Contents -

VI. Activities and programmes of the organization

A. Programme of work and budget 1982-83 and medium-term objectives
B. World food day
C. National Agricultural Research in Developing Countries
D. World soil charter
E. Resources for Food Production and Agricultural Development
F. Review of the Regular Programme 1980-81
G. Review of Field Programmes 1980-81
H. Follow-up to WCARRD
I. United nations/FAO world food programme (WFP)
J. Relations and consultations with International organizations

A. Programme of work and budget 1982-83 and medium-term objectives

Level of the budget
General policy and direction
Major programme - agriculture
Programme 2.1.1 - natural resources
Programme 2.1.2 - crops
Programme 2.1.3 - Livestock
Programme 2.1.4 - research support
Programme 2.1.5 - rural development
Programme 2.1.6 - nutrition
Programme 2.1.7 - food and agricultural information and analysis
Programme 2.1.8 - food and agricultural policy
Major programme - fisheries
Major programme - forestry
Field programme planning and liaison
Freedom from hunger campaign/action for development
Technical cooperation programme
Support and common services


126. The Conference noted that the Director General's proposed Programme of Work and Budget 198283 had been prepared against the background of the world food situation which despite developments remained disturbing, and under circumstances in which many countries were suffering from reduced levels of economic activity, high inflation, budgetary constraints, growing unemployment, balance of payments difficulties, debt burdens, and deteriorating terms of trade for some major agricultural commodities. Moreover, although world food supply had been growing by 3.3 percent per annum in recent years, this increase was well below the 4 percent objective foreseen in the International Development Strategy and was likely to remain so in the foreseeable future. For Africa, in particular, food production per head had been in decline throughout the decade. It was also noted that a permanent and global system of food security was yet to be achieved and food aid had consistently failed to reach the target of 10 million tons per annum set by the World Food Conference.

127. It was agreed that these problems reinforced the need for intensifying the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty.


128. The Conference appreciated that in the preparation of the Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83 and Medium-Term Objectives, account had been taken of suggestions made at previous sessions of the Conference and the Programme and Finance Committees. In particular, the clear and succinct presentation of objectives and better definition of programmes. were welcomed.

129. Some members considered that clearer detail could be provided concerning changes in programmes. It was also suggested that there could be a closer integration between the Review of the Regular Programme and the Programme of Work and Budget and/or the Medium-Term Objectives. Other members considered, however, that particularly in view of the cost of documentation, the size of the Programme of Work and Budget document could be further reduced; also that the Programme and Finance Committees should be asked through the Council to consider whether the Medium-Term Objectives document should or should not be incorporated in the Programme of Work and Budget document for 1984-85.


130. The Conference recognized the Director-General's problem in attempting to draw up a Programme of Work and Budget which would enable FAO even in a limited way to meet the demands to expand its activities in the fight against hunger and rural poverty in a period of world financial stringency.

131. Many members referred to the precarious situation of many developing countries, especially the deteriorating terms of trade for agricultural products, the necessity to import both food and energy, all of which had implications, not only for their balance of payments, but also for the basic welfare of their people. Agriculture was of primal and basic improvements and food production particularly in food-deficit countries was felt to be the world's foremost concern. This had been recognized, at recent major summit meetings and only last month at Cancún.

132. The majority of members left that in the circumstances, the Director-General had if anything erred on the side of caution rather than the reverse in presenting his proposals for programme increases which they considered modest. They considered it indispensable that FAO's responsibilities in such areas as follow-up to WCARRD and international development strategy formulation, science and technology, energy, and commodity problems should continue and increase.

133. They noted however that the Director-General's proposals for the various programmes and for the level of budget were fully consistent with the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83 as discussed and recommended by the Seventy-ninth Session of the Council. These members noted with satisfaction that the proposed programme increase had been largely allocated to technical programmes and decentralization to the country level, which has much improved the speed and efficiency of FAO's delivery. FAO's capacity to quickly respond to countries' essential technical assistance needs had been strengthened within the various technical programmes, through the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP), and the provision of services no promote technical and economic cooperation between the developing countries. All these actions were especially welcome. The emphasis in programme orientation on food production and reduction of post-harvest losses, particularly in Africa, energy, follow-up to WCARRD, and the playing of a catalytic role in the promotion of national self-reliance through support to investment were singled out for special support. It was noted in this connection that in 1980 the FAO Regular Programme supported a total field programme of nearly $3 billion per annum. The importance of national agricultural research and the transfer of technology to the farmer, farming systems development, nutrition, the struggle against environment degradation, particularly desertification, work on livestock diseases, and the achievement of more equitable conditions for trade in agricultural products, were also emphasized.

