EL SALVADOR (10 February)

Normal weather conditions have generally prevailed in the last few weeks, but were too late to reverse damage to the recently harvested 1997/98 second season maize crop, affected by drought. A below-average 500 000 tonnes have been gathered for the whole year compared with 630 000 tonnes the previous year. The bean crop, by contrast, was not seriously affected by the dry weather and an average output has been collected. Normal growing conditions are reported for the sorghum crop and some improvement in production is expected to help compensate for the losses incurred to the maize crop. Anticipated sorghum output is an average 197 000 tonnes. Despite maize production deficits, cereal prices have remained stable mainly due to the timely intervention of the Government in facilitating imports to maintain adequate stocks. Emergency food problems, as well as the need for assistance for the rehabilitation of agricultural activities, are being experienced by the affected population, of about 22 500 persons. Technical assistance and other forms of support are being provided by the Government and other public institutions, and an appeal for assistance has been made to the international community.

Wheat imports in marketing year 1997/98 (August/July) are forecast to increase only slightly from last year�s receipts of 195 000 tonnes. Maize imports, by contrast, are currently forecast to increase from 190 000 tonnes in 1996/97 to about 300 000 tonnes to help cover production deficit caused by El Ni�o associated drought. Rice imports in 1998 (January/December) should be close to 1997 imports of 25 000 tonnes.