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Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Infant Formula (Agenda Item 9)[9]

90. Following the decision of the last session concerning the revision, the Codex Standard for Infant Formula was revised by the Netherlands in the light of the comments received and circulated at Step 3 prior to the session.

91. The Committee expressed its appreciation to the Delegation of the Netherlands for its valuable work and, while noting that some technical corrections should be made (such as provisions for amino acid and certain vitamins), decided to concentrate on matters of principle.

92. It was noted that the Proposed Draft referred to WHO resolutions and that the WHO Statement on Infant Feeding was included in Codex Volume 4 in conjunction with relevant Codex standards but not as part of them. The Representative of WHO indicated that his Organization was prepared to undertake the revision of the statement on the basis of current scientific evidence in this area.

Status of the Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Infant Formula

93. In view of the importance of this standard and the insufficient time available to examine it, the Committee agreed to return the Proposed Draft to Step 3 for further comments and consideration by the next session.

[9] CL 1995/33-NFSDU, CX/NFSDU 96/8, CRD 8 (comments from Malaysia)

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