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My thanks to the staff of SAMATA, an NGO, who tirelessly work for the development of tribals in Vishakapatnam and East Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh. My special thanks to Ravi R. Pragada and Bhanu for hosting me in December 1995. Ravi's style of work, resolving land and forest conflicts till the early morning hours, is truly an inspiration and gives new meaning to the phrase "working day and night." I was able to collect the necessary information in a matter of few weeks because of P. Devullu. I also want to thank the following staff for assisting me in the forests of Vishakapatnam: P. Chakradhar Rao, P. Jagga Rao, "Makireddy" V. Ramana, M. Ramana, V. Bhimeshwar, Y. Rambabu, C. Nookaraju, and Ranga Rao. Thanks to Patrick Durst and Alexandra Stephens, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, for making the field study possible.

Gautam N. Yadama

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