MAURITANIA (9 February)

Particularly warm weather is reported in the south. Harvesting of recession and off-season crops is starting. Their production is expected to compensate for the very poor rainfed crop gathered in late 1997, following dry conditions during the growing season. A revision of production estimates prepared by the FAO/CILSS Assessment Mission in late October 1997 will be undertaken shortly by national statistical services in order to take into account production of recession and off-season crops. Pasture conditions are favourable. During December, solitary Desert Locusts were present at a few places in Atar and Zouerate areas.

The overall food supply situation is anticipated to be tight for farmers affected by poor rainfed crop production, notably in Gorgol and Guidimaka. Poor rainfed production in Senegal will also limit possible imports in the Senegal river area. Following substantial recent commercial imports, wheat and rice prices remain mostly stable. Local coarse grain prices also remain stable or have decreased slightly following harvesting of rainfed crops, but they remain at high levels.