CUBA (18 February)

Storm rains and heavy winds affected most of the country throughout the early half of February, resulting in some casualties and heavy damage to housing and infrastructure. The agricultural sector was also affected, particularly in the western provinces, where damage to important sugar cane and tobacco plantations is reported. Damage is reported to minor foodcrops in some of the central provinces, as well as disruptions to the sugar cane harvest currently underway. More rains are forecast in the weeks ahead. No damage is so far reported to the 1998 rainfed (winter) paddy crop, the main cereal, presently being planted. Early forecasts put paddy production close to the 1997 average level of 270 000 tonnes, but far from meeting domestic requirements of this significant staple in the population�s diet.

Harvesting of the large foreign-exchange earner sugar cane crop started in November, rather than in January as usual, to prevent the damage of the forecasted heavy rains associated with El Ni�o phenomenon for the end of the year. Latest official forecasts indicate that 1997/98 production would be less than 4 million tonnes, compared to last year�s 4.25 million tonnes.

Wheat imports in the 1997/98 marketing year (July/June) are forecast to be about 900 000 tonnes close to the previous year�s receipts. Rice imports in 1998 (January/December) are expected to be between 375 000 to 400 000 tonnes to help cover a steady domestic demand of some 500 000 tonnes.