Identification and characterization of West African Shorthorn cattle - Identification et caractérisation des bovins à courtes cornes d'Afrique occidentale - Identificación y caracterización del ganado bovino Shorthorn de Africa occidental - 78 - 1994/1

Table of Contents

A quarterly journal on animal health, production and products/revue mondiale de zootechnie

Publication trimestrielle - Production et santé animales et produits animaux

Revista trimestral sobre producción y sanidad animal y productos pecuarios

World animal review
Revue mondiale de zootechnie
Revista mundial de zootecnia

Editor/Rédacteur en chef/Redactor en jefe D. Chupin

Language editors/Rédacteurs/Redactores J. Daldin/N. Roland T. Gumprecht

Layout editor/Mise en page/Compaginación M. Criscuolo

Editorial assistant/Assistant de rédaction/Apoyo editorial G. Hoefnagels-Fraser

Editorial advisory committee/Comité de rédaction/Comité asesor editorial A.W. Qureshi (Chairman, Président, Presidente) Y. Cheneau/J. Phelan/E. Lynnerup/K. Richmond

World Animal Review is published quarterly. Subscription price: one year $24.00, payable to the Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, or to the FAO sales agents.

Material not copyrighted may be reprinted with credit to World Animal Review, FAO. Articles express the views of their authors, not necessarily those of FAO.

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La Revista mundial de zootecnia es una publicación trimestral. Precio de subscripción: un año, $24,00. Los pedidos pueden pagarse a la Sección de Distribución y ventas, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italia, o a los agentes de venta de la FAO.

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Cover photo: Somba cattle in Benin
Photo de la couverture: bovine Somba au Bénin
Foto de la cubierta: vacunos Somba en Benin

Table of Contents

Identification and characterization of domestic animal diversity

Identification et caractérisation de la diversité génétique des animaux domestiques

Identificación y caracterización de la diversidad de los animales domésticos

Shorthorn cattle of West and Central Africa I. Origin, distribution, classification and population statistics

Introduction of Shorthorn cattle into Africa
Classification and distribution of Shorthorns
Population statistics

Les bovins à courtes cornes d'Afrique occidentale et centrale I. Origine, répartition, classification et effectifs

Los vacunos Shorthorn de Africa occidental y central - I. Origen, distribución, clasificación y estadísticas de población

Shorthorn cattle of west and central Africa II. Ecological settings, utility, management and production systems

The environment
Specific ecological settings of Shorthorn cattle populations
Utility, management and production systems

Les bovins a courtes cornes d'Afrique occidentale et centrale II. Milieu naturel, utilité, élevage et production

Los vacunos Shorthorn de Africa occidental y central - II. Condiciones ecológicas, utilidad, explotación y producción

Shorthorn cattle of West and Central Africa III. Physical, adaptive and special genetic characteristics

Ghana Shorthorn and Dwarf (forest) Shorthorn
Somba, Kapsiki, Namchi and Bakosi
Keteku, Borgou, Méré and Ghana Sanga

Les bovins à courtes cornes d'Afrique occidentale et centrale III. Caractéristiques physiques, adaptatives et génétiques

Los vacunos Shorthorn de Africa occidental y central III. Características genéticas especiales, físicas y de adaptación

Shorthorn cattle of West and Central Africa IV. Production characteristics

Ghana shorthorn
Somba, Kapsiki, Namchi and Bakosi
Keteku, Borgou, Méré and Ghana Sanga
Bibliography for the first four articles

Les bovins à courtes cornes d'Afrique occidentale et centrale IV. Caractéristiques productives

Los vacunos Shorthorn de Africa occidental y central - IV. Características de producción

Nigerian livestock resources survey

Livestock distribution and abundance
Established trends for the future
Potential for application elsewhere

Étude des ressources animales du Nigéria

Estudio de los recursos pecuarios de Nigeria

Genetic characterization and West African cattle

Genetic characterization
Molecular genetic techniques

Caractérisation génétique des bovins d'Afrique occidentale

Caracterización genética de los vacunos de África occidental

Review of echinococcosis/hydatidosis: a zoonotic parasitic disease

Aetiological agents and taxonomy
Life cycle and host-parasite relationships
Host range
Clinical effects
Discussion and conclusion

L'échinococcose/hydatidose: une zoonose parasitaire

La equinococosis/hidatidosis, enfermedad parasitaria zoonotica

Accidental plant poisoning of sheep in an arid zone of Nigeria


Empoisonnement accidentel de moutons par les plantes dans une zone aride du Nigéria

Intoxicacion accidental por plantas en la zona árida de Nigeria

News and notes - Nouvelles et notes - Notas y actualidad

International training courses in poultry and pig husbandry and animal feed
Fifth International Rangeland Congress (IRC)
VI International Conference on Goats
International range news
Third global conference on conservation of domestic animal genetic resources

FAO highlights - Faits saillants - De especial interés

World watch list for domestic animal diversity released
Animal disease mapping (ANDIMAP) for display and analysis of animal disease data
Regional firsts in FAO's special action programme for animal genetic resources

Publications - Ouvrages nouveaux - Publicaciones

Guidelines for contributors

Principes à l'usage des auteurs

Instrucciones para los colaboradores

World watch list for domestic animal diversity

Where to purchase FAO publications locally - Points de vente des publications de la FAO - Puntos de venta de publicaciones de la FAO