MALAWI (9 February)

The outlook for the 1997/98 cereal crop is generally good. Despite a late start of the season, rainfall in most parts of the country has been so far very favourable this year. The rains have been generally light in the south but heavy in the north, resulting in flooding in some areas with losses of property and lives. Total area planted is expected to be comparable to the 1996/97 level but may be somewhat reduced as a result of the late start of rains. The supply of major agricultural inputs is considered adequate. Harvest prospects are therefore generally favourable for northern and central areas as well as for early planted crops in the south. For late planted crops in the south, much of the outcome will depend on continued rains during the next few weeks of February and March.

The national food supply situation remains tight, following a reduced cereal harvest in 1997. The cereal import requirements is estimated at some 300 000 tonnes of maize and the government has appealed for international assistance to import part of its food needs. Food aid pledges by donors amounting to around 10 000 tonnes of cereals have been delivered.