134. The great majority of members therefore supported the priorities and objectives set out for the Organization by the Director-General in his Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83 and Medium-Term Objectives document.

135. Some members, while generally supporting the objectives and most of the priorities of FAO and emphasizing the Organization's special place in the UN system, were unable to support the real level of increase proposed in the programme. They were fully committed to the fight against hunger and malnutrition by means of multilateral and bilateral aid, and intended by this means to support the efforts of the developing countries to develop and implement appropriate food and agricultural strategies. They further referred to the difficult choices in priorities they were having to make in their domestic budgets. They pointed out that in recent years, FAO's budget had been growing more rapidly than had their national budgets and economies. They considered that in the circumstances, It was reasonable and desirable that the whole UN system, including FAO, should undergo a period of budgetary consolidation, i.e. a pause in real programme growth in the FAO as well as in the budgets of other organizations in the UN system.

136. They believed that the Organization could, through more rigorous evaluation, identify elements of the programme to which fewer resources could be devoted without adverse effects on its operational impact; and that administrative costs could be further reduced. In this connection, some members referred particularly to Regional Offices, support services, consultancies, meetings and publications. Some of these also pointed out that some countries faced the choice between allocating funds to aid agencies, such as the UNDP, and to FAO. In this connection one member explained that his country therefore had to assess the claims of the FAO Regular Programme on criteria which other members did not necessarily apply, such as relative geographical allocation. Since resources, even where growing, were limited, acceptance of the Director General's proposals might in turn make it necessary to adjust their intended contributions to bilateral aid or to multilateral aid agencies.

137. A few other members, while reserving their position on the balyet level, shared most of these views.

138. The great majority, while recognizing and respecting the views of all Member Nations, strongly disagreed with the above arguments. They supported the need to select priorities carefully and to continue to effect administrative economic, whenever possible. They strongly rejected however the suggestion that increases in FAO's budget level as proposed by the Director-General should lead to reductions in bilateral or multilateral aid or in contributions to other international organizations. Some members expressed strong regret at what they considered the threatening attitude in this regard witch had been adopted by two delegations. The great majority believed that, in the light of the Cancún meeting and with the challenges now facing FAO, they could only regard the proposed programme and budget as the minimum needed to enable FAO to play it's rightful and essential part in the increased international cooperation to which the Melbourne and Cancún summits had referred. In this connection, they cited the past record of the Organizations and expressed full confidence in the Director-General.

Level of the budget

139. The great majority expressed their full support for the proposed budget level; some members were unable to support the proposed budget level; and some other members having reserved their positions until a later stage, subsequently declared their positions at the time of voting.

140. The Conference approved the Programme of Work and Budget, and adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 5/81



Having considered the Director-General's Programme of Work and Budget and the conclusions of its Commissions,

Approves the Programme of Work proposed by the Director-General for 1982-83;

Resolves that for the financial period 1982-83:

1. Appropriations are voted for the following purposes:



Chapter I - General Policy and Directions 28,632,000
Chapter II - Technical and Economic Programmes 163,551,000
Chapter III - Development Support Programmers 80,261,000
Chapter IV - Technical Cooperation Programe 47,387,000
Chapter V - Support Service: 51,724,000
Chapter VI - Common Services 14,485,000
Chapter VII -Contingencies 600,000
Total effective working budget 360,640,000
Chapter VIII - Transfer to fax Equalization Fund 48,160,000
Total. Appropriations (Gross) 416,800,000

2. The appropriations (gross) voted in paragraph 1, shall be financed by assessments on Member Nations, after deduction of Miscellaneous Income in the amount of $ 14 260 000 thus resulting in assessments against Member Nations of $ 400 540 000.

3. In establishing the actual amounts of contributions to be paid by individual Member Nations, the assessment of each Member Nation shall be reduced by any amount standing to its credit in the Tax Equalization Fund provided that the credit of a Member Nation that levies taxes on the salaries, emoluments and indemnities received from FAO, by staff members shall be reduced by the estimated amounts of such taxes to be reimbursed to the staff member by FAO.

4. The contributions due from Member Nations in 1982 and 1983 shall be paid in accordance with the scale adopted by the Conference at its Twenty-first Session, which contributions, after the deduction of amounts standing to the credit of Member Nations in the Tax Equalization Fund, result in net amounts payable totalling $ 355 380 000 as set out in Appendix E to this Report.

