SUDAN* (9 February)

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission, which visited Sudan from 15 November to 5 December 1997, forecasted total cereal production at 4.64 million tonnes in 1997/98 comprising 3.39 million tonnes of sorghum, 0.57 million tonnes of millet, 0.63 million tonnes of wheat (to be harvested in April 1998) and a relatively small amount of maize (0.05 million tonnes) mainly produced in the South. Compared with last year’s record harvest, total cereal production is down by 14 percent, with sorghum 20 percent lower, millet 27 percent higher and wheat 2 percent down. Production of all three cereals is above the five-year benchmark average of 1988/89-1992/93. Sorghum output is the third highest of the last five years and millet is the second highest (after the 1994/95 bumper year).