ALGERIA (3 September)

The output of the 1998 cereal crop, recently harvested, is estimated at 3 million tonnes, more than double last year's poor harvest, due mainly to favourable weather. Output of wheat is estimated to have increased by 1.2 million tonnes to 2 million tonnes, whilst production of barley more than tripled to 1 million tonnes. Isolated adult locusts could be present near the Hoggar Mountains and near Mali and Niger. Small scale breeding may occur in areas of recent rainfall. Cereal imports in 1998/99 (July/June) are forecast at about 5.6 million tonnes.

EGYPT (3 September)

The output from the recently harvested wheat crop, almost entirely irrigated, is estimated at 6.1 million tonnes, some 4 percent higher than last year. Maize output is expected to increase to 6.3 million tonnes, about 5 percent higher than last year. The development of the rice crop, to be harvested from mid-September, is reported to be satisfactory due to sufficient irrigation water and input availability. About 546 000 hectares have been sown to rice and 4.6 million tonnes of output is expected. Isolated mature desert locusts could be present and small scale breeding can take place near lake Nasser, the Western Desert and the Red Sea Coastal Plains. Imports of wheat and wheat flour in 1998/99 (July/June) are forecast at 7 million tonnes and coarse grains at 3 million tonnes.

MOROCCO (3 September)

Production of wheat in 1998 is estimated at 4.4 million tonnes, some 89 percent higher than last year, as a result of favourable weather. The output of barley is estimated at 2 million tonnes, about 49 percent higher than last year's poor harvest. Imports of wheat in 1998/99 (July/June) are forecast at 2 million tonnes, about 26 percent lower than the previous year.

TUNISIA (3 September)

The output of winter cereal crops in 1998, recently harvested, is estimated at 1.5 million tonnes, some 43 percent higher than last year. The output of wheat is estimated to have increased to 1.2 million tonnes and the barley output to have more than doubled to 330 000 tonnes. Although ploughing usually starts in September with the autumn rains, farmers have started ploughing for the next cereal crop due to early significant rains in the northern and central regions. Imports of wheat and barley in 1998/99 are forecast at 1 million tonnes and 300 000 tonnes, respectively.