(Adopted 25 November 1981)

141. In discussion of the individual Chapters, the following were the main points made on various programme matters.

General policy and direction

142. A number of members noted the need to contain the costs of servicing FAO's Governing Bodies under Programme 1.1, particularly through continuing to keep documentation as brief as possible.

143. Some members stressed the need for continued attention to the selection of priorities, on the basis of improved evaluation techniques.

144. A number of members, while endorsing the need for coordination of activities within the United Nations system, expressed concern about their growing volume and cost. The policy, already approved by the Council, of applying the test of cost-effectiveness to increasing demands for participation in coordination activities was re-affirmed.

Major programme - agriculture

145. The Conference supported in general the medium-term objectives and priorities and the budget allocations for programme and sub-programmes within the Major Programme - Agriculture.

146. In reviewing this Major Programme, it was emphasized that much of the activity should contribute to countries' implementation of WCARRD follow-up policies. The importance of internal integration and coordination activities was recognized. In this connection, the Conference also laid particular stress on the need for:

- increasing food production per unit of land area and from more effective utilization of marginal lands;

- ensuring the rational and sustained productive use of land and water resources while protecting the environment;

- improving incentives to agricultural production and the incomes of small farm families, agricultural workers and other rural people.

Programme 2.1.1 - natural resources

147. The Conference particularly emphasized FAO's role in assisting members to safeguard land and water resources from erosion and desertification and in reclaiming degraded lands for production. It supported the work on assessing the potential of land through soil, vegetation and irrigation potential studies, in which remote sensing plays and important role.

148. Members stressed the need to increase the production capacity per unit area of land. FAO's growing role in promoting investment in irrigation and drainage and improving farm water management was welcomed and possibilities for using non-conventional energy sources for irrigation were noted. The Conference supported the high priority given to better soil conservation practices and improvement of shifting cultivation.

149. It approved work promoting increased and more effective use of fertilizers. It emphasized in particular the importance of action aimed at developing the use of fertilizers which were less demanding in fossil energy, such as organic materials, compost and biological nitrogen fixation. Emphasis on the further development of extension services for the Fertilizer Programme was endorsed and FAO's efforts to obtain additional extra-budgetary resources for the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme were strongly supported by the majority of members.

150. The primary role of the small farm unit in most developing countries' agriculture was recognized. FAO's assistance in developing integrated small farm management systems including both crops and livestock was found particularly welcome. The collection of comparative farm management data was considered particularly useful for this and for sector planning.


151. The Conference strongly supported the high priority being given to work on the efficient use of energy, its conservation and the development of alternative energy sources.

Programme 2.1.2 - crops

152. The Conference stressed FAO's role in promoting the use of improved seeds and planting material for improved food crop production. Seed production needed to be increased in the developing countries, and their national capacities for adaptive plant breeding strengthened. The proposal to bring together all seed-related activities under a new Seed Service was welcomed.

153. FAO's role, together with the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, in conserving and ensuring the availability of genetic material was supported. The Conference discussed a proposal that the establishment of an international gene bank under FAO auspices should be explored and that FAO should prepare the elements of a draft International Convention for Plant Genetic Resources. On the initiative of the delegation of Mexico, the Conference adopted the following Resolution:

Resolution 6/81



Recognizing that plans genetic resources are indispensable for the genetic improvement of cultivated plants, and that they are in danger of erosion and loss,

Recalling, that work on plant genetic resources was begun in FAO as the result of a recommendation made by the First Session of the Advisory Committee on Agriculture in 1946,

Recalling further that in 1974 with the support of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) was set up for which FAO provides the Secretariat,

Noting that a Joint FAO/IBPGR programme is promoting the international collaboration of national, regional and international plant genetic centres in which plant genetic resources are collected, maintained, evaluated, exchanged and distributed,

Considering that there is no international agreement for ensuring the conservation, maintenance and free exchange of the genetic resources of agricultural interest contained in existing germplasm banks,

Convinced of the need for such an agreement,

Recalling the proposal made by some members during the Seventy-ninth Session of the Council in June 1981 that consideration be given to the establishment of an international bank of plant genetic resources under the auspices of FAO to ensure the free exchange of plant genetic resources between countries,

1. Requests the Director-General to examine and prepare the elements of a draft international convention, including legal provisions designed to ensure that global plant genetic resources of agricultural interest will be conserved and used for the benefit of all human beings, of this and future generations, without restrictive practices that limit their availability of exchange, whatever the source of such practices.

