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Findings and recommendation

Findings and recommendation

There are growing evidences to suggest increase in the level of poverty decline in the ability of communities to be self-reliant, and the gap between the rich and the poor and widened

The educators, teachers can play an important role in integrating environmental concepts related to fish and fishing industry in the elementary and secondary schools curriculums.

In the past, workshops at national as well as regional levels were conducted on fisheries research, fishing industry, territorial rights in fisheries, fishery cooperatives. fisheries policies funded by different government agencies and private organizations like the Chamber of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Philippines (CFAR), PCAMRD. Similar p Iems were also encountered among the fishing industry and fisherfolks. These are:

Executive Order No. 15, creating the Philippine Council on Sustainable Development in 1992, emphasized the integrated approach to environment and development issues in the Philippine National Policies, Plans and Programs that involve all sectors of the society. The goal of the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development as identified in 1989 mostly relate to aquatic resources (fisheries) in a five-year-plan to address the problems of the fishing industry towards the country's intensive campaign for economic development program - Philippines 2000. These are:

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