Unasylva - Vol. 9, No. 2

Table of Contents

June 1955

Unasylva - An international review of forestry and forest products

The Story of FAO

Gove Hambidge. pp. 303. D. van Nostrand Company Inc., 250 Fourth Avenue. New York 3: D. van Nostrand Company (Canada), Ltd., 25 Hollinger Road, Toronto. U.S. $6.50.

(All royalties from the publication of this book are paid to FAO).

MR Gove Hambidge, North American Regional Representative of the Director-General of FAO, has traced in this book the background, genesis and development of FAO - "an interesting, satisfying. and hope-inspiring presentation of a truly great international co-operative endeavor to promote peace and welfare in a troubled world."

The Director-General whites in a foreword - All too often I have been asked why more people do not know about FAO, why so many thousands who share a belief in its objectives have no understanding of its activities, or are unaware of its existence.

... it is no simple task to tell the world about the job of FAO, especially when its limited resources are of necessity largely consumed in doing that job. Yet it is of the utmost importance that the world know FAO - what it is, what it does, and how it does it.

... we are keenly aware of the impediments we face, the barriers we have to surmount. the disappointments we must encounter every day, and the failures we have at times been forced to acknowledge. But in spite of all this, we try always to see the horizon toward which we struggle, and we have a heartening feeling that we are making steady progress, as I believe this hook shows."

Fishing Boats of the World.

Edited by FAO. 650 pp. 600 illus. The Fishing News, Arthur J. Heighway Publications Ltd., Ludgate House, 110 Fleet Street, London E.C. 4. 1955. £4.10s. or U.S. $12.50.

THIS publication contains the technical papers and records of the discussions of the FAO International Fishing Boat Congress held in Paris (France) and Miami (U.S.A.) in 1953, to which 140 naval architects, boat builders, marine engineers and other experts from 23 countries contributed.

In its two sections the book deals with a wide range of subjects, Part I dealing with boat types, short distance fishing, bottom fishing, combination fishing, research vessels, materials, fish-holds and economics, while Part II is concerned with naval architecture and with special reference to experience gained in notable freezer-trawlers.

As may be expected, the contributions of experts from so many countries on the subject of boat design, hull shapes and the qualities and defects of different boats raise some interesting and controversial points. There is frequent reference to the replacement of timber in boat building by steel, alloys or plastics, and it is suggested that timber is not being used to the best advantage. Information is given on the preservation of wooden vessels, the problem of obtaining the best types of timber, and the designs which make the best use of its properties.

In the engineering section there is a lively discussion on the different types of engine and many interesting points of view are put forward.

The importance of this book lies not only in its value as a work of reference for all engaged in the fishing-boat building industry, but in the fact that it is concerned with that part of fishing boat design which is frequently absent from textbooks on naval architecture; that is, views and ideas based on the extensive practical experience of marine engineers and many other experts from all over the world.

Cover photograph: JAPAN. Girls transplanting seedlings in a forest nursery Artificial regeneration of forests by planing is much relied on in Japan. l common management method is to clear rut areas of a standard size of four hectares and immediately to restock with coniferous species. Delegates to the recent third session of the FAO Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission saw such areas in the Kiso National Forest, planted chiefly with Chamaecypairs obtusa.

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Table of Contents

Fantasy or fact

C. W. Thornthwaite and F. K. Hare
Climatic classification in forestry

Masataka Ohmasa
Japanese experience in protective planting

H. G. Winkelman
Wood burning

G. Tondeur
Shifting cultivation in the Belgian Congo

Forest research and experiment institute Madrid, Spain

Commodity report: Sawn Softwood

Regional assessment

The work of FAO

Asia-Pacific forestry commission
The Llancacura forest research and training center

Equipment news

News of the world

Selected reviews

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