2. Requests the Director-General to prepare a study on the establishment of an international bank of plant genetic resources of agricultural interest under the auspices of FAO, taking into account the provisions of the proposed international convention as well as on-going national, regional and international efforts in this field in particular those of the IBPGR.

3. Requests the Director-General to present proposals based on the studies mentioned to the Committee on Agriculture for consideration at its Seventh Session in 1983, which shall report thereon to the Council with a view to consideration by the Twenty-second Session of the FAO Conference.

(Adopted 25 November 1981)

154. The Conference welcomed FAO's expanding assistance to developing countries in order to increase productivity of cereals. It stressed the need to give special attention to improving roots and tubers in those countries where they were food staples and also where they were major food crops for small farmers and other farming enterprises and people in rural areas. Appropriate mechanization was considered an important element in efforts to increase productivity.

155. The Conference supported the action programme for plant protection, including the emergency operations related to locust and other migratory pests, and expressed appreciation for FAO's prompt and effective action in this area.

156. The Conference re-confirmed the importance of reducing post-harvest food losses with emphasis on improved farm and village storage. It stressed the need for locating additional extra-budgetary resources for the Special Action Programme on the Prevention of Food Losses. It was felt that there was also need of energy-efficient agricultural processing industries for the conservation of food and non-food products.

Programme 2.1.3 - Livestock

157. The Conference appreciated the contribution which FAO had made, and would be continuing to make within the Livestock Programme, to the control of livestock diseases, in particular African swine fever in Latin America and the Caribbean, and trypanosomiasis in Africa. The serious economic losses resulting from rinderpest and foot-and-mouth disease were noted.

158. The Conference reconfirmed its support for the Programme of the Control of African Animal Trypanosomiasis and Related Development, recognizing the crucial role of the activities thereunder in developing the agricultural resources of the region. Welcoming FAO's overall coordinating function for the Programme, the Conference urged Governments, financial institutions and relevant agencies to join in efforts to provide resources for implementation of field activities identified under the Programme.

159. Members agreed with the greater emphasis being given in cooperation with other expert bodies, to animal genetic resources and to the utilization of livestock feed resources, including better pasture management. Stress was laid on the role which small animals, particularly sheep, goats and poultry, could play in contributing to the agricultural economy, particularly as regards small farmers, and in raising protein intake amongst poverty groups, though there was a parallel need to ensure adequate protection to forest and fuelwood resources.

160. The Conference welcomed the greater emphasis on national training within the International Scheme for the Coordination of Dairy Development (ISLAND) and the International Meat Development Scheme (IMDS).

Programme 2.1.4 - research support

161. The Conference noted that Agricultural Research was supported under ail the economic and technical programmes. of FAO. It endorsed the programme of Research Support (see also under pares. 224-232 below).

162. The Conference particularly welcomed FAO's efforts to strengthen national research services and increase regional and international research collaboration, and commended FAO cooperation with multilateral donors such as the World Bank and the Regional Development Banks.

163. Particular stress was laid on the need to strengthen the linkages between research, extension and farmers, to ensure the full benefits of research investment. The Organization's role in supporting applied research and the adaptation of technologies to different environments was recognized as contributing valuably to technical cooperation between developing countries. FAO's assistance in the training of personnel, especially for agricultural research planning and management, was welcomed.

164. The Conference underlined the contribution of the FAO/IAEA Joint Division in the application of isotopes and radiation in plant breeding, disease control and pest management.

Programme 2.1.5 - rural development

165. The Conference affirmed the central role of the Programme in spearheading FAO's support to WCARRD follow-up. Strong support was expressed for this activity (which was discussed in more detail under agenda item 13, pares. 280-295). The Conference also stressed FAO's position as the lead agency for Rural Development within the United Nations system. The input provided under this Programme for World Food Day was also appreciated.

166. The Conference noted with satisfaction the existence of a special trust fund intended to ensure follow-up to the recommendations of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development and stressed the need and expressed the hope that other contributions would soon join the generous donors who had already granted their support to this important special action programme.

167. The Conference laid particular stress on FAO's support to development of the rural poor, including small farmers. Within this group, emphasis was given to the needs of women and children.

