Collection of Assessed Contributions (Outstanding and in Arrears)

- Need for All Member Nations to Pay Contributions

Urged all Member Nations to pay their outstanding arrears and current assessed contributions in full as soon as possible, in order that the Organization could continue to fulfil its mandate (para. 69)

Requested Member Nations to advise the Director-General, as soon as possible, as to the amounts and timing of their expected payment of the contributions and arrears outstanding (para. 70)

Reports of the Sixty-third Session of the Programme Committee and the Seventy-second Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 16 - 26 September 1991)

Appointment of the External Auditor

Approved the reappointment of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom for a further period of two years commencing with the audit of accounts for the year 1991 and adopted Resolution 1/100 on the Appointment of the External Auditor (para. 73)

Requested the Secretariat to submit again for its consideration alternative proposals, including the present External Auditor, for future appointments (para. 74)

Financial Matters

Administration of the WFP Fund: Draft Conference Resolution

Recommended that a draft Resolution on the Financial Regulations for the World Food Programme be submitted to the Conference for adoption (para. 76)

Increase in Level of the Working Capital Fund

Agreed to transmit to the Conference a draft Resolution on the Level of the Working Capital Fund (para. 86)

Replenishment of the Special Reserve Account for 1992-93

Recommended a draft Resolution on the Replenishment of the Special Reserve Account for consideration by the Conference (para. 94)

Commissary Account 1988-89 - Authorized Transfers to Reserves

Endorsed a minor amendment required in the second article of Conference Resolution 16/89 to give recognition to the practice of distributing Commissary net profits to the Staff Welfare Fund, after setting aside for any necessary reserves and recommended a draft Resolution on Authorized Transfers to Reserves for consideration and adoption by the Conference (para. 96)

Other Matters Arising out of the Reports

- Staff Facilities

Endorsed the recommendation that the income derived by FAO from agreements with concessionaires should be paid into the Staff Welfare Fund through the Commissary instead of being credited to Miscellaneous Income (para. 110)

Report of the Fifty-seventh Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 21-23 October 1991)

- Proposed Amendments to Constitution and General Rules of the Organization (GRO) to Allow for a Form of Membership for Regional Economic Integration Organizations (REIOs) in FÀO, including Report of the Committee Established Pursuant to the Decision of the Ninety-ninth Session of the Council

Agreed to transmit to the Conference the Second Report of the REIOC as modified and completed by the single text proposed by the Chairman of REIOC (see Appendix F) for consideration by the Conference as possible amendments to the texts already transmitted to it by the Council (para. 125)

Revision of Conference Resolution No. 46/57 and the Appendix thereto (Section R, Volume II of the Basic Texts)

Decided that the amendments proposed by the CCLM, as set out in Appendix G to this Report should be transmitted to the Conference for adoption (para. 130)

Observations on the Terms of Reference of the CCLM

Decided to refer to the Conference for consideration the question of reviewing the CCLM's Terms of Reference (para. 134)

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

Agreed to the participation as observers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of South Africa, in accordance with paragraph B-l of the "Statement of Principles relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations" (para. 135)

Change of Title of the Latin American Forestry Commission

Agreed with the proposal to change the name to "Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission" and adopted Resolution 2/100 (para. 138)

Date and Place of the Hundred and first Session of the Council

Decided that its Hundred and first Session would be convened on 29 November 1991 at FAO Headquarters, unless the Twenty-sixth Session of the Conference finished early, in which case it would be convened beforehand (para. 139).

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