CHILE (2 February)

Heavy rains in October and part of November affected plantings in the major wheat producing central areas of the country. The output of the 1998 crop, currently being harvested, is tentatively forecast at 1.3 million tonnes, compared to 1.6 million tonnes in 1997, but still near the last 5-year average. In December, below-normal rains were registered practically all over the country, with considerably higher temperatures relative to the previous months, raising the concern for forest fires hazard in certain areas. Generally normal weather conditions are reported in January, thus improving the outlook for the 1998 maize crop to be harvested from March. A recovery from last year’s drought affected crop is expected.

Wheat imports in 1997/98 marketing year (December/November) are forecast to decrease from last year’s receipts of 750 000 tonnes to cover production losses.