168. The importance of FAO's contribution to population education in rural areas was noted.

169. Members welcomed the prominent role being given to extensions, education and training support. Every effort should be made to ensure that two-way systems of communication were developed, so that small farmers, producers' organizations and other types of agricultural enterprises received the full benefits of technology developments and could also make their own needs known. The emphasis on training of trainers was correct and, in view of the high rates of illiteracy among many rural populations, assistance with development support communication was especially useful.

170. The Conference appreciated the attention given to problems of agrarian structures and agrarian reform. The important role that rural organizations, especially cooperatives, had to play in mobilizing and bringing basic agricultural supplies and services to the population was noted. FAO's work to improve agricultural administration and production support services was welcomed.

171. Members appreciated the input being made into rural marketing organization and stressed the need for adequate storage at all stages of the marketing chain. Specialist agricultural credit systems supported by and integrated with extension, agricultural service systems and carefully devised agricultural insurance had a crucial role to play.

Programme 2.1.6 - nutrition

172. The Conference agreed with the proposals for this programme and that increased emphasis should be given to the introduction of nutritional considerations into FAO's development assistance and into agricultural and rural development plans and projects, at the national level.

173. Emphasis was placed on the importance of FAO's assistance, particularly in food policy, in the implementation of the Lagos Plan of Action.

174. The Conference noted the importance of assisting Member Nations in the assessment of the nutritional situation in their countries. The role of the Fifth World Food Survey was appreciated in this context.

175. Members emphasized the promotion of community nutrition programmes, particularly supplementary feeding programmes, for the most vulnerable sectors of the population. It continued to be important to evaluate the nutritional adequacy of WFP feeding projects.

176. The Conference supported assistance in the development of national food control systems and improved food handling. It welcomed the priority given to developing countries by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Programme 2.1.7 - food and agricultural information and analysis

177. The Conference noted the considerable progress made in FAO's computerized system for food and agricultural statistics. It endorsed the programme for further expansion of the data series as well as steps taken to more speedily process an increasing number of statistics and socio-economic indicators for monitoring WCARRD follow-up; the food and nutrition situation; and for use as background material to the Fifth World Food Survey. Efforts to improve the accuracy of information were welcomed.

178. The Conference emphasized the importance of the Organization's work in monitoring progress in achievement of long-term objectives in developing countries, especially in Africa, and analysing the flow of domestic and external resources to agriculture.

179. The Conference supported the greater stress to be given in the State of Food and Agriculture to the analysis of development issues, and to improving outlook analysis with respect to agricultural production, stocks, trade and nutrition (as discussed in more detail under agenda item 6.1, pares. 32 - 65). The Conference agreed that work on agricultural prices should be expanded to meet the requirements arising from the growing emphasis placed by member countries on the formulation and assessment of price policies.

180. The Conference supported the further strengthening of the Global Information and Early Warning System which would allow a better assessment of the world outlook for food supplies, demand, and stocks. Members also welcomed efforts to assist countries in establishing and operating their own early warning systems.

Programme 2.1.8 - food and agricultural policy

181. The Conference supported the high priority being given, through training and direct policy and planning advice, to the strengthening of national capabilities for the formulation of adequate food and agricultural strategies and policies including production incentives, and programmes. and projects for food and agricultural development. The importance of developing systems to identify priorities at the village level was emphasized.

182. The Conference agreed that major priority should be given to activities designed to improve world food security. These activities should assist developing countries to devise and implement their own programmes, including food reserve projects, and those for provision of infrastructure. Assistance should also (as discussed under agenda item 6.2, paragraph 75) support implementation of the Plan of Action on World Food Security, including: increasing the self-reliance of the developing countries; the development of improved international cooperative action, and the strengthening of national preparedness to counter acute food shortages.

183. The Conference agreed that work on the analysis of major global agricultural policy issues should promote the implementation of the new International Development Strategy and the Substantial New Programme of Action as adopted by the UN Conference on Least Developed Countries and the results of other recent relevant international conferences. (See also Agenda item 7, paras. 87 - 110).

184. Members supported the Organization's activities in commodity policy and trade and agreed that inter-governmental consultations for promoting joint action by producers and consumers on commodity problems should continue, taking into account the need to avoid duplication of the work of other specialized bodies concerned with international commodity trade. In particular, the Conference appreciated FAO's technical support to UNCTAD. FAO should develop cooperative arrangements between intergovernmental commodity groups and the new Common Fund, and assist in preparing projects for financing by the Fund.

185. The Conference endorsed the early preparation of the Programme for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture and the continued collaboration with the United Nations National Household Survey Capability Programme.

