IRAQ* (3 March)

The outlook for 1997 winter crops remains uncertain due to reports of low rainfall in all parts of the country, especially in the northern areas where irrigation depends mainly on rainfall. Moreover, scarcity of basic agricultural inputs such as quality seeds, spare parts, vaccines and agrochemicals and the widespread incidence of pests, weeds and animal diseases, will further constrain yields. The general performance of the agricultural sector, particularly in the 1996/97 season is cause for concern. The output of wheat and barley for the 1996/97 winter crop season is forecast at significantly below normal. With the implementation of the oil-for-food deal, US$ 44.15 million are expected to be available over a period of six months for the agriculture sector. The control of crop pests and animal diseases, the provision of quality seeds, spare parts, vaccines, drugs and pesticides should together increase crop and livestock production and improve somewhat the food supply situation.

The oil-for-food deal also provides an allocation of US$ 804.63 million (out of a total of US$ 1.3 billion for humanitarian assistance) to purchase food for a period of six months. This will substantially improve the food and nutrition situation of the population. However, it is estimated that the allocation of US$ 804.63 million for food will cover slightly over 50 percent of the estimated food import requirements