ANGOLA* (7 March)

So far rainfall has been above normal in northern areas of the country, below normal in central parts and about normal elsewhere. The outlook for the 1996/97 cereal crop to be harvested from April is favourable. Crops in the south are at vegetative stages and doing well as a result of recent rains. However, inadequate rains in several western provinces in late February/early March at a crucial stage in crop growth may result in some replanting and reduced yields.

Food supply difficulties are a cause for concern in some provinces. Areas such as Bengo, Cuanza Sul, Cuanza Norte, Luanda, Malange and Zaire Provinces appear to be the most affected. Of 219 000 tons of food aid pledged by donors for the current marketing year, 160 000 tons have been delivered so far.

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is scheduled to visit the country in April to estimate the 1997 harvest and evaluate the food supply situation for 1997/98.