Major programme - fisheries

186. The Conference fully supported the priorities and thrust of Major Programme 2.2, Fisheries. It expressed its satisfaction at the progress being achieved by the FAO's EEZ Programme which provided technical and other assistance to developing countries in their efforts to manage and develop the fishery resources of their exclusive economic zones. The Conference reaffirmed its support for the proposed FAO, World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development, backed by careful preparation and study so as to ensure comprehensive coverage of the problems faced by countries in the management and exploitation of fisheries within their Exclusive Economic Zones.

187. Members appreciated the increased attention being given to fisheries policy. The decentralized approach to the delivery of the programme was welcomed and the importance of sub-regional cooperative activity emphasized.

188. The Conference noted the close integration between the Organization's Regular and Field Programmes in fisheries, and found that the present combination of fisheries' programmes. facilitated a coherent approach.

189. The Conference placed particular emphasis upon the provision of advice on policies and planning for fisheries management and development, including the surveillance and control of fisheries, the need for resources assessment, and the promotion of appropriate technologies for the fisheries of developing countries, with particular regard to the special requirements of small-scale fishermen.

190. The Conference also noted the basic importance of statistics and information on al aspects of fisheries, including socio-economic data on small-scale fishermen. In this connection, particular reference was made to the need to maintain and expand the Fishery Country Profile series.

191. The need for continued priority attention to training at all levels was emphasized as a vital means of enhancing the capacities of developing countries to obtain the maximum benefits from their fish resources.

192. The Conference agreed that a proper balance was being maintained by the Organization in its work in both marine and infant fisheries and welcomed the special efforts in inland fisheries and agriculture, and the control of environmental degradation.

Major programme - forestry

193. The Conference agreed with the strategy being pursued through the Forestry programme of integrating the productive, protective and social objectives in order to maximize forestry's contribution to rural development, and endorsed the balanced package made up by the emphases within the Forestry programmes,

194. The Conference expressed concern at the continued depletion of the world's forest cover and its environmental consequences leading to soil loss and degradation, salutation, flash floods, prolonged droughts and desertification. It was emphasized that high priority should be given to the role forestry played in maintaining the soil and water base necessary for continued food and agricultural production, thus contributing to the conservation of the environment, and maintenance of ecological balance.

195. It was noted that only a small proportion of the forest resources available in the tropical developing countries were at present under intensive management. The emphasis given to improving the management of forest lands through strengthening of institutions, training at all levels, modern survey techniques, better production systems and land use practices, and efficient systems of forest harvesting and wood processing was also noted, as well as the importance of rationalizing shifting cultivation and the need for a coordinated approach to this task.

196. The Conference approved the increased emphasis of the Forestry programme on activities to benefit the rural poor, in particular the high priority being attached to fuel wood which was the principal source of energy for many rural households. It noted the need to develop such activities with full participation of the people. The Conference recognized the importance attached to integrating forestry and agriculture, including the continued development of agro-forestry systems, community forestry, the conservation and rational management of wildlife as a local source of protein, and forestry's role in providing off-farm employment and income through appropriate forestry and forest-based processing activities.

197. The Conference endorsed the position of FAO as the lead agency in the field of forestry and primary forest industries within the United Nations system, and expressed the hope that its effectiveness in this respect would not be adversely affected by initiatives elsewhere within the system.


198. The Conference, mindful of the large investment requirements of agricultural development, recognized the key role played in this connection by the Investment Centre.

199. It endorsed the emphasis which was being placed on cooperation with the World Bank and with a growing number of international financing institutions, including in particular IFAD and the regional banks.

200. It welcomed the increased attention devoted to training, in order to build up national capacities to prepare projects for financing.

Field programme planning and liaison

201. The Conference stressed the importance of the proper planning, programming and coordination of field activities. These functions had become even more essential in view of the need to face the consequences of the declining resource situation affecting UNDP, which remained FAO's main source of extra-budgetary financing.

202. Under the circumstances, the Conference agreed that all efforts should continue to be made to identify new voluntary funding sources under Trust Fund arrangements, in particular to finance FAO's special action programmes,

203. The Conference noted the key role of the programme in promoting the implementation of the "New Dimensions in International Technical Cooperation", including, in particular, Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC).

204. It strongly supported the efforts which were being devoted to such priority actions as assistance to the Least Developed Countries and cooperation with African Member States to ensure appropriate follow-up to the Lagos Plan of Action.

Contents -